Myology 1.2. neck and trunk Flashcards
cutaneous muscle of the trunk
musculus cutaneus trunci
covers lateral part of trunk caudal to shoulder and arm;
fibres running in a caudodorsal direction;
attached to dermis and is involved in the panniculus reflex
same in latin
in carnivores and pigs,
well-developed muscular sheet, radiates from the lower facial cutaneous muscle to clavicle area.
well-developed in carnivores and pigs, tenses and moves skin on dorsal and lateral side of neck
cervical cutaneous muscle
m. cutaneus colli: on the ventral aspect of the neck in Un
‘Muscles of the neck’ in latin
mm. colli
Name 3 main groups for the muscles of the neck (english)
dorsal, lateral, ventral groups
in which dorsi has superficial and deep muscle groups
Name 5 main muscles of the dorsal neck in latin
m. longus capitis
m. obliquus capitis cranialis
m. obliquus capitis caudalis
m. rectus capitis dorsalis major
m. rectus capitis dorsalis minor
Major dorsal straight muscle of the head
m. rectus capitis dorsalis major
In (eq and ru) lie lateral to nuchal ligament.
O: Spinous process of the axis
I: Nuchal crest of os occipitale
F: extends the atlanto-occipital joint
Minor dorsal straight muscle of the head
m. rectus capitis dorsalis minor
deep to the long muscle of head, extends between the occiput and atlas
O: Dorsally on atlas
I: Dorsally on magnum foramen
F: Extends the atlanto-occipital joint
Cranial oblique muscle of the head
m. obliquus capitis cranialis
Short muscle extending obliquely craniolaterally over
atlanto-occipital joint, covered by splenius and parts of brachiocephalic muscle.
O: Wings of atlas
I: Nuchal crest
F: Extends and draws head to the side when contracting unilaterally
Caudal oblique muscle of the head
m. obliquus capitis caudalis
Covers the atlas and axis dorsally. Originates from
spinous process of axis, passes obliquely craniolaterally to its insertion on wing of atlas.
O: Spinous process of axis
I: Wings of atlas
F: Rotates the head and fixes the atlanto-occipital joint
Long muscle of the head
m. longus capitis
Lies on lateral and ventral sides of C2-6.
O: Transverse processes of C2- 6
I: Base of the skull
F: Flexes atlanto-occipital joint and draws head and cranial parts of the neck to the side.
Name 6 main muscles of the lateral neck in latin
m. splenius: capitis et cervicis
m. brachiocephalicus
m. sternocephalicus
m. omotransversarius
m. longus colli
mm. scaleni (m. scalenus: ventralis, medius et dorsalis )
Splenius muscle
m. splenius: cervicis et capitis
O: Spinocostotransverse fascia, nuchal ligament, spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae
I: cervicis: Transverse processes of 3rd to 5th cv
I: capitis: Occipital bone, mastoid process (eq)
F: Extends and draws head and neck to the side
Brachiocephalic muscle
m. brachiocephalicus
O: Clavicular tendon and the distal end of the cranial surface of the humerus.
I: Dorsal surface of the neck.
F: Bilateral fixation of the neck.
Omotransverse muscle
m. omotransversarius
O: Wing of atlas or transverse process of 2nd cervical vertebra
I: Distal end of spine of scapula
F: Draws neck downward and sidewards; draws scapula forward
Sternocephalic muscle
m. sternocephalicus
(in ru: sternomandibular and sternomastoid muscles)
(in eq: only sternocephalicus -> sternomandibular)
O: manubrium sterni
I: depending on specie/muscle: Mastoid part of the temporal bone and to the dorsal nuchal line of the occipital bone or mandible.
F: To draw the head and neck to one side.
Long muscle of the neck
m. longus colli
O: 5th to 6th thor.vert.
I: 1st cervical vertebra
F: Flexes the neck
Scalene muscles
mm. scaleni
(m. scalenus: ventralis, medius et dorsalis)
dorsalis absent in eq
O: 1st rib
I: 7th cervical vertebra
F: Same for all, fixes the neck, draws neck downwards and bends it side-ways; supports inspiration
O: 1st rib
I: Transverse processes of the 7th-3rd cerv.vert.
→dorsalis: absent in (eq). Originates from 4th or 5th rib in ruminants. With two heads from 3rd to 5th or from 9th to 8 ribs in carnivores.
O: 3rd to 8th ribs
I: Transverse processes of 6th to 3rd cerv.vert.
Name 3 main muscles of the ventral neck in latin
m. sternohyoideus
m. sternothyreoideus
m. omohyoideus
Sternohyoid muscle
m. sternohyoideus
O: manubrium and the cranial edge of the first costal cartilage.
I: Basihyoid bone/ basihyoideum
F: Pulls the basihyoid bone and tongue caudally.
