Children With Renal Abnormalities Flashcards
Mayer-rokitansky syndrome?
Absent kidney can cause:
Abnormalities of vagina, uterus, Fallopian tubes associated most commonly with absent kidney
Vesicoureteral reflux happens how?
Ureteric bud arises laterally so submucosal tunnel absent or shot hence reflux
A child with UTI and enlarged ureters can cause?
Dilated collecting system- renal pelvis and calluses bigger than normal. Could be due to obstruction
Which scan is good for showing obstruction/drainage in kidney?
MAG3- nuclear scan
Posteriorurethral valve PUV (only in neonatal/baby boys) causes?
Bladder obstruction and so back pressure on kidneys
They are diagnosed antenatal
Obstructive membranes in the urethra
Opening of urethra not at tip of penis, underneath usually
How does kidney develop?
Uterine bud moves towards metanephric blastema, triggering growth of kidney
Testing for UTI
Suprapubic aspiration
Dipstick for nitrites
High index of suspicion
Difficulties in obtaining mid stream urine
Urine culture
Pyuria- increased white blood cells in urine
What is the commonest cause of UTI?
Treatment for VUR?
But a needle and add a small balloon to narrow opening
How to look for hydronephrosis?
Ultrasound, nuclear scan
Infection is very uncommon in…?
Mega ureter is associated with a?
Urterocele- swelling at bottom of one of the ureters.
How does inguinal hernias form?
Normally the processus vaginalis obliterates, but contents (intestines) comes through opening remains