Myology 2: extremities Flashcards
‘Muscles of thoracic limb’ in latin
mm. membri thoracici
Name the 7 Muscles of the shoulder in latin
m. coracobrachialis
m. deltoideus
m. infraspinatus
m. subclavius
m. subscapularis
m. supraspinatus
m. teres major
Name the 7 Muscles of the shoulder in english
Coracobrachial muscle Deltoid muscle Infraspinous muscle Subclavian muscle Subscapular muscle Supraspinous muscle Major teres muscle
Supraspinous muscle
m. supraspinatus
O: supraspinous fossa, scapular spine
I: Greater tubercle/ tuberculum majus of the humerus.
A: Extension of the shoulder joint
Infraspinous muscle
m. infraspinatus
O: Infraspinous fossa
I: proximal humerus
A: flexor of shoulder, it’s tendon functions as collateral ligament
Deltoid muscle and heads
m. deltoideus
one head in eq
two heads in ru = pars scapularis and -acromialis
O: spina scapulae and acromion
I: tuberositas deltoidea
A: Flexor of shoulder and abductor of upper arm
Major teres muscle
m. teres major
O: caudal edge of the scapula
I: tuberositas teres major of the humerus
A: Flexor of the shoulder
Subscapular muscle
m. subscapularis
O: Subscapular fossa
I: tuberculum minus of the humerus
A: extensor or flexor of shoulder and it’s tendon functions as medial collateral ligament
Subclavian muscle
m. subclavius
O: 1st- 4th rib cartilage
I: epimysium of supraspinatus muscle
A: fixes the scapula
Coracobrachial muscle
m. coracobrachialis
O: Coracoid process
I: medial aspect of the humerus
A: Extension and adduction of the shoulder joint
Name the 5 Muscles of the arm in latin
m. anconeus
m. biceps brachii
m. brachialis
m. tensor fasciae antebrachii
m. triceps brachii
(caput: longum, laterale, mediale et accessorium)
Name the 5 Muscles of the arm in english
Anconeus muscle Biceps muscle of the forearm Brachial muscle Tensor muscle of the antebrachial fascia Triceps muscle of the forearm
Brachial muscle
m. brachialis
O: Caudal on neck of humerus
winds over the lateral surface in the spiral groove of the humerus, finally reaching the medial side
I: medial on radius and ulna
A: flexor of the elbow
Biceps muscle of the forearm
m. biceps brachii
O: supraglenoid tubercle
I: Radial tuberosity = tuberositas radii
A: Flexion of elbow, extensor of shoulder
Triceps muscle and it’s 3 heads
m. triceps brachii
(caput: longum, laterale, mediale)
long head O: caudal border of scapula
lat. head O: lateral aspect of humerus
medial head O: medial aspect of humerus
accessory head (absent in eq) O: caudally neck of humerus
all I: olecranon
A: extensor of shoulder; long head can also be flexor of shoulder
Tensor muscle of the antebrachial fascia
m. tensor fasciae antebrachii
O: caudal border of scapula in axillary arch area
I: antebrachial fascia
A: tensor of antebrachial fascia, extensor of elbow
Anconeus muscle
m. anconeus
O: distal on humerus, fossa olecrani
I: lateral aspect of olecranon
A: Extensor of elbow
Name the 5 Muscles of the cranial forearm in english
Radial extensor muscle of the carpus
Common digital extensor muscle
Lateral digital extensor muscle
Ulnar extensor muscle of the carpus
Long abductor muscle of the first digit
Name the 5 Muscles of the cranial forearm in latin
m. extensor carpi radialis
m. extensor digitorum communis
m. extensor digitorum lateralis
m. extensor carpi ulnaris
m. abductor digiti I (priimum) longus
Name the 5 Muscles of the caudal forearm in english
Ulnar flexor muscle of the carpus
- Deep digital flexor muscle
- Superficial digital flexor muscle
Radial flexor muscle of the carpus
Interosseous muscles
Name the 5 Muscles of the caudal forearm in latin
m. flexor carpi ulnaris
- m. flexor digitorum superficialis
- m. flexor digitorum profundus
m. flexor carpi radialis
mm. interossei: tendinous
‘Muscles of pelvic limb’ in latin
mm. membri pelvini
Name the 6 Muscles of the rump in english
Internal obturator muscle External obturator muscle Tensor muscle of the fascia lata Middle gluteal muscle Deep gluteal muscle Superficial gluteal muscle
Name the 9 Muscles of the thigh in english
Quadriceps Biceps muscle of the thigh (or gluteobiceps muscle; ru, su) Semitendinous muscle Semimembranous muscle Gracilis muscle Adductor muscle Pectineal muscle Popliteal muscle Sartorius muscle
Name the 6 Muscles of the rump in latin
m. obturatorius internus
m. obturatorius externus
m. tensor fasciae latae
m. gluteus medius
m. gluteus profundus
m. gluteus superficialis
Name the 9 Muscles of the thigh in latin
m. quadriceps femoris
(m. rectus femoris + m. vastus: lateralis, medialis et intermedius)
m. biceps femoris or (m. gluteobiceps; Ru, su)
m. semitendinosus
m. semimembranosus
m. gracilis
m. adductor
m. pectineus
m. popliteus
m. sartorius
Name 5 Muscles of the cranial crus in latin
m. tibialis cranialis
m. peroneus tertius
m. extensor digitorum longus
- m. peroneus longus (in ru)
m. extensor digitorum lateralis
Name 5 Muscles of the cranial crus in english
Cranial tibial muscle Third fibular muscle Long digital extensor muscle - (in ru) Long fibular muscle Lateral digital extensor muscle
Name 5 Muscles of the caudal crus in latin
mm. flexores digitorum profundi
m. flexor digitorum superficialis
m. triceps surae: m. gastrocnemius et soleus
mm. interossei
Name 5 Muscles of the caudal crus in english
Deep digital flexor muscles
Superficial digital flexor muscle
Triceps muscle of crus: gastrocnemius and soleus
Interosseous muscles
what 4 muscles is m. quadriceps femoris made up of?
