Veterinary respiratory system I Flashcards
latin for respiratory system
apparatus respiratorius
protective functions of the airways?
normal blood pH?
what parts does the upper respiratory tract consist of?
the nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx, and larynx
though note that some materials say the larynx belongs to the lower-
what parts does the lower respiratory tract consist of?
the trachea, bronchial tree, and lungs
name the parts of the “conducting system” in order?
nostrils, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, and extra- and intrapulmonary bronchi
define surfactant
chemical substance to keep the pulmonary alveoli open
(an amphiphilic lipoprotein complex that greatly reduces the surface tension in the alveoli of the lung keeping them open)
conducting system histologically lined by?
ciliated columnar cells, and a variable proportion of secretory goblet and serous cells
difference between cartilage process and tubercle?
processes are “naked” cartilage, tubercles have soft tissue or other on
adam’s apple in latin
prominentia laryngea
what landmark is found in only some species just rostrally to the main pulmonary bifurcation?
bronchus trachealis in su and ru (and leads to cranial lobe of right lung)
name two parts of os ethmoidale
lamina cribrosa (cribriform palate that separates the ethmoid bone from the cranial cavity)
labyrinthus ethmoidalis
(cellulae ethmoidales in the pig and ruminants)
porous plane relating to olfactory system and the complicated mass behind it (rostrally)
lamina cribrosa
labyrinthus ethmoidalis
In addition to delivering oxygen via air inspiration, the resp. system also participates in what 4 functions?
olfactory system
body temperature regulation (panting)
blood pH regulation
ciliary beat frequency?
ca 1000 strokes/minute
in eq mucus moves longitudinally at a rate of up to?
20 mm/ minute
what serves as a transitional system?
microscopic bronchioles serve as a transition zone between the conducting (ciliated) system and the gas exchange (alveolar) system
distal bronchioles no longer have
ciliated cells nor goblet cells (but instead have other types of secretory cells)
thoracic part of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs are considered to be?
essentially sterile
External nose
nasus externus
two words for the nose
nasus; rhin
the root of the nose
radix nasi
the dorsal surface of the nose
dorsum nasi
the wings of the nose
alae nasi
the tip of the nose
apex nasi
the nostrils
the modified skin around the nose is called what in latin?
in Car, ov, cap the shiny skin of the nose is called the ?
nasal plate (planum nasale)
in su the skin of the snout is called?
the rostral plate (planum rostrale)
in bo the skin that extends to the upper lip from the nose and contains glandular tissue is called?
the nasolabial plate (planum nasolabiale)
do equine have rhinarium?
eq have normal skin around the nostrils
rhinarium is innervated by?
a branch of the trigeminal nerve (V)
the external nose’s main cartilages in latin
cartilago nasi lateralis: dorsalis et ventralis
cartilago nasalis accessoria lateralis
cartilago nasalis accessoria medialis in ov, bo, eq
in su, additional medial support of the nose is given by?
the rostral bone (os rostrale)
which is set against the rostral end of the nasal septum, and gives attachment to the nasal cartilages
median groove of the outer nose
translate the equine alar cartilage and describe it
sg. cartilago alaris/ pl. cartilagines alares
gives dorsal, medial and ventral support. The cartilage has a “comma” shape and is attached to the rostral end of the nasal septum
the dorsal part of the nostril in eq leads to?
a blind nasal diverticulum (diverticulum nasi)
translate lateral accessory nasal cartilage and which species does not have it?
cartilago nasalis accessoria lateralis
lacking in eq
translate medial accessory nasal cartilage and which species have it?
cartilago nasalis accessoria medialis
in ov, bo, eq
Nasal cavity
cavum nasi
the nasal cavities are divided by?
the nasal septum (septum nasi)
nasal cavities extend caudally to?
the choanae and os ethmoidale
cartilage of the nasal septum
cartilago septi nasi
the cartilage of the nasal septum is composed of?
hyaline cartilage, but ossified in its most caudal part
and is partially membranous too
translate membranous part and is where?
pars membranacea is medially and rostrally (ca) located in the nasal septum
translate osseous part and is where?
pars ossea is caudally, composed of perpendicular ethmoid lamina, vomer, and in su and bo of rostral bone
rostral part of the nasal cavity called?
