5.1: Cellular membranes are fluid mosaics of lipids and proteins Flashcards
water loving and water fearing moleculue(phopholipids)
Cell membrane and its compostition
bounds the cell and is made of phopholipids and proteins(the 2 major structural components)
lipids that very abundant in the plasma membrane, creates a bilayer in an aqeous solution
Fluid mosaic model
a mosaic of proteins bobbing in a fluid bilayer of phopholipids(basically they are loose and fluid)
Which molecules can get into the bilyaer without aid
“small” hydrophobic molecules can get in easily,hydrophillic molecules can barely get in by themselves
more unsaturated fatty acids
has more saturated fatty acids, packed together
How do the phospholipids and some proteins move in the lipid bilayer, can they switch layers?
Phospholids and some proteins move latterally, this allows for permeability. They can rarely switch layers
How does temperature affect phospholipids and proteins in the bilayer, what does more unsaturated fats do to the cell membrane?
More unsaturated tails means fluidity is maintained even in low temperature, More unsaturated tails means fluidity is maintained even in low temperature
How temp affects cholesterol?
higher temp= less fluid
lower temp = more fluid
main components of cell membranes
consists of phopholipids, proteins, and carbohydrates(no nucleic acids)
Is water able to get into the membrane?
yes, through channel proteins caller aqua porins
Integral proteins, and what are most of them ?
penetrates hydrophobic interior of membrane, most integral are transmembrane proteins, goes all the way through the bilayer due to nonpolarity of alpha helices
Peripheral proteins
exist outside the membrane and goes along the bilayer only interacting with the hydrophilic side of lipid bilayer
What are the six major functions of the lipid bilayer
transport, enzymatic activity, signal trans. , cell to cell rec., intercellular joining, and Attacment to the cytoskeleton and EM
What are the functions of glycolipids and glycoproteins
Glycoprotein: sugar attached to a protein more common, acts as ID tags or else you are terminated
If you are a product/protein wanting to be on the outside, what side do you have to be made in the ER
inside, the golgi apparatus will program you to go to a specific place