Chapter 2 Notes Flashcards
A mental disorder marked by
the conversion of repressed psychical elements into
somatic symptoms such as impotency, paralysis, or
blindness, when no physiological bases for these
symptoms exist.
forcing of unwanted anxiety ridden experiences into the unconscious as a defence against the pain of that anxiety
Phylogenetic endowment
similar to Jung’s collective unconscious in that it is inherited baggage, but for Freud it was a last resort when he couldn’t find reasons for people’s problems in their own lives Later uses it to explain oedipus complex and castration anxiety
Two sub-systems of superego
Conscience: based on punishment and tells us what we should not do / Guilt Ego-ideal: based on experiences of reward and tells us what we should do / inferiority
Forces that motivate people
Freud’s concept of the sexual and aggressive instincts Drive/Impulse sex (eros) and aggression (thanatos) Demands of the real world prevent a direct, covert, unopposed fulfillment of of either sexual or aggressive impulses, creating anxiety relegated to the unconscious
Libido is
the psychic energy of Eros
Every drive is characterized by an
Source is
the region of the body in a state of excitation or tension
Aim is
to seek pleasure by removing excitation or reducing the tension
Object is
the person or thing that serves as the means through which the aim is satisfied can easily be displaced or substituted: the nipple becomes the thumb
Primary narcissism is
when the infants are self-centered with libido almost exclusively invested on their own ego
secondary narcissism
during adolescence there is a phase
Sadism is
the need for sexual pleasure by inflicting pain or humiliation on another person
Masochism is
when you inflict it on yourself, less dependent on others to get this fix
Aggression or Destructive drive main concern is
to return the organism to an inorganic state - ultimately death, so self-destruction Can take many forms such as Teasing, gossip, sarcasm, humiliation, humor, enjoyment of other people’s suffering
Neurotic Anxiety
apprehension about unknown danger
Moral Anxiety
Originates conflict between ego and superego Realistic and superego unrealistic demands
realistic Anxiety
unpleasant non-specific feeling involving possible danger Driving in heavy/fast moving traffic, but the danger is non-specific
forces threatening feelings into the unconscious
Reaction formation
A defense mechanism in which a
person represses one impulse and adopts the exact
opposite form of behavior, which ordinarily is
exaggerated and ostentatious.
kick the dog
smoke, or eat too much then you are fixating orally and neatness and orderliness is an anal fixation
the permanent attachment of the libido onto an earlier,
more primitive stage of development
Remain in fetal position, return to mom, stay in bed when anxiety hits
seeing in others unacceptable feelings or tendencies that actually reside in one’s own unconscious
incorporate positive qualities of another person on to themselves
elevation of the sexual instincts aim to a higher level
8 Defence mechanisms
psycho sexual phases
0 - 2 Nipple oriented At first no pob but then with scheduled and less frequent feedings and eventually weening there comes frustration Second phase is the oral sadistic phase, when they teeth They respond by biting, cooing, closing their mouth and smiling Thumb sucking is a defense mechanism against anxiety Eventually, candy, gum, biting pencils, making biting remarks and being sarcastic
2 - 3 Early and late phases Receive satisfaction by behaving aggressively for frustrating them with toilet training, before that they took so much pleasure in crapping Then as they get used to it they take an interest in their crap that again is based on the joy of crapping If kids are shamed around this they become retentive and if they are praised then they become well adjusted adults Girls carry over penis envy in this stage Penis, baby and feces, because of their same shape are represented similarly in dreams
3 - 4 Genital becomes the leading erogenous zone Dichotomy between male and female He believed that sex differences accounted for many psychological differences Suppression of masturbation happens around this stage because they want to and parents inhibit them so they develop complexes
Oedipus (female)
Experience penis envy when they realize that men have something extra Carried over into the wish to have a baby and a boy in particular Holds mom responsible for bringing her into the world without a penis Results in 3 reactions: Intense hostility towards mom Cling to masculinity hoping to have a penis Develop naturally
Latency Period
Post 5 years old until puberty dormant psychosexual development Reinforced through suppression by teachers and parents, internal feelings of shame and guilt
Genital Period
Associated with puberty, not to be confused with phallic phase Direct towards another person Reproduction possible Males see the vagina as something sought after as opposed to a source of trauma Genitals are the supreme erogenous zone What differentiates from the phallic stage: Elevated status of vagina Reproductive capacity of sexual drive Direct libido outward instead of to self
A stage that people pass through after earlier stages in an ideal manner Most don’t get there cuz too many opportunities for pathological disorders and neurotic predispositions Characterized mostly by sublimation of libido Searching for tender and sensual love Come through childhood in control of their psychic energy and with their ego functioning in the center of an ever-expanding world of consciousness
Manifest content is
surface meaning
Latent content
is the unconscious material
All dreams are
wish-fulfillment mostly expressed in latent content Though some trauma sufferers follow the principle of repetition compulsion (PTSD)
freudian slips - unconscious slips
Oedipus complex (male)
During the phallic phase, boys and girls begin to have differing psychosexual development. At this time, boys and girls experience the Oedipus complex in which they have sexual feelings for one parent and hostile feelings for the other. The male castration complex, which takes the form of castration anxiety, breaks up the male Oedipus complex and results in a well-formed male superego.
Compare Freud’s early therapeutic technique with his later approach and explain how his shift in techniques may have permanently altered the history of psychoanalysis
- During the 1890s, Freud used an aggressive therapeutic technique in which he strongly suggested to patients that they had been sexually seduced as children. - Freud adopted a much more passive type of psychotherapy, one that relied heavily on free association, dream interpretation, and transference - later goal of Freud’s later psychotherapy was to uncover repressed memories
Discuss recent research related to Freud’s concept of dreams
In line with wish fulfillment - students are asked to not think about something that they want and then they dream about it
Describe how Freud’s childhood experiences may have influenced his theory of personality
his mother’s favorite wished his younger brother would die, and he did at 6 months resulting in guilt that was later vanquished when he learned that a lot of people experience that wish as a jew, thought that his opportunities in physiology would be limited so he moved into psychiatry and nervous diseases