Veterinary cranial anatomy in latin Flashcards
skull sutures
suturae capitis
latin name and rough location for incisive bone
os incisivum, most distal part of maxilla
latin name and rough location for nasal bone
os nasale, bridge of nose
latin name and rough location for maxilla
Maxilla, upper jaw
latin name and rough location for lacrimal bone
os lacrimale, tear trough area
latin name and rough location for zygomatic bone
os zygomaticum, cheek bone
latin name and rough location for frontal bone
os frontale, forehead
latin name and rough location for parietal bone
os parietale, top of the head
latin name and rough location for interparietal bone
os interparietale, between top and back of head
latin name and rough location for occipital bone
os occipitale, back of head
latin name and rough location for temporal bone
os temporale, temples
latin name and rough location for sphenoidal bone
os sphenoidale (made of parts: os basissphenoidale and os presphenoidale), behind cheek and temporal bones/ bottom of skull
latin name and rough location for palatine bone
os palatinum, hard palate-nasopharanx area
latin name and rough location for mandible
Mandibula, lower jaw
which 3 bones form the bottom of the cranial cavity
os presphenoidale, os basisphenoidale and os occipitale
rostral wall of cranial cavity
os ethmoidale
site of attachment for temproal muscle
fossa temporalis
which two processes form the zygomatic arch
processus temporalis and processus zygomaticus
which part of mandible articulates which part of cranium
processus condylaris of mandible articulates in fossa mandibularis (of temporal bone)
internal and external acoustic openings
porus acusticus internus and externus
ear canal in latin
meatus acusticus externus
foramen dorsal to premolars
foramen infraorbitale
sinus in maxilla
sinus maxillaris
tear duct
canalis nasolacrimalis
dorsal head ridge
crista sagittalis externa
name the zygomatic arch and the processes composing it
arcus zygomaticus made up of processus temporalis and processus zygomaticus
ear bulb
Tympanic bulla, bulla tympanica
protuberance caudal head
protuberantia occipitalis externa
nuchal crest
crista nuchae
condyles on back of head
condylus occipitalis
projections lateral to caudal condyles
processus paracondylaris
parts of os incisivum (name 4)
corpus ossis incisivi, processus nasalis, processus palatinus, fissura palatina (processus alveolaris)
hypoglossal canal and rough location
foramen nervi hypoglossi and just cranial to occipital condyles
name 5 parts of os occipitale from ventral aspect
foramen magnum, condylus occipitalis, foraman nervi hypoglossi, processus paracondylaris, pars basilaris
stylomastoid foramen and rough location
foramen stylomastoideum, part of os temporale behind bulla tympanica
where does mandible articulate, name fossa and process
fossa mandibularis and processus condylaris
name 4 foramens in a row, toward rostral direction, beginning with spinous foramen
foramen spinosum, foramen ovale, foramen alare caudale, foramen alare rostrale
optic canal
canalis opticus
large foramen in hard palate
foramen palatinus majus
name 2 parts of os palatinum
lamina perpendicularis and -horzontalis
posterior nasopharynx aperture
fissure between tympanic bulla and occipital bone
fissura tympanooccipitalis
mental foramina and approx. location
foramina mentalia and rostral end of mandible
cranial cavity
cavum cranii
Caudal nasal wall composed of
(unpaired) ethmoid bone / os ethmoidale
in which animal is the nuchal crest/ crista nuchae reduced to nuchal line / linea nuchae?
what crest is present in car and eq
crista sagittalis externa / external sagittal crest
external occipital protuberance
protuberantia occipitalis externa
swine do not have what in nuchal region
os interparietale
which 3 bones compose the bottom of cavum cranii
Os occipitale, os presphenoidale and os basisphenoidale
what bone do swine have rostrally that other species generally do not?
os rostrale
facial bones
ossa faciei
ridge between bovine horns
protuberantia intercornualis
middle and dorsal nasal conchae
concha nasalis dorsalis and media
ventral nasal chonchal bone
os conchae nasalis ventralis
name two parts of os ethmoidale
lamina cribrosa (cribriform palate) and labyrinthus ethmoidalis
process of maxilla forming roof of mouth
processus palatinus
large foramen in roof of mouth
foramen palatinum majus
space between alveolar margins in ru, eq and su
margo interalveolaris
large foramen of rostral mandible
foramen mentale
what is the coronoid process of the mandible
processus coronoideus is the most dorsal projection cranial to the processus condylaris of the mandible
mandibular foramen caudal to molars
foramen mandibulae
3 main parts of mandible
mandibula consists of corpus mandibulae, ramus mandibulae and angulus mandibulae
bovine hyoid latin name and function
os hyoideum; supports tongue and larynx
foramen on caudal surface of orbit
foramen orbitorotundum
tiny process cranial to tympanic bulla
processus muscularis
large foramen beneath tympanic bullas in equus
foramen lacerum
foramen caudal to styloid process
foramen stylomastoideum
squamous part
pars squamosa
bulla in cranial part of orbital
bulla lacrimalis
two palatine processes from os palatinum and os incisivum respectively, together form which space?
fissura palatina
small foramen above foramen supraorbitale
sulcus supraorbitalis
roof of cranium and highest part
calvaria and vertex
thick border, seperating nuchal and frontal surfaces of the skull in bo
protuberantia intercornualis
what do processses zygomaticus and temporalis form together
arcus zygomaticus
external surface of the base of the skull
basis cranii externa
process dorsolateral to foramen magnum
processus mastoideus
4 foramen in a row ventral aspect
foramen spinosum, foramen ovale, foraman alare caudale, foramen alare rostrale
foramen caudal to external ear opening
foramen stylomastoideum
nuchal protuberance
protuberantia occipitalis externa
frontal sinuses
sinus frontalis
most dorsal concha
concha nasalis dorsalis
middle concha
concha nasalis media
lowest concha
os conchae nasalis ventralis
most ventral sinus
sinus palatinus
tear duct
canalis nasolacrimalis
porous plane relating to olfactory system and the complicated mass behind it (rostrally)
lamina cribrosa and labyrinthus ethmoidalis
nasal canal
meatus nasi communis
name the 3 processes of the carnivore mandibula
processus coronoideus, processus condylaris, processus angularis
outer fossa of mandibula
fossa masseterica
inner fossa of mandibula
fossa pterygoidea
facial crest
crista facialis
space between tympanic bulla and occipital bone
fissura tympanooccipitalis also known as foramen jugulare (ca)
Septum separating nasal passages
maxillary tubercle
tuber maxillae
process of basisphenoidale, described as wing-like
processus pterygoideus
process behind spot mandible articulates
processus retroarticularis
facies facialis
foramen just below ear canal opening
foramen stylomastoideum
largest maxillary process
processus palatinus
projecting part of fossa mandibularis
tuberculum articulare
projection behind bulla
processus retrotympanicus
cylinder-like process on os temporale (in bo and eq)
processus styloideus
foramen between styloid process and mastoid processes
foramen stylomastoideum
processus between processuses styloideus and -retrotympanicus
processus mastoideus
space for lacrimal gland
Fossa sacci lacrimalis
name 3 foramen in a row cranial orbita
Foramen maxillare, Foramen sphenopalatinum, Foramen palatinum caudale
teeny holes in medial wall orbita
foramina ethmoidalia
name 3 foramen (+1) in a row caudal orbita after F.ethmoidalia
canalis opticus, fissura orbitalis, foramen rotundum (foramen orbitorotundum)
point of pro. pterygoideus
hamulus pterygoideus
foramen orbitorotundum found in what animals
ru and su
foramen orbitorotundum is found in what animals
ru and su