Sternothyroid muscle
m. sternothyreoideus
O: on sternohyoideus
I: thyroid cartilage
F: pulls hyoid and larynx
Omohyoid muscle
m. omohyoideus
Most developed in (eq).
O: subscapular fascia close to shoulder joint in (eq) and from deep fascia of neck in ru
I: basihyoid bone.
F: retracts hyoid bone
mm. dorsi are further divided into what 2 groups
superficial and deep muscle groups
Name mm. dorsi 3 superficial muscles
m. trapezius (pars: cervicalis et thoracica)
m. rhomboideus (capitis, cervicis et thoracis)
m. latissimus dorsi
Trapezius muscle and parts
m. trapezius pars: cervicalis et thoracica
O: Nuchal ligament, supraspinous
Widthwise = o. varies according to the species but middle of the nuchal ligament to mid thor.vert.
I: Spine of the scapula.
F: Elevation of the limb and draws it forward. (protraction)
Rhomboid muscle
m. rhomboideus (capitis(only in car), cervicis et thoracis)
O: Nuchal ligament from 2nd–6th cerv.vert. to the 7th thor. vertebra
I: Medial surface of the base of scapula and scapular cartilage
F: Draws limb forward and fixes scapula against the trunk;
Broadest muscle of the back
m. latissimus dorsi
O: thoracolumbar fascia and spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae and last 7/8 thoracic vertebrae
I: tuberositas teres major
F: Draws limb backward; antagonist to the brachiocephalic muscle
Name mm. dorsi deep layer’s 11 muscles
serratus ventralis cervicis et thoracis longissimus semispinalis spinalis mm. interspinale mm. intertransversarii, iliocostalis quadratus lumborum psoas minor iliopsoas: psoas major and iliacus
Iliocostal muscle and its 3 divisions
m. iliocostalis: cervicis, thoracis et lumborum
O: Crista iliaca, transverse processes of L.V. and the fascial sheet which separates the iliocostal muscles from the longissimus.
I: transverse processes
A: Bends the vertebral column sideways
Longissimus muscle and its 5 divisions
m. longissimus: atlantis et capitis, cervicis, thoracis, lumborum
- atlantis et capitis (are sorta parallel with atlantis ventral to capitis)
O: Transverse processes of T1 and C7
I: Wing of atlas, mastoid part of the temporal bone
F: Raises and bends head sideways, turns the head
O: Transverse processes of the T8-5
I: Transverse processes of the C7-3
F: Raises and bends the neck laterally
Both lumb and thor:
O: Spinous processes of sacral, lumbar and thoracic vertebrae; ilium
I: Articular, mammillary and transverse processes of thoracic column and proximal on ribs
F: Fixes and extends the vertebral column, raises cranial part of the body
Spinal muscle
m. spinalis: thoracis et cervicis
find a direct continuation to the neck and head
in the semispinal muscle of the head.
su and eq
O: Extending across the spinous processes of one or more vertebrae
I: Extending across the spinous processes of one or more vertebrae
F: Fixes the back and neck
car and ru
O: Spinous processes, mammillary and transverse processes of the first lumbar and last thoracic vertebra
I: Spinous processes of the 1st–6th thoracic and 6th/7th cervical
F: Fixes and extends the back, levator of the neck, unilaterally:
bends back and neck sideways
Semispinal muscle
m. semispinalis capitis, cervicis et thoracis
O: Spinocostotransverse fascia, transverse processes of the first
5-8 thoracic vertebrae, articular processes of C2-7
I: Occipital squama
F: Raises and bends head sideways
semispinalis cervicis:
fuses with m. spinalis in ru and is absent in eq
semispinalis thoracis:
lies laterally on top of m. spinalis
O: mammillary processes
I: spinous processes
dorsal muscles (this is a muscle group)
mm. dorsi
Interspinal muscles
mm. interspinale
O: Spinous processes
I: Spinous processes
F: Fixation and flexibility of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
Intertransverse muscles
mm. intertransversarii
O: Transverse processes, mammillary processes
I: Transverse processes, articular processes
F: Fixation and lateral flexion of the cervical and lumbar vertebral column
Ventral serrate muscle of the thorax
m. serratus ventralis thoracis
is the most important part of the muscular suspension of the thorax between the forelimbs. It is a large fan-shaped muscle.
O: from rib 1- 7
I: on facies serrata and the cartilago scapulae
F: muscular suspension of the thorax between the forelimbs, part of suspensory apparatus of forelimbs
Ventral serrate muscle of the neck
m. serratus ventralis cervicis
large fan-shaped muscle
O: from the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae
I: facies serrata and the scapular cartilage
F: constitutes the most important part of the muscular suspension of the thorax between the forelimbs
Smaller psoas muscle
m. psoas minor
Origin: Last 3 thoracic vertebrae, L1-4
I: Arcuate line of ilium, as far as eminentia iliopubica
A: flexion of the lumbar part of the vertebral column.