m. rectus femoris, m. vastus: lateralis, medialis et intermedius
another name for m. biceps femoris
m. gluteobiceps for ru and su (is biceps femoris and superficial gluteal fused)
F: extends hip joint
long head of triceps muscle
m. triceps brachii caput: longum
O: caudal edge of the scapula
I: Olecranon
A: Extensor of elbow and flexor of shoulder
lateral head of triceps muscle
m. triceps brachii caput laterale
O: lateral on humerus
I: olecranon
A: Extensor of elbow
medial head of triceps muscle
m. triceps brachii caput mediale
O: medial on humerus
I: Olecranon
A: Extensor of elbow
radial extensor muscle of the carpus
m. extensor carpi radialis
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus = epicondylus lateralis
I: proximal on 3rd metacarpal (= cannon bone in eq)
A: carpal extensor
common digital extensor muscle of forelimb
m. extensor digitorum communis
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus = epicondylus lateralis
I: Extensor process of distal phalanx = processus extensorius
A: Extension of carpal- and digital joints
lateral digital extensor muscle of crus
m. extensor digitorum lateralis
O: Fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
I: Middle phalanx
A: Extensor of the digit/s
ulnar flexor muscle of the carpus
m. flexor carpi ulnaris + caput: humerale and ulnare
Humeral head
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
Ulnar head
O: Olecranon
I: Accessory carpal bone
A: Flexor of carpal joint
ulnar extensor muscle of the carpus
m. extensor carpi ulnaris
O: Lateral epicondyle / epicondylus lateralis
I: accessory bone (os carpi accessorium) and 4th- 5th metacarpals (os metacarpale IV-V)
A: Flexor of carpal joint
round pronator muscle
m. pronator teres
Inconsistant in ruminants and the pig.
In eq its reduced to a small band.
O: medial epicondyle of the humerus
I: craniomedial side of the radius.
radial flexor muscle of the carpus
m. flexor carpi radialis
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Palmar aspect 3rd metacarpal in ru and 2nd in eq
A: Flexor of the carpal joint
superficial digital flexor muscle of forelimb
m. flexor digitorum superficialis
O: Medial epicondyle on humerus
I: Proximal on middle phalanx
A: flexor of the forefoot; stabilises the fetlock
deep digital flexor muscle of the forelimb
m. flexor digitorum profundus,
plural: musculi flexores digitorum profundi
(caput: humerale, radiale and ulnare)
O: Medial epicondyle of humerus, radius, ulna
I: Flexor surface of distal phalanx
A: Flexor of the forefoot
long abductor muscle of the 1st digit
m. abductor digiti I (priimum) longus
O: Lateral radius
I: horse/pig 2nd, ruminants 3rd metacarpal bone
A: Extensor of carpal joint
middle gluteal muscle
m. gluteus medius
O: Ilial wing, sacrum and 1st lumbar vertebra
I: Greater trochanter
F: Extensor of the hip joint
sartorius muscle and it’s 2 parts
m. sartorius: with pars cranialis et caudalis in dogs
O: Coxal tuber; shaft of ilium or tendon of lesser psoas muscle
I: Deep fascia of the leg
A: Adducts and draws hindlimb forwards
internal obturator muscle
m. obturatorius internus
absent in ru
O: Inner surface of the obturator foramen
I: fossa trochanterica
A: Lateral rotation of the hip joint.
