Linking Verbs Flashcards
When an adjective or a noun phrase is used after a verb, the verb is a linking verb.
Linking verbs are:
be, keep, prove, remain, stay;
become, come, end up, grow, turn out;
appear, look, seem, sound.
After the verb appear, look, prove, seem, turn out, can be included or not the expression TO BE.
After these verbs, TO BE is always included before the adjectives: alive, alone, asleep, awake, and ING forms.
In formal English, leave out TO BE.
The room appears (to be) brighter than I last saw it.
I didn’t go in because she appeared to be asleep.
He walked into what seemed to be a cave.
Use GET instead of become:
informal, before difficult, ill, interested, pregnant, suspicious, unhappy, worried, get changed, get dressed, get married/divorce.
I first got suspicious when I saw her.
Don’t get upset about it.
Use become to a more abstract or technical process.
He became recognized as an expert.
Use GO to talk about changes in situations.
The company went bust and had to close.
Use come, get and grow to gradually changes.
I came (grew) to appreciate his work. (not become).