Accessory Digestive Organs Flashcards
liver and pancreas are embryological outgrowths of
primitive gut
liver and pancreas function as
accessory digestive orango
— is largest gland & internal organ
liver is divided into
4 lobes (L, R, caudate, & quadrate)
Major functions of liver: (6)
- Detoxification of metabolic waste (e.g., deamination of AA’s urea)
- Metabolism & detoxification of drugs & toxins (e.g., alcohol, abx)
- Destruction of senescent rbc’s
- Recycling of Hb via synthesis & secretion of bile
- Synthesis of plasma proteins (clotting factors, albumin, lipoproteins)
- Miscellaneous metabolic functions (e.g., glycogen synthesis & storage, gluconeogenesis)
External surface of liver covered by connective tissue capsule,
Glisson’s capsule
Monosaccharides & AA’s from digestion enter liver via
hepatic portal V
the hepatic portal vein carries –% of blood to liver
hepatic portal vein also carries potentially toxic compounds absorbed from diet to liver to be
conjugated or detoxified
Oxygenatedblood supplied to liver by
hepatic A, a branch of celiac trunk
hepatic A, a branch of celiac trunk goes to — — in hepatic lobules
portal artery
portal artery carries only
~20-25% of blood to liver
portal artery mixes with
unoxygenated blood from portal V to perfuse liver cells
Liver is a — rich, but — poor environment
Venous drainage of lobules via
central Vv
central Vv leads to
hepatic V
Liver cells are called
Most hepatocytes —, but
some are
polyploid &/or binucleate
hepatocytes contain large #’s of
granules (rER & lysosomal
products) & storage products
Aging hepatocytes accumulate
brown pigment,
Individual hepatocytes
polygonal, arranged in
anastomosing cords
paralleled by venous
Sinusoids lined by
lining cells, a discontinuous
endothelium, with gaps
between endothelial cells
Between sinusoidal lining
cells & hepatocytes is
space of Disse
space of Disse
also known as
continuous with
perisinusoidal space
Hepatic cords & sinusoids
supported by
Type III collagen
Within sinusoids & space of
Disse are
phagocytic Kupffer
cells (macrophages)
Occasional — cells between
Ito cells
fat-storing cells
containing lipid droplets,
used for Vit A & D storage
Cords of hepatocytes
arranged in —
Classic lobule—
based on — —
roughly —, with — — in middle of lobule
blood flow
central V
central V in middle of lobule
centrilobular V,
terminal hepatic venule
Outer margin of each lobule
delimited by thin,
tissue septum
Portal tracts/ triads
located at each “corner”,
portal A, V, L, &
bile duct
Blood enters from portal
tracts, percolates
through sinusoids of
lobule, drains via
central V
Portal lobule—
area; based on bile flow
(opposite to blood flow)
— — in center & — — at corners
Portal triad
central Vv
diamond–shaped region between neighboring central Vv
Central Vv located
along longitudinal axis, with portal tracts at sides
Combines aspects of (4)
blood flow, oxygenation, metabolism & pathology
Acinus divided into
zones 1, 2, & 3
Hepatocytes in different zones have different
metabolic environments
Zone 1—
(perilobular zone= periportal)—closest to portal tract, receives mostoxygenated blood