Veterinary respiratory system II Flashcards
Cavity of the larynx
cavum laryngis
translate vestibule of the larynx and describe location
vestibulum laryngis is between the entrance and the vocal folds
Difference between cavum laryngis and vestibulum laryngis?
The cavity of the larynx extends from the laryngeal entrance to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage.
The laryngeal vestibule is the part of the laryngeal cavity lying between the laryngeal inlet and vocal folds.
translate laryngeal inlet and describe boundaries
aditus laryngis is bound by the epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, and corniculate tubercles
What can be found caudal to the epiglottis in su and eq?
median laryngeal recess (recessus laryngis medianus)
What symmetrical structures extend between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages in car and eq?
paired vestibular folds
sg. plica vestibularis
(not in su)
purpose of the vestibular folds?
protect vocal folds from damage through strain and swallowing
What can be found between vestibular and vocal folds and in which species are they absent?
sg. ventriculus laryngis
laryngeal ventricles
found in eq and canines; in su two parts of the vocal fold
absent in Ru, fe
translate vocal apparatus and what structures does it consist of?
vocal apparatus = glottis
and consists of vocal folds, arytenoid cartilages and cleft of the glottis
translate cleft of the glottis
rima glottidis
translate (paired) vocal fold
plica vocalis
Where do the plica vocalis run?
from thyroid cartilages parallel to the vestibular fold caudodorsally to the arytenoid cartilages, covers the vocal ligaments
What is unique to the pig vocal folds?
splits into two portions (vertically)
What do the vocal folds/plica vocalis contain?
each fold contains a vocal ligament, vocal muscle and fat tissue
vocal ligament
ligamentum vocale
vocal muscle
musculus vocalis
How’re the contents of the vocal folds positioned?
the ligament positioned medially and the vocal muscle laterally
infraglottic cavity
cavum infraglotticum
Where is the infraglottic cavity?
its caudal to the glottis and leads smoothly to the trachea
What does the laryngeal mucous membrane contain?
mucous glands and lymphoid aggregations
translate laryngeal prominence and which cartilage does it belong to?
prominentia laryngea of the thyroid cartilage
What type of cartilage make up the tracheal rings?
What structures is the trachea attached to at its ends?
The cricoid cartilage rostrally and the primary pulmonary bronchi caudally.
Where is the location of the tracheal bifurcation?
at the level of the 4th- 6th intercostal space
Name the two regionally descriptive parts of the trachea.
pars cervicalis et thoracica
How does the thoracic part of the trachea deviate from its median position?
pars thoracica is deflected slightly to the right where it crosses the aortic arch
tracheal cartilages
cartilagines tracheales
tracheal cartilages are connected to each other by?
annular ligaments / ligg. anularia
dorsal free ends of the tracheal cartilages are bridged by?
the membranous wall
lymphoid tissue
the smooth trachealis muscle
Where does the tracheal muscle attach?
dorsally to the tracheal rings and attaches internally or externally (e.g. in Ca)
the membranous wall
paries membranaceus
trachealis muscle
m. trachealis
What is the wall of the trachea composed of (not the cart. type)?
inner ciliated respiratory mucosa submucosa with glands, a fibrocartilaginous middle layer an adventitial (in the neck) or serosal (in the thorax) outer layer
Shape of equine tracheal rings?
transversely flattened oval tracheal rings
overlap dorsally from right to left in cervical region
incomplete dorsally in thoracic region
Shape of ruminant tracheal rings?
ends of the vertically oval tracheal rings form a dorsal ridge in the thoracic region.
In the cervical, they are incomplete dorsally
Shape of goat tracheal rings?
Shape of sheep tracheal rings?
Shape of porcine tracheal rings?
are round and overlap dorsally both in the thorax and neck
Shape of canine tracheal rings?
are slender and C-shaped. The ends of the rings do not meet dorsally so that the trachea has a membranous dorsal wall.
Shape of feline tracheal rings?
elliptical shape; the free ends at same level
tracheal bifurcation
bifurcatio tracheae
What are bronchi?
bronchi are branches of the trachea and their subdivisions
translate bronchial tree
arbor bronchalis
What are the cartilaginous rings replaced by on the smaller bronchi?
irregular plaques
What are the extrapulmonar primary bronchi called in latin?
bronchus principalis: dexter et sinister
tracheal bronchus
bronchus trachealis
In what species is the tracheal bronchus found?
in Ru and su
Where does the tracheal bronchus arise and what does it connect to?
arises proximal to the tracheal bifurcation and aerates the cranial lobe of the right lung
translate lobar bronchi and what’s another english word for them
bronchi lobares and also called secondary bronchi
translate segmental bronchi and what’s another english word for then
bronchi segmentales and also called tertiary bronchi
bronchioles sg. and pl. in latin?
sg. bronchiolus
pl. bronchuli
respiratory bronchioles
bronchuli respiratorii
Name the conducting parts of lower respiratory system in order from largest diameter to smallest in english.
trachea tracheal bronchus (in ru and su) primary bronchi, left and right lobar bronchi segmental bronchi smaller bronchi bronchioles terminal bronchioles respiratory bronchioles
tubular alveolar ducts
ductuli alveolares
the tubular alveolar ducts terminate how?
into clusters of many alveoli called alveolar sacs
sacculi alveolares
alveolar sacs
sacculi alveolares
the basic units for gas exchange are the?
pulmonary alveoli, the smallest respiratory chambers
pulmonary alveoli
alveoli pulmonis
surfactant is released from where?
from alveolar cells
Define atelectasis
the collapse of part or all of a lung
What is the functional unit of the gas exchange area called?
pulmonary acinus
What does a pulmonary acinus consist of?