vestibulum nasi
nasal vestibule is lined by?
stratified squamous epithelium and skin containing hair, hair follicles and sebaceous glands
orifice of the nasolacrimal duct
ostium nasolacrimale
name the nasal conchae
dorsal nasal concha (concha nasalis dorsalis)
middle nasal concha (concha nasalis media)
ventral nasal concha (concha nasalis ventralis)
ethmoidal conchae (conchae ethmoidales)
describe the dorsal nasal concha
is attached to the ethmoid and nasal bones; is the longest in all species
describe the middle nasal concha
much smaller than the dorsal, is more caudally
describe the ventral nasal concha
is attached to the maxilla; shorter and wider than the dorsal concha
describe the ethmoidal conchae
occupy the caudal part of the nasal cavity
concha nasalis ventralis composed of?
2 parts: pars dorsalis et ventralis
name the meatuses found between conchae, in order
dorsal nasal meatus (meatus nasi dorsalis)
middle nasal meatus (meatus nasi medius)
ventral nasal meatus (meatus nasi ventralis)
common nasal meatus (meatus nasi communis)
passages between the ethmoidal conchae are called?
passages between the ethmoidal conchae are called the ethmoidal meatuses (meatus ethmoidales)
which meatus leads to the olfactory mucosa?
meatus nasi dorsalis
which meatus leads air to the paranasal sinuses?
meatus nasi medius
which meatus leads air to the pharynx?
meatus nasi ventralis
the nasal cavity mucosa is divided into what two regions?
respiratory and olfactory regions
respiratory region
regio respiratoria
describe the mucosa of the respiratory region of the nasal cavity?
is more vascular than the olfactory, and is covered by respiratory epithelium, which contains ciliated and secretory cells
olfactory region
regio olfactoria
describe the mucosa of the olfactory region of the nasal cavity?
it is lined by olfactory epithelium, consisting of neurosensory cells and olfactory glands
where is the mucosa of the olfactory region of the nasal cavity?
comprises the caudodorsal portion of the nasal cavity, some of the surfaces of the ethmoid conchae, dorsal nasal meatus, and nasal septum
Vomeronasal organ
organum vomeronasale
What is the vomeronasal organ?
is an accessory olfactory system, which is mainly used to detect pheromones
what do you call the characteristic “grimace” of an animal using its vomeronasal organ?
flehmen response
Describe the vomeronasal organ.
a blind-ended bilateral tubular organ
in large animals it is about 20 cm,
in small animals 2…7 cm in length
Describe the location of the vomeronasal organ.
on the floor of the nasal cavity in the mucosa next to the nasal septum, extends caudally from the rostral end of the palatine fissura to the 3rd incisor or to the 4th premolar
translate olfactory bulb and location?
bulbus olfactorius, forebrain
Paranasal sinuses
sinus paranasales
Paranasal sinuses lined by?
respiratory mucosa
maxillary sinus
sinus maxillaris
What structures or parts could you say that sinus maxillaris associates with?
hard palate, sphenoid bones, orbit and ventral conchae
What is unique about ruminant maxillary sinus?
it communicates with the palatine sinus in ru
What is unique about equine maxillary sinus?
in eq has cranial and caudal maxillary sinuses
Where does the frontal sinus open into?
sinus frontalis opens into the ethmoidal meatuses (except in eq)
What is unique about the sinus frontalis?
extends caudally into the parietal, interparietal, occipital, and temporal bones
Which sinus is absent in car?
sinus palatinus absent in Car
Sphenoidal sinus found in what 4 common domestic species?
sinus sphenoidalis found in – fe, eq, bo, su
What is unique about the feline sinus sphenoidale?
in fe projects into nasal cavity
What is unique about the equine sinus sphenoidale?
in eq communicates with palatine sinus
In which species is the lacrimal sinus found?
sinus lacrimalis – su, Ru
translate dorsal conchal sinus and describe /(location)
sinus conchae dorsalis
The caudal compartment of the dorsal concha forms the dorsal conchal sinus.
translate ventral conchal sinus and describe /(location)
sinus conchae ventralis
The caudal compartment of the ventral concha in the pig, ruminants and the horse.
translate ethmoidal cells in which species, and what are they?
cellulae ethmoidales – su, Ru
ethmoidal cells (sinuses) enclsoed by the ethmoidal conchae
Name the parts of the epiglottis.
apex et basis
What is the base of the epiglottis connected to?
the thyroid cartilage and is joined with the root of the tongue
thyroid cartilage
cartilago thyroidea
describe the thyroid cartilage
is unpaired and the largest.
