Veterinary arthrology in latin Flashcards
the 3 main classifications of joints in the skeletal system
synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis
junctura fibrosa, cartilaginea, synovialis
describe synarthrosis and give an example
fibrous joint - immovable, permits very little or no movement
eg. sutures of the skull
describe amphiarthrosis and give an example
cartilaginous joint - slightly movable,
eg. ligaments or cartilaginous discs between vertebrae;
describe diarthrosis and give an example
synovial joint - freely movable
eg. your typical joints for locomotion
a tooth in its alveolus
articulatio dentoalveolaris
Fibrous joints
articulationes fibrosae
slightly flexible fibrous joint such as between radius and ulna
subdivisions of suturae
sutura serrata, - squamosa, -plana and -foliata
what is articulatio dentoalveolaris also known as?
name the 3 types of fibrous joint
syndesmosis, sutura and gomphosis
cartilaginous joints
articulationes cartilagineae
name 2 types of cartilaginous joint
synchondrosis and symphysis
describe synchondrosis
immobile joint where articulating surfaces are hyaline or fibrocartilage
describe symphysis
slightly movable joint
material connecting the articulating surfaces is
hyaline cartilage,
intervertebral disc
or fibrocartilage
what type of joint is a synchondrosis joint and give an example
cartilaginous joint, where bones are joined by hyaline cartilage
e.g. between sternebrae, the epiphyseal plate
what type of joint is a symphysis joint and give an example of one
cartilaginous joint, bones are joined by fibrocartilage
e.g. pelvic and intervertebral symphysis
Synovial joints in latin
articulationes synoviales
describe a synovial joints
mobile joints enclosed with joint capsule containing synovia
latin for joint capsule, cartilage and joint cavity
capsula articularis, cartilago articularis, cavum articulare
what common features do all synovial joints have
articular cartilage, joint capsule, joint cavity
Meniscus latin
meniscus articularis
Articular join (sic) between vert.
symphysis intervertebralis
intervertebral disc
discus intervertebralis
name two parts of a discus intervertebralis
anulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus
Articular labrum in latin
labrum articulare
What types of joints are simple joints, and in latin, and give example
articulatio simplex are synovial – formed by two articulating bones, e.g. articulatio humeri
What types of joints are composite joints, and in latin, and give example
articulationes composita – include more than two bones within the same joint capsule, are synovial e.g. carpal joint, elbow joint
name 3 ways of classifying synovial joints
how many bones form the joint; shape of articular surfaces; degree and type of mobility
name 7 types of articular joint surfaces
spheroidal, ellipsoidal, saddle, condylar, hinge, pivot, plane
Spheroidal or ball-and-socket joint - give latin name and description
articulatio spheroidea - a spherical head in a cup-shaped depression permits rotation, e.g. hip joint;
Ellipsoidal joint - give latin name and description
articulatio ellipsoidea - an articular surface forms an ellipse, e.g. atlantooccipital joint
Saddle joint - give latin name and description
articulatio sellaris: surfaces resembel a saddle, e.g. interphalangeal joints
Condylar joint - give latin name and description
articulatio condylaris: convex articular condyles articulate with concave articular surfaces, e. g. femorotibial joint
Hinge joint - give latin name and description
ginglymus: the joint axis is perpendicular to long axis of the bone, moves only in their sagittal plane, e.g. elbow, fetlock joint
Pivot joint - give latin name and description
articulatio trochoidea: the joint axis is parallel to the long axis of the bone and rotary movement occurs around one axis, e.g. atlantoaxial joint
Plane joint - give latin name and description
articulatio plana: a slight gliding movement between relatively flat apposed surfaces (facets), e.g. sacroiliac joint
3 types of mobility of joints
uni-, bi- and multiaxial
give 2 examples of uniaxial joints
Hinge joint, Pivot joint
give 3 examples of biaxial joints
saddle-, ellipsoidal-, condylar joints
give 2 examples of multiaxial joints
Spheroidal joint, Plane joint
what are synostoses
fusion of two or more bones (sing. synostosis)
median osseous junction between two mandibles and consists of what
articulatio intermandibularis –
consists of sutura intermandibularis and synchondrosis intermandibularis
name for where mandibular condyle fits into the mandibular fossa and what in between
articulatio temporomandibularis and discus articularis
between occipital condyles and atlas
articulatio atlanto-occipitalis
describe the Atlanto-occipital joint
two ellipsoidal joints
each joint has its own capsule
formed by the dens of the axis and the corresponding cavity of the atlas
articulatio atlantoaxialis
describe the Atlantoaxial joint
Pivot joint with a common joint capsule and single synovial cavity
Joints between the articular processes of the vertebrae
articulationes processuum articularium
describe the joints of the articular processes of the vertebrae
plane joints between the articular facets of the vertebrae; minimal axial rotation and moderate amounts of lateral bending, dorsoventral flexion, and extension
Joint of the costal head
articulationes capitis costae pl.
articulatio capitis costae sg.