the acinus includes branching respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli
the place in which the heart is situated is called?
the middle mediastinum (mediastinum medium)
the parts cranially and caudally to the middle mediastinum are termed?
mediastinum: craniale et caudale
latin and greek for lung
pulmo; pneumon
right and left lungs
pulmo: dexter et sinister
What covers the lungs?
pulmonal pleura (pleura pulmonalis)
What lines the thoracic cavity?
parietal pleura (pleura parietalis) and endothoracic fascia
What envelopes the lungs and forms vacuum chambers around them?
pleural sacs
apexes of the lungs situated where?
cupula pleurae
Name the 4 expiratory muscles in latin.
mm. intercostales interni
m. retractor costae
m. transversus thoracis
m. serratus dorsalis caudalis
Name the 5 inspiratory muscles in latin.
mm. intercostales externi
mm. levatores costarum
m. rectus thoracis
m. serratus dorsalis cranialis
Name the surfaces of the lungs.
facies costalis
facies medialis
facies diaphragmatica
Which surface of the lungs is adjacent to the costal pleura
the costal surface (facies costalis)
Which surface of the lungs is towards the mediastinum
medial surface (facies medialis)
Which surface of the lungs is adjacent to the diaphragm
diaphragmatic surface (facies diaphragmatica)
thick, rounded dorsal border
margo dorsalis seu obtusus
seu = latin for or
ventral, thin border
margo acutus
How many left lung lobes are there?
2 (and 1 of these has 2 parts)
How many right lung lobes are there?
in bovine one of these has 2 parts
which part of the lung extends cranially ?
the apex of the lung (apex pulmonis)
which part of the lung is in contact with the diaphragm?
and base of the lung (basis pulmonis)
What structure is the aggregation of the pulmonary and bronchial vessels and nerves passing from mediastinum to the lung?
root of the lung (radix pulmonis)
what is the area of lung by which the root is passing to the lung?
hilus pulmonis/ the hilus of the lung
The percentage of the lung that is parenchyma?
ca 85%
pulmonary or primary lobules
lobuli pulmonis
what are acini separated by?
connective tissue septa
Which species have highly lobulated lungs with complete septa?
bo, ov and su
Which species have incomplete septa and are poorly lobulated?
Which species do not have interlobular septa?
What is the layer of loose connective tissue deep to the intercostal spaces and ribs, separating these structures from the underlying pleura?
endothoracic fascia
pulmonary ligament
lig. pulmonale
What is lig. pulmonale formed by?
the mediastinal and pulmonal pleura caudal to the root of the lung
What lobes is the right lung divided into?
lobus: cranialis, medius, accessorius et caudalis
Which lobe can not be seen in lat view?
the accessory lobe (lobus accossorius)
Bovine right lung lobes/parts?
pulmo dexter: lobus-cranialis with pars cranialis et caudalis -medius -caudalis -accessorius
Equine right lung lobes/parts?
pulmo dexter:
lobus cranialis,
(no medius!)
Equine left lung lobes/parts?
pulmo sinister:
lobus cranialis
What is unique to equine lungs?
are not divided by deep fissures into lobes and the right lung has no middle lobe
What is unique to carnivore lungs?
the fissures are much deeper than in those of other species and extend to the lung root and the lungs are distinctly asymmetrical
How might one distinguish canine lungs from feline?
in ca the lobes are more round than in fe
interlobar fissures: cranial and caudal
fissura interlobaris: cranialis et caudalis
left cardiac notch
incisura cardiaca pulmonis sinistri
The bovine has how many lung lobes in total?
left side has 2 lobes, 1 of which has 2 parts (= 3)
right side has 3 lobes, one of which is divided + accessory lobe
= 6 lobes in total but 8 if you count the divided ones separately
the right cardiac notch
incisura cardiaca pulmonis dextri
The equine has how many lung lobes in total?
left side has 2 lobes
right side has 2 lobes + accessory lobe
= 5 lobes in total
(equine lobes are not divided into parts)
What impression might you find dorsal to the cardiac impression?
the aortic impression
Name 4 impressions that can be found on the lungs.
cardiac impression can be found on both lungs
aortic impression dorsal to cardiac impressions
esophageal impression
caudal vena cava impression only on the right lung
Hemiplegia of what nerve in what species can cause “roaring”?
left recurrent laryngeal nerve in horses
In which species can lateral laryngeal ventricles be found?
In the horse and the dog, ventriculus laryngis lateralis
In animals with a vestibular fold a vestibular ligament is present rostral to the vocal ligament
In which species can the unpaired median ‘outpouching’ of the laryngeal floor be found?
In the pig and horse recessus laryngis medianus
corniculate tubercles
sg. tuberculum corniculatum
pl. tubercula corniculata
Where does the nasal puncta open?
the nasal puncta of the nasolacrimal duct is located on the ventral floor of the nasal vestibule,
near the mucosal transition in eq.
In other species it is located more caudally, occasionally with more than one opening,
What unique process does the equine epiglottis have?
Cuneiform processes (processus cuneiformis)
are present on each side of the base of the epiglottis, projecting dorsally
Which equine cartilage is comma shaped?
sg. cartilago alaris
pl. cartilagines alares
number of tracheal rings
eq, ru 48- 60
su 32- 60
ca and fe 38-46
Which nasal cartilages do horses not have that other species have?
cartilago nasi lateralis ventralis
cartilago nasi accessoria lateralis
The lamina of the thyroid fuse ventrally to create what?
And in what species is this feature(s) found?
incisura thyroidea rostralis and caudalis
rostral in ru
caudal in ru, eq
Which canine arytenoid process is most rostral?
processus cuneiformis