Wh-questions Flashcards
WHO, refers to people, can be used as subject, object, or complement.
Who owns the car?
Who did you meet?
Who was her father?
WHOM is a formal alternative to who as an object, and after a preposition.
Whom did you meet?
To whom were you talking?
WHICH is used to refer to people to identify somebody in a group.
WHICH, instead of WHO to talk about a particular classes of people.
Which is your brother? The one next to Luka.
Which do you think earns more, a teacher or a designer? (or Who do you think…?)
Use WHICH in question before ONE and OF.
Which one do you think I should choose?
Which one of you would like to go first?
WHO or WHAT as a subject, the verb is singular, even if a plural answer is expected.
The verb can be plural if the subject is followed by AND.
What is there to see in the town?
Mr. Almeida and his family are here to see you. Who are here?
WHO and WHAT serve as complement, verb in plural.
Who are those people over there?
What are the consequences of the decision?
How was the journey?
What was the journey like?
How is your brother?
What do you like about the job?
How do you like your coffee?
What if your plan doesn’t work?
What’s it called? (asking for a name).
How/what about a swim?
How/what do you mean?
WHOSE to ask about the person who owns something.
Whose are these boots?
Whose boots are these?
She asked me whose coat i was wearing.
In formal context, the preposition comes before WHOSE.
In sentences without a verb, the preposition comes before Whose.
In whose desk was it found? Formal.
Whose desk was it found in? Less formal.
We’re meeting at nine/ In whose house?