Ch 17: Expression Flashcards
Structure of Viruses
- Viruses are not cells
- Viruses are very small infectious particles consisting of, nucleic acid enclosed, a protein coat, and a membranous envelope (in some cases)
- Viral genomes may consist of, Double- or single-stranded DNA, Double- or single-stranded RNA
- Depending on its type of nucleic acid, a virus is called a DNA virus or an RNA virus
the protein shell that encloses the viral genome
the membrane that surrounds the virus and helps them infect hosts, Called a Viral envelope, Both host and Viral molecules
Bacteriophages (Phages)
- Viruses that infect bacteria
- Have complex capsids
- elongated capsid head that encloses their DNA
- A protein tailpiece attaches the phage to the host, injects the phage DNA inside
Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites
can reproduce only within a host cell
Each virus has a host range
a limited number of host cells that it can infect
What are Viruses usually?
no cells, Viruses use enzymes, ribosomes, and small host molecules to synthesize progeny viruses
Phages, 2 reproductive mechanisms
Phages are the best understood of all viruses, Phages have two reproductive mechanisms: the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle
General Features of Viral Replicative Cycles
- Once a viral genome has entered a cell, the cell begins to manufacture viral proteins
- The virus makes use of host enzymes, ribosomes, tRNAs, amino acids, ATP, and other molecules
- Viral nucleic acid molecules and capsomeres spontaneously self-assemble into new viruses
The Lytic Cycle
The lytic cycle is a phage reproductive cycle that ends in the death of the host cell
Produces new phages and ruptures the cell
Virulent phage
A phage that reproduces only by the lytic cycle
Bacteria have defenses against phages
restriction enzymes that recognize and cut up certain phage DNA
The Lysogenic Cycle
The lysogenic cycle replicates the phage genome without destroying the host
The viral DNA is incorporated into the host cell’s chromosome(prophage)
Every time the host divides, it copies the viral DNA and passes the copies to daughter cells
An environmental signal can trigger the virus genome to exit the bacterial chromosome and switch to the lytic mode
Temperate phages
use both the lytic and lysogenic cycles
use reverse transcriptase to copy their RNA genome into DNA, Viral RNA coded into DNA, Integrates into the host chromosome, Host transcribes Viral DNA into RNA, RNA used to make more viruses, HIV is the retrovirus that causes AIDS
The broadest variety of RNA genomes is found in viruses that infect animals
harmless derivatives of pathogenic microbes that stimulate the immune system to mount defenses against the harmful pathogen. Vaccines can prevent certain viral illnesses, Viral infections cannot be treated by antibiotics, Antiviral drugs can help to treat, though not cure, viral infections
Emerging Viruses
Emerging viruses are those that suddenly become apparent
small circular RNA molecules that infect plants and disrupt their growth
slow-acting, virtually indestructible infectious proteins that cause brain diseases in mammals, propagate by converting normal proteins into the prion version, creates the aggregates as it progresses