Myology: head 1.1. Flashcards
cutaneous muscle of the face
musculus cutaneus faciei: covers the masseter muscle in car and su
Muscles of head in latin and are divided into what 2 groups?
mm. capitis
facial and masticatory
Orbicular muscle of the mouth
m. orbicularis oris
car and ru: stronger in upper lip than lower, where it’s interrupted by median segment.
Nasolabial levator muscle
m. levator nasolabialis
O: Forehead, lateral surface of nasal and maxillary bones
I: to superior portion of orbicularis oris.
F: Raises upper lip and widens external nares
In ru and eq divides into 2 branches, through which caninus muscle passes.
Canine muscle
m. caninus
O: Rostrally on facial crest and on facial tuberosity
I: upper lip near nasal aperture
F: Widens external nares and draws back upper lip
Levator muscle of the upper lip
m. levator labii superioris
(under nasolabialis)
O: Variably on maxillary bones
I: Upper lip
F: Raises and draws back upper lip and nasal plane.
Depressor muscle of the upper lip
m. depressor labii superioris
Present only in ru and su.
O: Facial tuberosity, ventral to canine muscle
I: Upper lip
F: Pulls upper lip down
Depressor muscle of the lower lip
m. depressor labii inferioris
Present in all but car.
O: Maxillary tuberosity
I: Lower lip
F: Pulls lower lip down
Buccinator muscle
m. buccinator
O: Maxilla and mandible
I: Middle tendon
F: Narrows cheek pouch
Zygomatic muscle
m. zygomaticus
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Orbicular muscle of mouth
F: Draws back the angle of mouth
Malar muscle
m. malaris
Weak in all but ru.
O: Facial fascia
I: Lower eyelid
F: Draws lower eyelid downward.
Orbicular muscle of the eye
m. orbicularis oculi
O: Circular muscle of eye
F: closes the palpebral fissure
Frontal muscle
m. frontalis
present in carnivores, ruminants and pigs (not eq)
masseter muscle
m. masseter
composed of superficial and deep part
O: Facial crest and zygomatic arch
I: Lateral surface of mandible and intermandibular region
F: Raises and draws mandible sidewards
temporal muscle
m. temporalis
the primary masticatory muscle in Car and strongest in their heads.
In (ru) indistinct. In (eq) not well developed.
O: Temporal fossa
I: Coronoid process of mandible
F: Raises mandible in order to close mouth.
medial pterygoid muscle
m. pterygoideus medialis
Larger then the lateral one.
O: Pterygoid process of sphenoid and pterygoid bones and perpendicular plate
I: Medial surface of mandible
F: Raises mandible
lateral pterygoid muscle
m. pterygoideus lateralis
the smallest muscle of mastication and situated dorsal to the medial one.
O: Pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
I: Medial surface of mandible and condylar process
F: Raises, pushes and draws the mandible forward.
digastric muscle
m. digastricus
is single-bellied in domestic animals except equus
O: Paracondylar process
I: Medial on body of mandible
F: Draws mandible downwards and opens mouth.
Name 5 main masticatory muscles in latin
mm. masseter, -temporalis, -pterygoideus medialis,
- pterygoideus lateralis and -digastricus