Chapter 8 B Notes Flashcards
Overview of Erikson’s Post-Freudian Theory
similarities and differences between Erikson and Freud
Based on freud but added the psychosocial identity crisis at different stages
The Ego in Post-Freudian Psychology
similarities and differences between Erikson and Freud
The body ego
Experiences with our body
Seeing it as different from others
The ego ideal
The image of ourselves in comparison with the established ideal
Responsible with how satisfied we feel about ourselves physically and otherwise
The ego identity
Identity of ourselves in a variety of social roles we play
Society’s Influence
similarities and differences between Erikson and Freud
Largely shaped by society / as opposed to freud’s biological influences
Shaped in accordance with societies needs
The illusion held by a
particular society that it is somehow chosen to be more
important than other societies
Epigenetic Principle
The ego develops according to the epigenetic principle; that is, it grows according to a genetically established rate and in a fixed sequence.
8 Stages of development
similarities and differences between Erikson and Freud
Infancy Early Childhood Play Age School Age Adolescence Young Adulthood Adulthood Old Age
1st year of life
Paralleling freud’s oral phase
trust / mistrust
hope // Withdrawal
Early Childhood
Freud’s anal stage
2/3 years
autonomy // shame and doubt
Will // Compulsion
Play Age
Freud’s phallic
3 - 5
Initiative // guilt
Purpose // Inhibition
School Age
6 - 12
Freud’s latency years
Industry // Inferiority
Competence // Inertia
Puberty to young adulthood
Identity // Identity Confusion
Fidelity // role repudiation
Young Adulthood
intimacy // isolation
Love // exclusivity
31 - 60
generativity // stagnation
Care // rejectivity
Old Age
60 up
Generalized sensuality
Integrity versus Despair
Wisdom //disdain
Erikson’s Methods of Investigation
anthropology and psychohistory