Iliopsoas muscle made up of 2 parts = greater psoas muscle and iliac muscle
m. iliopsoas = m. psoas major and m. iliacus
two parts in all except car
Quadrate lumbar muscle
m. quadratus lumborum
O: ventral surfaces of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae and the proximal ends of the ribs
I: inserts on the ventral surface of the wings of the sacrum and ilium
A: Fixation of the lumbar vertebral column.
‘Muscles of the thorax’ in latin
mm. thoracis
What 4 groups can the thorax muscles be grouped into?
Superficial pectoral muscles, Deep pectoral muscle, Inspiratory muscles, Expiratory muscles
translate superficial pectoral muscles into latin sg. and pl.
mm. pectorales superficiales
(m. pectoralis: descendens et transversus)
occupy the space between the ventral part of the thoracic wall and the proximal part of the thoracic limb
Deep pectoral muscle
m. pectoralis profundus
O: Sternum from 4th rib cartilage
I: tuberculum minus of humerus
A: Draws limb backward, supports the trunk and moves trunk cranially over advanced limb; extensor of the shoulder joint
Name the 5 Inspiratory muscles in latin
mm. intercostales externi
mm. levatores costarum
m. rectus thoracis
m. serratus dorsalis cranialis
Name the 4 Expiratory muscles in latin
mm. intercostales interni
m. retractor costae
m. transversus thoracis
m. serratus dorsalis caudalis
Levator muscles of the ribs
mm. levatores costarum
O: Transverse and mammillary processes of the 1st until next to last thoracic vertebra
I: Cranial border of the proximal part of the preceeding rib
F: Draws ribs forwards; extends the thorax
Straight thoracic muscle
m. rectus thoracis
O: 1st rib
I: 2nd-4th rib cartilage
F: Draws first 3 ribs forwards; extends the thorax
Cranial dorsal serrate muscle
m. serratus dorsalis cranialis
O: Spinocostotransverse fascia
I: Serrations of 2nd to 4th ribs
F: draws ribs forward; extends the thorax
Internal intercostal muscles
mm. intercostales interni
O: Cranial border of ribs
I: Caudal border of the foregoing rib
F: Draws ribs backwards; contracts the thorax
Caudal dorsal serrate muscle
m. serratus dorsalis caudalis
O: Thoracolumbar fascia
I: From 9th to 12th ribs
F: draws ribs backwards; contracts the thorax
Retractor muscle of the rib
m. retractor costae
O: Thoracolumbar fascia
I: Final rib
F: Draws ribs backwards
Transverse thoracic muscle
m. transversus thoracis
O: Sternal ligament
I: Costochondral articulations
F: Contracts the thorax
‘Muscles of abdomen’ in latin and how many “main ones”
mm. abdominis, 4
External oblique abdominal muscle “EAO”
m. obliquus externus abdominis
O: caudal surface of rib 4, fascia thoracilumbalis, and coxal tuber
I: linea alba, inguinal ligament and prepubic tendon;
fibre direction: caudoventral
Internal oblique abdominal muscle “IOA”
m. obliquus internus abdominis
O: tuber coxae and inguinal ligament
I: linea alba, last rib and the cartilages of the caudal ribs;
fibre direction: cranioventral
Transverse abdominal muscle
m. transversus abdominis
O: ventral parts of caudal ribs (deeply), transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae and thoracolumbar fascia
I: linea alba; fibre direction: directly dorsoventral
Straight abdominal muscle
m. rectus abdominis
O: sternum, xiphoid process and costal cartilages
I: Prepubic tendon and pecten of pubic bone
there are tendonous inscriptions that divide the muscle into a series of segments and attach to the rectus sheath
Name the 4 abdominal muscles in latin
m. obliquus externus abdominis
m. obliquus internus abdominis
m. transversus abdominis
rectus abdominis
name the 8 layers of the lateral abdominal wall from outside in in english
skin superficial fascia of the trunk deep fascia of the trunk external oblique abdominal muscle internal oblique abdominal muscle transverse abdominal muscle transverse fascia parietal peritoneum
name the 8 layers of the lateral abdominal wall from outside in in latin
cutis fascia superficialis (encloses m. cutaneus trunci) tunica flava abdominis (or fascia profunda) m. obliquus externus abdominis m. obliquus internus abdominis m. transversus abdominis fascia transversalis peritoneum parietale
name the 8 layers of the Ventral abdominal wall from outside in in english
skin superficial fascia of the trunk deep fascia of the trunk (tunica flava abdominis in Un) external lamina of rectus sheath straight abdominal muscle internal lamina of rectus sheath transverse fascia parietal peritoneum
name the 8 layers of the Ventral abdominal wall from outside in in latin
cutis fascia superficialis tunica flava abdominis (Un) lamina externa of vagina musculi recti abdominis m. rectus abdominis lamina interna of vagina musculi recti abdominis fascia transversalis peritoneum parietale
ventral scalene
m. scalenus ventralis
O: 1st rib
I: 7th cervical vertebra
F: Fixes the neck, draws neck downwards and bends it side-ways; supports inspiration
medial scalene
m. scalenus medius
O: 1st rib
I: Transverse processes of the 7th-3rd cerv.vert.
