Veterinary male reproductive system Flashcards
Male genital organs
organa genitalia masculina
term for the science concerned with reproduction of animals
What are the secondary genital organs of the male?
refers to the the duct system
the epididymis,
the deferent duct,
the urethra, and
the penis
What are the accessory organs of the male?
paired ampullary glands
vesicular glands
prostate gland
bulbourethral glands
What hormones is the male repro. system dependant on?
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
luteinizing hormone (LH)
Where is LH hormone produced?
luteinizing hormone produced in pituitary gland
latin and greek for testicle
testis; orchis
What are the testicles’ orientation in domestic species?
horizontal in most species
(meaning testicular head-end positioned cranial direction)
exception is ruminants in which orientation is vertical (head-end positioned dorsally/upward)
free border
margo liber
testicular tail-end
extremitas caudata
margo liber directed which way in which species
ventrally in most species
laterally in Ru
caudally in su and fe
epididymal border
margo epididymalis
margo epididymalis directed which way in which species
dorsally in most species
medially in Ru
cranially in su
testicle is covered by a dense white tunic called what?
tunica albuginea
septa of the testicle
septula testis
testicular parenchyma
parenchyma testis
What divides the testicle into what type of parts?
testicular mediastinum and septa divide it into lobules
testicular parenchyma consists of?
the seminiferous tubules
convoluted seminiferous tubules
tubuli seminiferi contorti
What structure more specifically, produces sperm and estrogen?
the convoluted seminiferous tubules with spermatogenic epithelium
spermatogenic epithelium
epithelium spermatogenicum
the convoluted seminiferous tubules continue as the..?
the straight seminiferous tubules / tubuli seminiferi recti
what connects the seminiferous tubules to the head of the epididymis
the mediastinum testis which is a central connective-tissue area containing the rete testis, large blood and lymph vessels (relatively small in eq)
translate the network of ducts, the testicular network
rete testis
what produces testicular fluid
rete testis
Which interstitial endocrine cells begin to produce testosterone at puberty?
Leydig cells
What do Leydig cells produce?
testosterone and in some animals (su) estrogen too
Sertoli cells can be found where?
in convoluted seminiferous tubules
What cells provide structural support, and nourish spermatozoa?
Sertoli cells, also called sustentacular cells
3 functions of the epididymis
storage and maturation of sperm – final stage in the development of sperms in which the number of chromosomes is reduced
transport and concentration of sperm
produces fluid which becomes part of semen
testicular efferent ductules
ductuli efferentes testis
What is the epididymis surrounded by
a thick albugineous tunic
What main parts is the epididymis comprised of?
caput epididymidis
corpus epididymidis
cauda epididymidis
The head of the epididymis consists of?
the efferent ductules
The body of the epididymis consists of?
the coiled duct
The tail of the epididymis continues onward as?
the deferent duct
What is unique to the equine albugineous tunic?
it has a few smooth muscle cells
the space between the body of the epididymis and the testis is called?
bursa testicularis
tail of the epididymis is attached to the caudal extremity of the testicle by?
the proper ligament of the testicle / lig. testis proprium
how is the epididymis secured to the vaginal covering?
by the ligament of the tail of the epididymis
lig. caudae epididymidis
What secures the epididymis to the scrotum?
the scrotal ligament / lig. scroti
testicular ligaments are remnants of?
gubernaculum testis / the guide of the testicle
superficial inguinal ring
inguinal canal
deep inguinal ring
anulus inguinalis superficialis
canalis inguinalis
anulus inguinalis profundus
What is the prostatic utricle
Uterus masculinus
(persistent Mullerian duct) is a vestigial embryological remnant of the paramesonephric duct system in males
the ampulla of the deferent duct
ampulla ductus deferentis
ejaculatory duct
ductus ejaculatorius
in Ru and eq the deferent duct is joined by?
the duct of the vesicular gland and together become the common short passage called ejaculatory duct
ejaculatory duct opens on?
the seminal hillock
the spermatic cord
funiculus spermaticus
what does the funiculus spermaticus contain?
the deferent duct the testicular artery the pampiniform plexus the testicular plexus of autonomic nerves, lymphatic vessels genitofemoral and ilioinguinal nerves
translate pampiniform plexus and define
plexus pampiniformis is venous network around testicular artery
the spermatic cord is covered with?
external spermatic fascia
the cremasteric muscle
internal spermatic fascia
the cremasteric muscle and the internal spermatic fascia are formed from?
a continuation of the internal oblique muscle and a continuation of the transversal fascia
external median seam of the scrotum
raphe scroti
scrotal wall/skin
cutis scroti
fibromuscular layer beneath cutis scroti
dartos coat / tunica dartos
what forms the scrotal septum internally?
tunica dartos forms the septum scroti
internal to the dartos coat is?
the external spermatic fascia
translate ‘Coverings of the spermatic cord and testicle’
tunicae funiculi spermatici et testis
external spermatic fascia
fascia spermatica externa
corresponds to the fascia of the external oblique abdominal muscle
cremasteric muscle
m. cremaster
formed from a continuation of the internal oblique muscle
What m. is usually absent in fe and what do they have instead
cremasteric m. usually absent in fe, they have a levator scroti muscle
internal spermatic fascia
fascia spermatica interna
continuation of the transversal fascia
vaginal tunic
tunica vaginalis
what is the vaginal tunic/process
the peritoneal process, covering the spermatic cord and testicle as a sac
name the surfaces of tunica vaginalis
lamina parietalis
lamina visceralis
albugineous tunic
tunica albuginea
dense white connective tissue layer containing some smooth muscle fibres
translate and describe the vaginal cavity
cavum vaginale
the interval between the visceral and parietal layer around testicle
translate and describe the vaginal canal in the context of male repro. organs
canalis vaginalis
the interval between the visceral and parietal layer
around the spermatic cord
name the fold between the testicles and epididymis that contains vessels and nerves and is formed from the parietal layer of testicular tunics
the narrow strip of mesorchium between the mesoductus and parietal layer is?