describe the Joint of the costal head
spheroidal joint between the head of a rib and the bodies of two vertebrae and intervertebral disc
what and where: intercapital ligament
ligamentum intercapitale, between the first through eleventh ribs
what and where: Costotransverse joint
articulatio costotransversaria – plane joints between costal tubercle and transverse process;
name 3 shorter spinal ligaments
ligamenta interspinalia, -intertransversaria, -flava
Long dorsal longitudinal ligament and where
ligamentum longitudinale dorsale passes along the vertebral canal from axis to the sacrum
ventral longitudinal ligament and where
ligamentum longitudinale ventrale connects the ventral surfaces of the vertebral bodies from 8th thoracic vertebra to sacrum
nuchal ligament and where
ligamentum nuchae – arises from the axis in the ca and the occiput in Ru and eq
inserts to the spinous process of the 1st thor. vertebra
what does ligamentum nuchae consist of
funiculus nuchae and lamina nuchae
– in Ru and eq the ligament consists of paired lamina and funiculus;
ca has only nuchal funiculus
supraspinous ligament and where
ligamentum supraspinale – continuation of nuchal ligament caudally. Attached to the tips of the spinous processes of thoracic, lumbal and sacral vertebrae
Name 6 neck ligaments of the dog dorsolaterally viewed
lig. atlantoaxialis, lig. nuchae, ligamentum supraspinale, ligg. interspinalia, ligg. flava, ligamentum costotransversium
how does the nuchal ligament differ in car compared to eq and ru
in Ru and eq the ligament consists of paired nuchael lamina and funiculus; ca has only nuchal funiculus;
Joints of the thoracic limb
articulationes membri thoracici
Shoulder joint
articulatio humeri
describe articulatio humeri
spheroidal joint,
no collateral ligaments
rim of the glenoid cavity has fibrocartilage labrum glenoidale
Elbow joint
articulatio cubiti
describe articulatio cubiti
composite hinge joint consisting of
humeroulnar joint and humeroradial joint : humeroradialis, humeroulnaris, radioulnarisoroximalis
Carpal joint
articulatio carpi
describe articulatio carpi
composite joint, includes the joints between forearm, carpal and metacarpal bones. Consists of 4 parts.
Antebrachiocarpal joint
articulatio antebrachiocarpea
describe articulatio antebrachiocarpea
between the radius and ulna and the proximal carpal bones.
A hinge joint in eq,a condylar in Ru and a ellipsoidal in Car.
Intercarpal joints
articulationes intercarpeae
describe articulationes intercarpeae
plane joints between the carpal bones of each row; very limited range of movement
Middle carpal joint
articulatio mediocarpea
describe articulatio mediocarpea
between proximal and distal carpal bones; considerable movement is possible
Carpometacarpal joint
articulatio carpometacarpea
describe articulationes carpometacarpea
between the distal carpal and the metacarpal bones; plane joints, virtually no movement takes place, shock absorption
latin for fetlock joints
articulationes metacarpophalangeae
describe Metacarpophalangeal joints
hinge joints between the metacarpal bones and the proximal phalanges and sesamoid bones.
what is one of the leading causes of racetrack euthanasia
serious fracture-dislocations of the fetlock joint
latin for pastern joints
articulationes interphalangeae proximales manus
describe proximal interphalangeal joints
saddle joints which act as hinge joints, lateral movement is limited.
Art. interphalangea proximalis manus/pedis
latin for coffin joint sg.
articulatio interphalangea distalis manus
describe distal interphalangeal joints
saddle joints; very similar to the proximal interphalangeal joints; act as hinge joints
name sesamoid ligaments of the digit/hoof
3x sesamoid ligaments (cruciate, oblique, straight)
ligg. sesamoidea cruciata, ligg. sesamoidea obliqua, ligg, sesamoidea rectum
accessory bone meets carpi
articulatio ossis carpi accessorii
collateral carpal ligaments
ligamentum collaterale carpi laterale and mediale
dorsal intercarpal ligaments
ligamenta intercarpea dorsalia
intercarpal interosseus ligaments
ligamenta intercarpea interossea
accesoriocarpal joint
articulatio ossis carpi accessorii
name 3 x accessory joint ligaments
ligamentum accessoriometacarpeum, lig. accessoriocarpoulnare, lig. accessorioulnare
Joints of the pelvic limb
articulationes membri pelvini
Broad sacrosciatic ligament or sacrotuberous ligament
ligamentum sacrotuberale latum, ca; ligamentum sacrotuberale
describe ligamenta sacrotuberale latum, ca; ligamenta sacrotuberale
from os sacrum (un) and first caudal vertebra (su, eq) to spina ischiadica and tuber ischiadicum.
Absent in the fe and in the ca is a fibrous cord.
Sacroiliac joint
articulatio sacroiliaca
describe articulatio sacroiliaca
Plane gliding joint, formed by the wing of the ilium and the wing of the sacrum.