external obturator muscle
m. obturatorius externus
O: Outer surface of the obturator foramen
I: Trochanteric fossa
F: draws hindlimb outwards
adductor muscle
m. adductor
O: ventral surface of pelvis and on the tendon of the gracilis
I: medial border of femur
F: Adduction
semitendinous muscle
m. semitendinosus
O: tuber ischiadicum
I: Cranial border of tibia, common calcaneal tendon
F: Flexor of the stifle joint; extensor of the hip joint
semimembranous muscle
m. semimembranosus
O: vertebral and pelvic head in eq,
and only pelvic head in others: ventral tuber ischiadicum
I: Medial condyle of femur and tibia
F: Extensor of the stifle joint; draws limb inwards
quadriceps or quadrate muscle of the thigh and its 4 parts
m. quadriceps femoris made up of:
m. rectus femoris,
m. vastus: lateralis, medialis et intermedius
O: rectus - shaft of ilium and the rest - femur
I: patella and tuberositas tibiae
F: extensor of stifle, rectus flexes hip joint
pectineal muscle
m. pectineus
O: Iliopubic eminence
I: Medial border of the femur
F: Adduction
Gracilis muscle
m. gracilis
O: Aponeurosis on symphysis pelvina
I: Deep fascia of the leg
F: Adduction
Gastrocnemius muscle
m. gastrocnemius: caput laterale et mediale
O: Distal on femur
i. Calcaneal tuber (Achilles tendon)
F: Extensor of the tarsus; flexor of the stifle joint
Soleus muscle
m. soleus
O: Fibula
I: Achilles tendon = tendo calcaneus communis
F: Extensor of the tarsus
cranial tibial muscle
m. tibialis cranialis
O: Lateral condyle of tibia
I: Tarsal and metatarsal bones
F: Flexor of tarsus
long fibular muscle
m. peroneus longus
O: Fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
I: plantar aspect, Tarsal (T1) or metatarsal bones (Mt 1)
F: Flexor of tarsus, draws limb inwards
Third fibular muscle
m. peroneus tertius
O: Extensor fossa of femur
I: Tarsal and metatarsal bones
F: Flexor of tarsus, extensor of stifle joint
long digital extensor muscle
m. extensor digitorum longus
O: Extensor fossa of femur
I: Extensor process of the distal phalanx
F: Extensor of the digits, extensor of stifle joint
popliteal muscle
m. popliteus
O: Lateral condyle of femur
I: Medial border of tibia
F: Flexor of the stifle joint; draws limb inwards
deep digital flexor muscles of the hindleg
sg. m. flexor digitorum profundus,
pl. mm. flexores digitorum profundi
3 heads:
- tibialis caudalis
- flexor digitorum mediale
- flexor digitorum laterale
O: The three heads lie on the caudal surface of the tibia and fibula from which they take origin. Caudal head from both bones, medial head from the tibia and lateral head from the fibula.
I: Deep digital flexor tendon, distal phalanx plantar aspect
F: Flexor of the digits
Superficial gluteal muscle
m. gluteus superficialis
O: Gluteal fascia and sacrum
I: Greater and third trochanters = trochanter major and trochanter tertius
F: Extensor and flexor of the hip joint
Deep gluteal muscle
m. gluteus profundus
O: Ischiatic spine = spina ischiadica
I: trochanter major
F: Draws limb outwards and backwards
Tensor muscle of the fascia lata
m. tensor fasciae latae
O: tuber coxae
I: Fascia lata
F: Draws limb forwards, tensor of the fascia
Gastrocnemius muscle
m. gastrocnemius
O: Distal on femur
I: Calcaneal tuber
F: Extensor of the tarsus; flexor of the stifle joint
Soleus muscle
m. soleus
O: Fibula
I: Achilles tendon aka gastrocnemius tendon of insertion
F: Extensor of the tarsus
The 5 muscles/tendons making up the achilles tendon?
biceps femoris semitendinosus SDFT gastrocnemius soleus
biceps muscle of the thigh
m. biceps femoris
O: sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament and tuber ischiadicum
I: splits into two tendons in ru and three tendons in eq.
into the crural fascia, ligaments of the stifle and tuber calcanei
A: extension, abduction and also tarsus extension
Lateral digital extensor muscle of forelimb
m. extensor digitorum lateralis
O: epicondylus lateralis of humerus
I: middle phalanx
A: Extensor of digital joints
To what point does the deep digital flexor tendon attach?
facies flexoria
describe the stay apparatus of the forelimb specifically
Stay apparatus of forelimb incorporates lacertus fibrosus of musculus biceps brachii and musculus serratus ventralis.
describe the suspensory apparatus and the 4 main ligamentous components
Ligamentous arrangement that prevents hyperextension of the fetlock joint.
The ligaments involved include:
- The suspensory ligament which runs on the back of the cannon bone.
- The extensor branches of the suspensory ligament that branch laterally and medially to insert on extensor process of P3.
- The superficial and deep digital flexor tendons supplement the suspensory ligament and are restricted by the accessory or ‘check’ ligaments (above and below the carpus/tarsus).
- The straight and oblique sesamoidean ligaments and sesamoids themselves.
describe the stifle locking mechanism
also known as the patellar locking mechanism:
Via contraction of the quadriceps, the patella can be hooked over the medial trochlear ridge with lig. patellae mediale and intermedium.
describe the reciprocal apparatus
Found in the hindlimb.
Synchronous flexion of stifle and hock using peroneus tertius and SDFT (superficial digital flexor tendon).