Representation of Fees and Services Flashcards
When it comes to public statements and advertising, what 3 things must a psychologist do?
1) OWN COMPET - represent accurately and objectively the psychologist’s professional qualifications, education, experience, and areas of competence.
2) CORRECT - correct others who misrepresent the psychologist’s professional qualifications or affiliations.
3) PAID AD - identify a paid advertisement as a paid advertisement.
Why is the section on representation of fees and services so important from the Board’s point of view?
Anything that is relevant to the protection of the consumers of psychologists’ services is important to the Board. The basic concern is needing to make sure that psychologists do not take advantage of others’ trust and dependency.
When it comes to public statements and advertising, what 6 things may a psychologist NOT do?
1) MIREP AFFILIATIONS - misrepresent, directly or by implication, the affiliations or the purposes or characteristics of institutions and organizations with which the psychologist is affiliated.
2) CLAIM MEMB - claim organizational membership in a manner that suggests specialized competence or qualifications that the psychologist does not have.
3) PUBLIC STATEMENTS - make public statements that contain: a) false, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive statements; b) partial disclosures of relevant facts that misrepresent, mislead, or deceive; c) statements that create false or unjustified expectations of favorable results; d) or solicit, either in person or through others, business or testimonial endorsements from clients who are vulnerable to undue influence.
What are the 5 standards of informed consent (in general)?
1) UNDERSTANDABLE - obtain informed consent using appropriate language understandable to clients.
2) ENSURE - vary appropriate informed consent forms and procedures to ensure that the client:
a) CAN CONSENT - has the capacity to consent;
b) INFORMED - has been provided with information concerning participation in the activity that reasonably might affect the willingness to participate, including limits to confidentiality and monetary costs and reimbursement;
c) VOLUNTARY - is aware of the voluntary nature of participation and has freely and without undue influence expressed consent;
d) Q & A - is given the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers regarding the activity.
What are the informed consent components/standards that apply to research? (5)
In research, make clear to the client:
1) NATURE - the nature of the participation as well as the costs and other obligations to be accepted by research participants.
2) EVAL/TX/EDUC - the purpose and nature of any evaluations, treatment, or educational and or training procedure.
3) RISKS - all aspects of research including any risks and consequences of the research that will reasonably be expected to influence willingness to participate.
4) WITHDRAW - the right to withdraw from treatment or research at any time.
5) OBS/RECORDING - the notification that permission shall be given by the client, student, or research participant before the use of observation or electronic taping, filming, or recording procedures.
What are the informed consent components/standards that apply to therapeutic relationships? (6)
In therapeutic relationships, explain to the client:
1) EXPECT: the clarification of reasonable expectations;
2) TESTS - the nature and purpose of testing, reports, and consultations;
3) LIMITS - the limits of confidentiality;
4) FEES - specific information concerning fees, billing, and electronic services available in the payment of fees;
5) PLAN - psychotherapeutic schedules;
6) END - the process and conditions of termination of therapy.
What are the standards on financial arrangements? (5)
1) CLEAR & EARLY - make advance financial arrangements that are clearly understood by the client.
2) COLLECTIONS - inform the client about the possibility of initiating a collection procedure before using that procedure.
3) REFERRALS - comply with the provisions regarding patient referrals (contained in another section of COMAR).
4) DISCLOSE @ REFERRALS - make full disclosure in advance to the client of any remuneration given or received for making or accepting referrals.
5) HONESTY in INSUR CLAIMS - refrain from signing statements for insurance purposes as though the psychologist provided a service that was actually provided by someone else.