F: Fixes the neck, draws neck downwards and bends it side-ways; supports inspiration
dorsal scalene
m. scalenus dorsalis
absent in eq.
O: 3rd to 8th ribs
I: Transverse processes of C3-6
F: Fixes the neck, draws neck downwards and bends it side-ways; supports inspiration
capital Rhomboid muscle
m. rhomboideus capitis
this one only in carnivores
O: tendinous raphe of the neck and the occipital bone
I: Medial and partly on the lateral edge of the base of the scapula.
F: elevate the limb, pull the limb and shoulder forward or backward, to draw the scapula against the trunk.
cervical Rhomboid muscle
m. rhomboideus cervicis
O: lig. nuchae (Ru, Eq)
I: cranial angle and dorsal border of scapula including scapular cartilage
F: elevate the limb, pull the limb and shoulder forward or backward, to draw the scapula against the trunk.
thoracic Rhomboid muscle
m. rhomboideus thoracis
O: spinous process of the fourth to seventh thoracic vertebrae
I: Medial and partly on the lateral edge of the base of the scapula.
F: elevate the limb, pull the limb and shoulder forward or backward, to draw the scapula against the trunk.
cervical iliocostal muscle
m. Iliocostal cervicis
O: transverse process of the cranial thoracic vertebrae
I: Transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebra.
A: Fixes the ribs
thoracic iliocostal muscle
M. iliocostalis thoracis
O: proximal end of the cranial edge of the ribs
I: caudal borders of the ribs and transverse processes of the last cervical vertebra
A: bends the vertebral column sideways
lumbar iliocostal muscle
M. iliocostalis lumborum
O: Iliac crest and transverse processes of the lumbar columm
I: caudal border last rib
A: Fixation of the vertebral column or lateral movement when only one side contracts
atlantic and capital longissimus muscles
m. longissimus atlantis et capitis
O: Transverse processes of the first thoracic and last cv
I: Wing of atlas and mastoid part of the temporal bone
F: Raises and bends head sideways, turns the head
cervical longissimus muscle
m. longissimus cervicis
O: Transverse processes of the first 5-8 thoracic vertebrae
I: Transverse processes of the C3-7
F: Raises and bends the neck laterally
lumbar and thoracic longissimus muscles
m. longissimus lumborum et thoracis
O: Spinous processes of sacral, lumbar and thoracic vertebrae; ilium
I: Articular, mammillary and transverse processes of the thoracic column and proximal on ribs
F: Fixes and extends the vertebral column, raises cranial part of the body
thoracic spinal muscle
m. spinalis thoracis
O: spinous processes of one or more thoracic vertebrae, and sometimes last cervical vertebra
I: extends forward as spinalis cervicis
A: Extends the neck; in unilateral action to raise the neck obliquely and turn it to one side.
cervical spinal muscle
m. spinalis cervicis
O: spinous processes of one or more CV
I: spinous processes of C2-5
A: fixes the thoracic vertebral column and extends the neck
rotatores muscles
Musculi rotatores
O: Transverse processes
I: spinous processes
F: Fixation and rotation off the vertebral column.
Greater psoas muscle and is part of what muscle?
m. psoas major, part of m. iliopsoas
O: Last thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae
I: trochanter minor
F: Flexor of the hip joint, draws hindlimb forwards
transverse superficial pectoral
m. pectoralis transversus
O: Sternum from 1st–6th rib cartilage
I: Lower arm fascia
F: Draws limb forward and
iliac muscle and is part of what muscle?
m. iliacus, part of m. iliopsoas
O: Iliac fascia, wing of ilium
I: Lesser trochanter of femur
F: Flexor of the hip joint, draws hindlimb forwards
Descending superficial pectoral muscle
m. pectoralis descendens
O: Manubrium
I: crista humeri
F: Draws limb forward and back-ward; draws trunk sideward
external intercostal muscles
mm. intercostales externi
O: Caudal border of the ribs
I: Cranial border of the preceeding rib
F: Draws ribs forwards; extends the thorax