It consists of two lamina which join ventrally to form the cartilage.
Name the thyroid cartilage lamina in latin.
lamina: dextra et sinistra
Name the horns of the thyroid cartilage.
cornu rostrale
cornu caudale
What does the rostral horn articulate with and which cartilage does it belong to?
articulates with the thyrohyoid part of os hyoideum
What does the caudal horn articulate with and which cartilage does it belong to?
articulates with the cricoid cartilage
Name the main cartilages of the larynx.
cartilago epiglottica, -arytenoidea, -cricidea and -thyroidea
translate cricoid cartilage and describe
cartilago cricoidea is an unpaired ring-shaped cartilage, attached to the top of trachea
What ligament attaches the cricoid to the trachea?
the cricotracheal ligament (lig. cricotracheale)
arch of the cricoid cartilage
arcus cartilaginis cricoidea
lamina of the cricoid cartilage
lamina cartilaginis cricoidea
translate arytenoid cartilage and describe
sg. cartilago arytenoidea/ pl. cartilagines arytenoideae
is paired pyramidal-shaped, located medially in the larynx and opens and closes the glottis
translate corniculate process and what cartilage does it belong to? what is it called when covered by mucosal tissue?
processus corniculatus of the arytenoid cartilage
tuberculum corniculatum
In which species is the corniculate process absent in?
absent in fe
Name 4 processes of the arytenoid cartilage.
pro. corniculatus
pro. vocalis
pro. muscularis
pro. medialis
To which process do the vocal cords attach?
proc. vocalis
The arytenoid’s laterally extending processes are called?
proc. muscularis
Canines have what extra arytenoid process and where?
cuneiform process = proc. cuneiformis, which is attached to the apex of the arytenoid cartilage
(not to be confused with the equine epiglottal cartilages’s proc. cuneiformis)
Which extrinsic skeletal muscles move the larynx during swallowing?
m. sternothyroideus,
m. sternohyoideus,
m. mylohyoideus etc.
Which intrinsic muscles move individual laryngeal cartilages during respiration and phonation?
m. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis et lateralis etc.
cartilagines alares is divided into?
sg. cartilago alaris
lamina and cornu
(plate and horn)
sinus conchae dorsalis et ventralis found in which species
su, ru, eq
name the 8 sinuses found in domestic animals - english
dorsal and ventral concha ethmoidal cells frontal lacrimal maxillary palatine sphenoidal
maxillary sinus divided into what parts by what?
divided by a bony septum into smaller rostral compartment and larger caudal one
translate nasomaxillary aperture and what is this?
apertura nasomaxillaris
slit-like opening towards the middle nasal meatus from the caudal and rostral maxillary sinuses in the adult horse
term for lung collapse
alar groove and what is it
sulcus alaris at the caudolateral angle of the nostril between the nasal wing and lateroventral border of the nasal cartilages in car and ru
ridge of cricoid
crista mediana
ventral thyroid cartilage has what feature that varies a great deal in size between species
caudal notch
incisura thyroidea caudalis
deep in eq, small in bo
Name 5 mucosal folds you can find in the nasal cavity of different species.
plica alaris, -basalis, -recta, -obliqua, -parallelae
the last 2 mentioned are only found in car
Which species has a rostral thyroid notch in addition to caudal
What line is found on the thyroid cartilage
linea obliqua
What is the area between the rostral horn and thyroid lamina called
fissura thyroidea
thyrohyoid joint and where
articulatio thyrohyoidea at the rostral horn
cricothyroid joint and where
articulatio cricothyroidea and at the caudal horn
what attaches cricoid to thyroid cartilages
lig. cricothyroideum
stem of the epiglottis
petiolus epiglotticus
name the two surfaces of the epiglottis
facies lingualis and facies laryngea
which arytenoid process is on the lateral side
processus muscularis
which arytenoid process is on the medial side
processus vocalis