Pelvic symphysis
symphysis pelvina
describe symphysis pelvina
Cartilaginous joint, ventrally between hip bones
Hip joint
articulatio coxae
describe articulatio coxae
spheroidal, ball-and-socket and synovial; very stable, lip of fibrocartilage called the labrum acetabulare
ligament of head of femur
ligamentum capitis ossis femoris
femoral accessory ligament
ligamentum accessorium ossis femoris
Stifle joint
articulatio genus
describe articulatio genus
composite joint, consists of 3 parts: articulatio femorotibialis lateralis & medialis and articulatio femoropatellaris
describe the articulatio femorotibialis
condyles of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia; incongruent condylar joint.
meniscus of stifle
meniscus lateralis & medialis
cranial cruciate ligament and describe
ligamentum cruciatum craniale - from the lateral condyle of the femur to the tibiae
meniscofemoral ligament and describe location
ligamentum meniscofemorale - from lateral meniscus to the medial femoral condyle
caudal cruciate ligament and describe
ligamenta cruciatum caudale - from the medial condyle of the femur to the tibiae
transverse ligament of stifle and describe
ligamentum transversum genus - connects in ca and su menisci cranially
Femoropatellar joint and describe
articulatio femoropatellaris - formed by articular surface of the patella and the femur; hinge joint
how is the patella joined to the tibial tuberosity?
in car, su and small ru: by a single patellar ligament - ligamentum patellae
in bo and eq: by 3 patellar ligaments - lig. patellae: mediale intermedium et laterale
unique attribute of equine stifle
has locking mechanism, part of the passive stay apparatus
Tarsal joint
articulatio tarsi
describe articulatio tarsi
composite joint, includes the joints between crural, tarsal and metatarsal bones.
Consists of 5 joints (art. tarsocruralis, -talocalcaneocentralis, - centrodistalis, -intertarseae, art. tarsometatarsea)
tarsocrural joint and describe
articulatio tarsocruralis – hinge or cochlear joint between trochlea of the talus and the distal end of the tibia
plantar ligament and where
ligamentum plantare longum and is found on the plantar surface of the tarsal joint
talocalcaneocentral joint and describe
articulatio talocalcaneocentralis – hinge or condylar joint
centrodistal joint and describe
articulatio centrodistalis – between central and distal tarsal bones
intertarsal joints and describe
articulationes intertarseae – between tarsal bones.
NB! In Car condylar, in Ru hinge and in eq almost plane immobile joint.
tarsometatarsal joints and describe
artt. tarsometatarseae – plane rigid joints between distal tarsal and metatarsal bones; shock absorbing
fetlock joints
artt. metatarsophalangeae
describe metatarsophalangeal joints
hinge joints between the metatarsal bones and the proximal phalanges and the proximal sesamoid bones.
metatarsophalangeal ligaments, name 3 types
collateral, sesamoidean and interdigital ligaments
ligg. collateralia, ligg. sesamoidea collateralia, ligg. interdigitalia proximalia and distalia
pastern joints and describe
art. interphalangeae proximalis pedis or manus – saddle joints between proximal and middle phalanges. Act as hinge joint, lateral movement is limited.
coffin joint and describe
art. interphalangeae distalis pedis or manus – similar to the proximal- are saddle joints with hinge movement.
latin for joint ligaments
ligamenta articularia
fibrocartilagous meniscus
mensici articulares
simple and composite joints
articulatio simplex and composita
alar ligaments
ligamenta alaria
palmar ligaments
ligg. palmaria
short sesamoid ligaments
ligg. sesamoidea brevia
straight sesamoid ligament
lig. sesamoideum rectum
oblique sesamoid ligament
ligg. sesamoidea obliqua
collateral sesamoid ligaments
ligg. sesamoidea collateralia
cruciate sesamoid ligaments
ligg. sesamoidea cruciata
chondrocompedal ligaments
ligg. chondrocompedalia
chondroungular ligaments
ligg. chondroungularia
chondrocoronal ligaments
ligg. chondrocoronalia
foramens through ligament latum in large animals
foramen ischiadica majus and minus
name and location of long plantar ligament
lig. plantare longum located from calcaneus to metatarsals
name the 2 lateral collateral tarsal ligaments
lig. collaterale tarsi laterale longum and breve
name the 2 medial collateral tarsal ligaments
lig. collaterale tarsi mediale longum and breve
costochondral joints and what are they
artt. costochondrales are where the ribs meet costal cartilage to meet the sternum
2 ligaments attaching the costal heads
lig. capitis costae radiatum and lig. capitis costae intra-articulare
coracohumeral ligament
lig. coracohumerale
what holds the humerus in the glenoid cavity?
ligg. glenohumeralia
name 3 joints of art. cubitis
art. humeroradialis, -humeroulnaris, -radioulnaris proximalis
name art. carpi 4 main joints (exclude interossea)
art. antebrachiocarpea, art. mediocarpea, art. carpometacarpea, art. ossis carpi accessorii