NO, NONE of, NOT ANY Flashcards
At the beginning of the phrase and after and, but,that, we use NO, NON, or NO ONE.
In formal, we can use NOT A in the beginning of a phrase.
After NO, we can use a singular or plural noun.
NO+singular: one thing only
NO+plural: more than one thing.
Sorry, there isn’t any left. There is none left.
No force was needed to make them move.
Most players are under 16 and none of them is over 20.
I’m sure nothing can go wrong.
Not a sound came from the room.
She kept so quiet that not a soul knew she was in the house.
There are no boats to take us.
There was no answer.
She had no friends.
Some expressions with NO are very used:
No worry, no wonder, no idea, no comment, no way, no chance, no problem, no bother.
The computer isn’t working again. No wonder, it is not plugged in.
Thanks for the lift. No problem, I had to go past the station anyway.