Chapter 13 MC Flashcards
Personality psychologists are more likely to attribute behavior to_________.
a. day to minute situation b. enduring traits c. cognitive displacement d. overt emotionalism
A trait is best described as
a. a cluster of surface factors. b. a temporary attitude toward a person or event. c. a relatively permanent disposition of a person. d. an environmentally determined hypothetical construct that shapes an individual's behavior and thought.
Mathematically, the technique of reducing a number of variables to a smaller number is called
a. induction. b. the experimental method. c. variance. d. factor analysis.
Today most researchers who study personality traits agree that __, and only __, and no fewer than __ dominant traits continue to emerge from factor analytic techniques.
a. 3 b. 5 c. 7 d. 16
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Traits are of two kinds—dispositional and hypothetical. b. Traits are more permanent than states. c. Traits represent a broader concept than factors. d. Traits cannot be extracted through the use of factor
Hans J. Eysenck insisted that only __ major factors can be discerned by a factor analytic approach.
a. 3 b. 5 c. 16 d. 18,000
Cattell and McCrae and Costa both used an (a) _________ of gathering data.
a. deductive method b. comparison method c. intuition method d. inductive method
Cattell’s famous personality scale is called the _______.
a. NEO-Personality Inventory b. FIRO-B c. MBTI d. 16 PF Scale
The advocates of the Five-Factor Theory favor the _______ rotation of factor analysis.
a. orthogonal b. triangulated c. oblique d. hexagonal
McCrae and Costa’s Five-Factor Model (FFM) can both ______ and _____ behavior.
a. forecast, foretell b. predict, explain c. identify, analyze d. measure, hypothesize
The Five Factors have been found across cultures and show some permanence with _____.
a. race b. age c. gender d. sexual orientation
The fifth factor of the Big Five is _______ and describes people who are ordered, controlled, organized, ambitious, achievement focused, and self-disciplined.
a. conscientiousness b. agreeableness c. neuroticism d. extraversion
The A in McCrae and Costa’s theory stands for
a. anxiety. b. aggression. c. agreeableness. d. activity.
Currently, the Big Five can most accurately be called
a. a model. b. an armchair speculation. c. a taxonomy. d. a theory.
Factor C in the Five-Factor theory is
a. consistency. b. cooperation. c. conscientiousness. d. compromise.