Chapter 13 MC Flashcards
Personality psychologists are more likely to attribute behavior to_________.
a. day to minute situation b. enduring traits c. cognitive displacement d. overt emotionalism
A trait is best described as
a. a cluster of surface factors. b. a temporary attitude toward a person or event. c. a relatively permanent disposition of a person. d. an environmentally determined hypothetical construct that shapes an individual's behavior and thought.
Mathematically, the technique of reducing a number of variables to a smaller number is called
a. induction. b. the experimental method. c. variance. d. factor analysis.
Today most researchers who study personality traits agree that __, and only __, and no fewer than __ dominant traits continue to emerge from factor analytic techniques.
a. 3 b. 5 c. 7 d. 16
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Traits are of two kinds—dispositional and hypothetical. b. Traits are more permanent than states. c. Traits represent a broader concept than factors. d. Traits cannot be extracted through the use of factor
Hans J. Eysenck insisted that only __ major factors can be discerned by a factor analytic approach.
a. 3 b. 5 c. 16 d. 18,000
Cattell and McCrae and Costa both used an (a) _________ of gathering data.
a. deductive method b. comparison method c. intuition method d. inductive method
Cattell’s famous personality scale is called the _______.
a. NEO-Personality Inventory b. FIRO-B c. MBTI d. 16 PF Scale
The advocates of the Five-Factor Theory favor the _______ rotation of factor analysis.
a. orthogonal b. triangulated c. oblique d. hexagonal
McCrae and Costa’s Five-Factor Model (FFM) can both ______ and _____ behavior.
a. forecast, foretell b. predict, explain c. identify, analyze d. measure, hypothesize
The Five Factors have been found across cultures and show some permanence with _____.
a. race b. age c. gender d. sexual orientation
The fifth factor of the Big Five is _______ and describes people who are ordered, controlled, organized, ambitious, achievement focused, and self-disciplined.
a. conscientiousness b. agreeableness c. neuroticism d. extraversion
The A in McCrae and Costa’s theory stands for
a. anxiety. b. aggression. c. agreeableness. d. activity.
Currently, the Big Five can most accurately be called
a. a model. b. an armchair speculation. c. a taxonomy. d. a theory.
Factor C in the Five-Factor theory is
a. consistency. b. cooperation. c. conscientiousness. d. compromise.
People who score low on ______________ tend to be quiet and reserved.
a. intelligence b. psychoticism c. compromise d. extraversion
According to McCrae and Costa, the ultimate contributor to personality is
a. biology. b. self-concept. c. childhood experience.. d. the ability to adapt to new experiences.
A person’s view of what he or she is like is called _____.
a. self-concept. b. objective biology. c. external influences. d. characteristic adaptations.
According to McCrae and Costa, the Big Five factors comprise a person’s
a. characteristic adaptations. b. objective biography. c. basic tendencies. d. external influences.
The theories of McCrae and Costa and of Eysenck rate
a. high on biological determinants of personality. b. high on teleology. c. low on their ability to generate research. d. high on free will vs. determinism.