what attaches the deferent duct to the mesorchium and to the abdominal and pelvic wall
mesoductus deferens
Accessory genital glands
gll. genitales accessoriae
ampullary glands
gll. ampullae
location of gll. ampullae
outpouchings in the wall of the proximal ductus deferens
vesicular gland
gl. vesicularis
location of vesicular gland
located on either side of the ampullas
translate the body of the prostate and where is it located
corpus prostatae
is situated on the dorsal surface of the pelvic urethra near the neck of the urinary bladder;
translate ‘the disseminate part’ (of the prostate) and in which species is absent and in which, well developed
pars disseminata prostatae
absent in eq, well developed in car
translate bulbourethral gland and in which species missing and in which, well-developed
gl. bulbourethralis (Cowper’s glands)
absent in ca, well developed in su
Describe the location of the bulbourethral glands
are the most caudal of the accessory glands and lie on the dorsal side of the pelvic urethra, partially located in the bulbospongious muscle
in large species, the penis is anchored to the pelvic floor by what
a suspensory ligament / lig. suspensorium penis
in which species is the penis directed caudally
fe and cun
erectile tissue is enclosed within what thick white connective tissue
albugineous tunic
tunica albuginea
superficial and deep fascia of the penis
fascia penis: superficialis et profunda
the penis originates from? as what?
from the ischial arch as radix penis
the root of the penis composed of what
composed of the two crus penis
and the bulbus penis
cavernous body of the penis and which side is it on
corpus cavernosum penis
dorsal aspect
spongy body of the penis and which side is it on
corpus spongiosum penis
ventral aspect
what can be found on the the ventral surface of the body of the penis, and what is that part of the penis composed of?
sulcus urethralis
contains spongy body and urethra
translate sigmoid flexure and in which species can it be found
flexura sigmoidea penis
in su and Ru
head of the penis
glans penis
the spongy body of the glans
corpus spongiosum glandis
Describe the glans penis of the boar.
in su it is minimally developed
Describe the glans penis of the ruminant.
insubstantial and fibrous in the Ru
Describe the glans penis of the equine.
predominantly vascular, with large mushroom-shaped crown (corona glandis) in eq
Describe the glans penis of the equine.
predominantly vascular, with large mushroom-shaped crown (corona glandis) in eq
Describe the glans penis of the dog.
in canines, the penile head includes the bulb of the glans (bulbus glandis) proximally,
and distally the cylindrical long part of the glans
(pars longa glandis)
Two unique features of the canine glans penis.
bulbus glandis (proximally) pars longa glandis (distally)
free part of the penis
pars libera penis
Types of the penises
fibroelastic type (Ru, su) musculocavernous type (Car?, eq, man) intermediate type (some say car)
describe the fibroelastic penis (ru, su)
has very little erectile tissue,
little or no smooth muscle is present,
is enclosed by a thick albugineous tunic surrounding both cavernous bodies,
it needs little additional blood for erection
describe the musculocavernous penis (car?, eq, man)
large blood spaces,
the albugineous tunic and septa are more delicate and muscular.
Has a lot of erectile tissue relative to connective tissue,
need large volume of additional blood for erection
what structure is found in car distal penis
os penis
Why does some literature classify car penises as intermediate type instead of musculocavernous?
there is more connective tissue and less smooth muscle bundles compared to a typical musculocavernous type
name the 3 main penis associated muscles
m. bulbospongiosus
m. ischiocavernosus
m. retractor penis
translate ischiocavernous muscle
m. ischiocavernosus
bulbospongious muscle
m. bulbospongiosus
describe the ischiocavernous muscle
is in pairs,
arises from the ischial arch (in females, is rudimentary) or
from the ischial tuber (in male)
encloses the crura to the level of their fusion at the root of the penis
describe the bulbospongious muscle
is the extrapelvic continuation of the urethralis muscle
extends on the ventral surface of the penis;
in fibroelastic type its limited to the proximal third of the penis
in musculocavernous type it continues to the apex of the penis.
In female it is divided into two parts
retractor of the penis
m. retractor penis
describe the retractor of the penis
is paired and predominantly smooth;
arises from the caudal vertebrae or sacrum (su) and passes ventrally.
In Ru and su it attaches to the caudal arch of sigmoid flexure,
in species with a musculocavernous penis, it extends to the apex of the penis
translate Prepuce and describe
is a retractable protective sheath of skin covering, made of connective tissue and smooth muscles
the prepuce consists of?
lamina: externa et interna which are continuous at ostium preputiale
preputial cavity
cavum preputiale
What is unique to eq prepuce?
has an additional fold of the internal lamina – preputial fold (plica preputialis) that allows for considerable lengthening of the penis
What is unique to su prepuce?
has large preputial sac dorsally
diverticulum preputiale
what type of arteries are involved in producing erection
helicine arteries, empty directly into the cavernous blood spaces
Name the coverings of the testicles from outside in.
cutis scroti tunica dartos fascia spermatica externa fascia spermatica interna Lamina parietalis (tunica vaginalis) Lamina visceralis Tunica albuginea
difference between bulbus penis and bulbus glandis
former is at the base of the penis in everyone
latter is distal canine penis