Chapter 1 Notes Flashcards
6 Criteria of a scientific theory
1) generate research
2) falsifiable
3) organize and explain knowledge
4) does it suggest practical solutions to everyday problems
5) is it internally consistent
6) is it simple and parsimonious
6 perspectives to discuss human nature
1) determinism vs free choice
2) pessimism vs optimism
3) causality vs teleology
4) conscious vs unconscious
5) biological vs social factors
6) uniqueness vs similarities in people
personality originates from the word
persona: a theatrical mask worn by Roman actors in Greek dramas
personality definition
a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to human behavior
contribute to individual differences in behaviour, consistency of behaviour over time, and stability of of behaviour across situations
temperament, physique, intelligence
theory is
a set of RELATED ASSUMPTIONS that allow scientists to use logical deductive reasoning to formulate testable hypothesis
is MORE GENERAL than a hypothesis and may generate multiple hypotheses, educated guesses. A theory is too general to lend itself to direct verification
flow from theory to hypothesis
(philosophy) general theory –> deductive reasoning –> particular hypothesis that can be tested
philosophy is
the love of wisdom – is a broader term than theory
epistemology is
branch of philosophy
the nature of knowledge
Theory relates most closely to this branch of philosophy, because it is a tool used by scientists in their pursuit of knowledge
taxonomy is
a classification system, and classification is necessary to science. Taxonomies, however, do not generate hypotheses—a necessary criterion of a useful theory.
psychology of science studies the
personal traits of scientists to see what impact on the theory
reliability measures extent to which
the research yields consistent results
validity measures
what it’s supposed to
construct validity measures
hypothetical construct (extraversion, intelligence, aggressiveness, emotional stability)
convergent construct validity is
when traits that are supposed to be grouped together appear in a correlational way (extravertedness with sociability)
discriminant construct validity
discriminates between 2 people - someone extraverted has high scores on sociability than someone who is introverted
predictive validity
test predicts future behavior
- A good theory is capable of generating many hypotheses. A hypothesis is an educated guess or prediction specific enough for its validity to be tested through the use of the scientific method
- more specific than the theories that give them birth
useful theory should be founded on both scientific evidence and controlled, imaginative speculation
Freud began to combine philosophical speculations with a primitive scientific method