Chapter 6 Notes Flashcards
Horney and Freud Compared
1) strict adherence to psychoanalysis leads to stagnation in both theoretical thought and therapy
2) objected to his feminine view
3) move beyond instinct theory and focus on cultural influences
Questioned the validity of his interpretations
Too pessimistic based on instinct
The Impact of Culture
modern culture is too competitive and that competition leads to hostility and feelings of isolation. These conditions lead to exaggerated needs for affection and cause people to overvalue love.
The Importance of Childhood Experiences
Neurotic conflict stems largely from childhood traumas, most of which are traced to a lack of genuine love
Basic Hostility and Basic Anxiety
children need feelings of safety and security,
bad parenting = basic hostility
repress basic hostility, they will develop feelings of insecurity and a pervasive sense of apprehension called basic anxiety.
People can protect themselves from basic anxiety by
(1) affection, (2) submissiveness, (3) power or prestige, and (4) withdrawal
Normal people have the flexibility to use any or all of these approaches, but neurotics are compelled to rely rigidly on only one
contradictions which stem from cultural influences provide
intrapsychic conflicts
basic anxiety defined as
” a feeling of being isolated and helpless in a world conceived as potentially hostile”
Or feelings of being “small, insignificant, helpless, deserted, endangered, in a world that is out to abuse cheat attack humiliate betray and envy
Compulsive Drives
compulsive need to reduce basic anxiety leads to a variety of self-defeating behaviors;
10 neurotic needs
(1) needs for affection and approval,
(2) needs for a partner
(3) needs to restrict one’s life within narrow borders,
(4) needs for power
(5) needs to exploit others
(6) needs for social recognition or prestige
(7) needs for personal admiration
(8) needs for ambition and personal achievement
(9) needs for self-sufficiency and independence,
(10) needs for perfection and unassailability.
3 Neurotic Trends
(1) moving toward people
(2) moving against people
(3) moving away from people
Neurotic Trends are meant to solve
basic conflict
Explain Horney’s Intrapsychic Conflicts
People who do not receive love and affection during childhood are blocked in their attempt to acquire a stable sense of identity. Feeling alienated from self, they create an idealized self-image = 3 neurotic needs
idealized self and the self hatred result
3 aspects of idealized image
1) the neurotic search for glory
a) need for perfection: drive to mold the whole personality into the idealized self based upon the tyranny of the should
b) neurotic ambition: compulsive drive toward superiority (in addition to typical forms of success, it could also include bing the most saintly or charitable)
c) drive towards a vindictive triumph:
2) neurotic claims
3) Neurotic Pride
6 modes of self hatred
(1) relentless demands on self
(2) merciless self-accusation
(3) self-contempt
(4) self-frustration
(5) self-torment or self-torture
(6) self-destructive actions and impulses.
Feminine Psychology
not due to anatomy but to culture and social expectations.