Veterinary anatomy: sense organs Flashcards
Vestibulocochlear organ
organum vestibulocochleare
sound frequency upper limits in large Un
ca and in fe
large Un and ca have as upper limit of sound about 40 000 Hz,
in fe it is about 80 000 Hz
axons of vestibulocochlear nerve run through?
the internal acoustic meatus toward the medulla oblongata
and project to the ipsilateral vestibular nuclei;
some axons project directly to the cerebellum by way of the caudal cerebellar peduncle
translate external ear
what does it consist of?
auris externa
consists of auricle or pinna and meatus acusticus externus (+ cartilagineus part)
difference between auris & auricula?
auris = whole ear
auricle = synonym for pinna
the externally visible part of the ear is called what?
It catches and transmits sound waves and is important for the communication
auricular cartilage
cartilago auriculae
the auricle consists of?
meatus acusticus externus
meatus acusticus externus leads from where to where?
meatus acusticus externus, the canal leading from the base of the auricle to the tympanic membrane
the external acoustic meatus consists of?
consists of an inner portion surrounded by temporal bone, and an outer portion surrounded by cartilage
translate external acoustic opening
what is it?
porus acusticus externus
opening of the osseous part of the external acustic meatus,
visible on the skull, on the temporal bone
translate cartilaginous part of the external acoustic meatus
meatus acusticus externus cartilagineus
the cartilaginous part of the external acoustic meatus is divided into? (2)
where are these?
is divided into:
cartilago anularis &
cartilago meatus acustici
the anular cartilage is attached to the bony part
and the tubular auricular cartilage (cartilago meatus acustici) is proximally located
what type of glands are found in the subcutaneous tissue of the cartilaginous part of the external acoustic meatus?
numerous sebaceous and ceruminous glands, which secrete cerumen (earwax)
ear canal length in canines and equine
in ca about 3.0…6.5 cm
in eq 2.5…3.5 cm in length
translate auricular fat pad
where is this?
corpus adiposum auriculare
surrounding the external acoustic meatus
Middle ear
auris media
What does the middle ear consist of?
membrana tympani
cavum tympani
ossicula auditis
tuba auditiva
membrana tympani 3 layers
the outer cutaneous keratinized layer,
the thin, variably vascularized layer of fibrous connective tissue,
and a layer of mucous membrane on the innermost surface
membrana tympani is attached to?
the osseous anulus tympanicus
membrana tympani is divided into?
pars flaccida dorsally
pars tensa, ventrally (the large functional tense part)
central depression of the tympanic membrane?
umbo membranae tympani
cavum tympani caudoventral wall formed by what?
what species peculiarity?
caudoventral wall is formed by bulla tympanica
ca and fe do not have at birth
tympanic bullas in ca and ov contain?
and in su, bo, cap, and camelids?
tympanic bulla in ca and ov is a single air-filled compartment;
it is septate in su, bo, cap, and camelids
2 alt. names for vestibular window
and where is this?
fenestra vestibuli or oval window
closed by the base of the stapes
so between the last ossicle and the inner ear
2 alt. names for cochlear window
what is this?
closed by?
fenestra cochleae or round window
(some materials: foramen cochleae)
in the medial wall of the middle ear, communication to the tympanic scala, closed by the membrana tympani secundaria
the ventral part of the tympanic cavity is divided into?
absent in?
cellulae tympanicae
absent in Car
name the 3 ossicula auditus in latin
when the tympanic membrane is vibrated by the sound wave, what moves?
the handle of the malleus is moved with the vibrations of the membrane
then, the incus and the stapes transmit the vibrations to the inner ear
what are the 2 muscles of the middle ear?
m. tensor tympani
m. stapedius
function of tuba auditiva
equalizes pressure inside the ear
connects the nasopharynx to the middle ear
tympanic opening of the auditory tube
ostium tympanicum tubae auditivae
bony part of the auditory tube
pars ossea tubae auditivae
a portion of the tube (≈1/3) proximal to the middle ear is bony part of the auditory tube
cartilaginous part of the auditory tube
pars cartilaginea tubae auditivae
the longer rostral part supported by cartilage
the isthmus of auditory tube
isthmus tubae auditivae
the junction of the pars ossea and pars cartilaginea of tubae auditivae is narrowest, 1…2 mm long
pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube
ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae
in the lateral wall of the nasopharynx
guttural pouch
diverticulum tubae auditivae
in eq and some rodent-like species
Internal ear
auris interna
What does this depict?
What can this location be useful for?
Viborg’s triangle
bounded rostrally by the mandibular branch, dorsally by the insertion of the sternocephalic muscle and ventrally by the linguofacial vein
site of entry for surgical treatment of tympanitis and guttural pouch drainage
auris interna in located where? (in latin)
Pars petrosa ossis temporalis.
the membranous labyrinth is filled with?
the space between the membranous and bony labyrinth is filled with
Osseous labyrinth
labyrinthus osseus
what is the vestibulum of the inner ear (4)
a chamber in the centre of the bony labyrinth
communicates with both the cochlea and the osseous semicircular canals.
The oval and the round windows are both located in the lateral wall of the vestibule.
It contains utriculus and sacculus.
osseous semicircular canals
+ diameter
canales semicirculares ossei
0.2…0.5 mm in diameter
contain the semicircular ducts, which have arisen from the utricle of the vestibular labyrinth.
translate semicircular canal and how are they named?
canalis semicircularis: anterior, posterior et lateralis
what structure contains the cochlear nerve?
the modiolus of the cochlea
cochlear spiral canal
canalis spiralis cochleae
winding spirally for 2.5…4 turns around the central modiolus (humans and rats 2.5; guinea pigs and nutrias 4.5 turns
what structure projects from the modiolus into the spiral canal?
the lamina spiralis ossea
projects from the modiolus into the spiral canal, and partially divides the lumen into the vestibular scala and the tympanic scala with the basilar membrane of the cochlear duct
near the summit of the cochlea the lamina ends and forms?
the opening, helicotrema, through which the scalae communicate in the cupula
Membranous labyrinth
labyrinthus membranaceus
the spiral organ and vestibular organs are situated in the walls of what structure?
labyrinthus membranaceus
each semicircular duct has two?
and each of those has?
each duct has two crura membranacea
One crus of each duct has an
ampulla membranacea,
which is an expansion of the duct.
receptor cells for sensing rotational acceleration of the head are located where?
within the ampulla membranacea’s of the semicircular ducts
the semicircular ducts open into
the utricle
endolymphatic duct
endolymphatic sac
ductus endolymphaticus
saccus endolymphaticus
translate reunion duct
ductus reuniens
connects the sacculus to the cochlear duct
translate utriculosaccular duct
ductus utriculosaccularis
connects the sacculus to the utricle
maculae of the utricle and saccule
macula: utriculi et sacculi