Cardiovascular disease Flashcards
What are some Cardiovascular diseases
Acute bacterial endocarditis (ABE) Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE) Athrosclerosis Ischemic heart disease Coronary artery disease Myocardial infarction Congestive Heart failure Valvular disease Rheumatic fever Cardiac tamponade Tetralogy of fallot
Etiology of ABE
occurs during IV drugs without asepsis
Causative agent of ABE
Staphylococcus aureus
Affected site of ABE
Tricuspid valve
Disadvantage of having ABE
Differences between Asepsis, Disinfection and Sterilization
Asepsis - kill certain microorganism in living tissue
Disinfection- kill certain microorganism in non-living things
Sterilization- killing all microorganism
Layer of heart affected by ABE
Normal bacteria of skin
S. aureus
What must be done in patient with endocarditis that needs dental treatment?
ABE with fever on the day of tx: Prophylactic antibiotic 30mins to 1 hour before tx
ABE without fever: No prophylactic antibiotic
Prophylactic antibiotic for patient with endocarditis.
Amoxicillin 1-2g
Clindamycin- 600mg
Etiology of SBE
Occurs during dental procedure
Causative agent of SBE
Streptococcus veredans
Alpha-hemolytic streptococcus
Affected site of SBE
Mitral valve
The hallmark of endocarditis
Cardiovascular disease caused by formation of plaques in vessels
Atherosclerosis (Atheroma)
Risk factors for atherosclerosis
Plaque in blood vessel means?
Accumulation of LDL or triglycerides
Less prone to heart disease
Action of alcohol in blood vessel
Does menopause causes atherosclerosis?
It is the most common consequence of CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE
Ischemic Heart disease
Clinical sign of Ischemic heart disease
Angina pectoris
Angina pectoris is due to?
Type of angina seen in coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis but for healthy patient it is due to exertion or heavy exercise.
Type of angina due to severe coronary artery disease or oncoming MI.
Patient feels chest pain even at rest
Unstable angina
Type of angina due to vasosoasm that the patient feels intermittent chest pain
Variant (Pritzmetal)
Drugs used to treat Ischemic heart disease
Nitroglycerine (Glycerine trinitrate)
Ca channel blockers
Beta blockers
Amyl nitrate “poppers” through inhakation
Drug prescribed by dentist to treat angina
onset of Nitroglycerine
Sublingual within 5 minutes
Action of Nitrogycerine
Classic symptom of Coronary artery disease
Angina pectoris
Causes of Coronary artery disease
Decreased oxygen in myocardium
Risk factors of Coronary artery disease
Hypertension Hyperlipidemia Smoking Obesity Being male
Most important drug in Coronary artery disease
Cardiovascular disease that is due to lack of blood flow in coronary artery
Myocardial infarct
Origin of MI
Deep femoral vein thrombosis
Type of infarct due to arterial occlusion
White MI
MI due to arterial occlusion and venous occlusion
Red Infarct
Infarct due to bacteria containing emboli
Septic infarct
Organ common with white infarct
Organ common with red infarct
Sepsis means?
Bacteria in blood
Embolus common in lung
Pulmonary embolism
Cause of stroke in person with MI
common thrombus formation in Aorta or Left ventricle
Sign and symptom of MI
Pain radiating to the left arm
angina pectoris
Sign of arterial thrombi
Lines of ZAHN
What troponin is increased as the marker of cardiac injury
Troponin T
Other markers of cardiac injury
creatinine phosphokinase
Type of thrombus that originates in endocardial surface andprotrudes into the lumen of the heart
Type of thrombus that is caused by prolonged heart failure
Type of thrombus that is composed of RBCs
Type of thrombus that is composed of PLATELETS
Type of thrombus that is composed of fibrin
Type of Congested heart failure that may result from any heart diseases
Signs and symptoms of Left sided CHF
Dyspnea Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Orthopnea Tachypnea Pleural effusion
Accumulation of water in pleural cavity
Pleural Effusion
Sudden change in position
CHF preceded after Left-sided heart failure
Right sided
Signs and symptoms of Right sidedheart failure
Peripheral edema
Enlarged liver or spleen
Distention of the neck veins
The most conspicuous sign
Systemic Venous Congestion
Edema in the lower extremity
Peripheral edema
Common sign of enlarged liver
Nutmeg appearance
Two edema in Right sidedHeart failure
Peripheral edema
Vein most common affected to distention
Jugular vein
Ascites is present in?
Cirrhosis Hepatitis Portal vein thrombosis Nephrotic syndrome Pancreatitis
What is anasarca?
Generalized edema
Edema not that is not a complication of Congestive heart failure
What is the most common complication of left-sided heart failure?
Right-sided heart failure
What is the most common complication of right-sided heart failure
Cor pumonare
What is cor pulmonare?
Dysfunction of entire heart
Valvular diseases having a fibrotic valve resulting in reduced blood flow
Stenosis valvular disease
Valvular diseases where there is leakage of the blood in the valves
The most common type of valvular disease
Other name for Prolapse valve disease
Floppy valve
Valve most commonly affected by valvular disease
Mitral valve
It is where all three layers of the heart may be affected.
Rheumatic fever (Rheumatic Heart disease)
The most characteristic lesion of Rheumatic fever
Fibrinoid Degeneration
Primary disease for Rheumatic fever.
Scarlet fever
Causative agent of Rheumatic fever
Group-A beta Streptococcus
Histologic findings of Rheumatic fever
Aschoff bodies(Aschoff giant cells) Anitschkow cells
What is Scarlet fever in chidren?
Tonsilitis for more than 3-4 times
Valve commonly affected by RHD
Mitral valve
What must be done for patients with history of RHD and currently with fever in dental setting?
Antibiotic prophylaxis 30minutes prior
RF affects heart which is also associated with?
Cardiovascular disease caused by the accumulation of fluid in PERICARDIUM
Cardiac Tamponade
Beck’s triad in Cardiac tamponade
Jugular venous distention
Distant heartsounds
Pathognomonic signs of Cardiac tamponade
Pulsus paradoxus
What is pulsus paradoxus?
Large decrease in stroke volume and decrease in systolic BP
Sound outside or distant to the heart is called?
The most common to have cardiac arrest.
Cardiac tamponade
Cardiovascular disease where a heart defect gives blue-tinged skin in infants
Tetralogy of Fallot
The most common of infant or children with heart defect is?
Clubbing of thefingers
Tetrad of Tetralogy of fallot
Pulmonary stenosis
Right ventricle hypertrophy
Overriding aorta
Ventricular septal defect
Radiographic appearance of Tetralogy of fallot