Veterinary female reproductive system Flashcards
Female genital organs
organa genitalia feminina
the ovaries have two major functions:
to produce the energy rich female gametes (oocytes or ova)
and to produce the sex hormone estrogen
shape and size of porcine ovaries
like a bunch of grapes
about 5 cm
shape and size of mare ovaries
5…8 cm
unique feature to mare ovaries
the typical corticomedullary lay-out is reversed
medullary tissue on outside cortical tissue on inside
shape of car ovaries and name a feature
elongated and flat ovaries
concealed in a bursa with a 0.6…2.0 cm slit, can have lots of adipose tissue
ru ovary location and size
ventrally on the cranial border of the broad ligament
2…7 cm, right ovary is larger
the surface of the ovary is covered by
a low cuboidal epithelium superficiale
beneath the surface epithelium is a layer of?
connective tissue called the tunica albuginea
translate ovarian cortex or parenchymatous zone
cortex ovarii; zona parenchymatosa
ovarian follicles in various stages of development, and yellow bodies are found in what part of the ovary
in the cortex ovarii
translate primary ovarian follicles and what do they consist of
folliculi ovarici primarii
consist of an oocyte surrounded by one or more layers of follicular cells
translate vesicular ovarian follicles and what do they consist of
folliculi ovarici vesiculosi
have a fluid-filled cavity that enlarges with maturation
ovarian medulla or vascular zone
medulla ovarii; zona vasculosa
medulla ovarii contains what
loose connective tissue,
blood vessels, nerves etc.
It is continuous with the mesovarium.
hilus of ovary
hilus ovarii
area of attachment of mesovarium and vessels on ovaries?
hilus ovarii
suspension of the ovary
the free border of the mesovarium is called?
lig. suspensorium ovarii
suspensory ligament of the ovary
unique feature to fe lig. suspensorium ovarii
in fe this ligament conveys blood vessels
ovarian bursa
bursa ovarica
what structures form the bursa ovarica
mesovarium and mesosalpinx
in which species does the ovarian bursa not enclose the ovary
translate proper ligament of the ovary and where is it
lig. ovarii proprium
is a band between the uterine horn and the ovary
what does the ruptured follicle become after ovulation
hypertrophy of the granulosa and theca cells, produce a solid yellow body the corpus luteum (sg.)
the yellow pigment, lutein, appears in which species?
bo, eq, and Car
it is absent in ov, cap and su
corpus luteum produces which 2 hormones
progesterone and relaxin (causes decalcification of the pelvis and softening of other structures)
corpus luteum regresses into?
connective tissue scar, corpus albicans
unique feature of bovine corpus albicans
red in bo
what triggers luteolysis in ru, su, eq?
in the event of no pregnancy, cyclical regression of the corpus luteum is caused by the secretion of prostaglandin F2alpha from the endometrium
the estrus cycle is regulated by?
hypothalamo-hypophysial-ovarian rhythm
and by environmental factors
estrus is subdivided into what phases
describe proestrus
one or several follicles start to grow
the endometrium starts to develop
progestrone levels fall
female is not yet sexually receptive
some animals have bloody vaginal secretions
describe estrus
estrogen level is high
follicles mature and ovulation may occur
the female is sexually receptive and
exhibits visible physiologic changes
(lordosis reflex, the labia are reddened etc.)
describe metestrus
the signs of estrogen stimulation subside
one or several corpora lutea develop
initial progesterone secretion begins
sexual inactivity
describe diestrus
mature yellow body secretes large amounts of progestrone
endometrial glandular hyperplasia and secretion are maximal.
In the absence of pregnancy diestrus ends when the body undergos regression. Diestrus can be prolonged into pseudopregnancy.
describe anestrus
the prolonged period of sexual inactivity in di- and monoestrous animals
e.g. carnivores (mono-), canines (di-)
animals with estrus cycles throughout the year are called? and give examples
polyestrous animals: bo, su, mouse, rat, rabbit
animals that have multiple estrus cycles only during certain periods of the year are called? and give examples
seasonally polyestrous animals
eq, ov, cap, fe, deer, elk, hamster, ferret
animals that have two long estrus cycles per year and a long anestrous period separates between are called? and give example
diestrous animals: in canines
what leads to pseudopregnancy
a fall in progesterone and
an increase in prolactin
animals that have one estrus cycle per year are called? and give examples
monestrous animals: wolf, fox, bear
Uterine tube
tuba uterina
3 alternative names for the uterine tube
oviduct, salpinx, Fallopian tube
tube wall consists of what basic layers?
serosal, muscular, and mucosal layers
the uterine tube’s mucosal layer is lined with?
both secretory and ciliated cells
the uterine tube’s muscular layer is oriented..?
has both circular and longitudinal muscles
On what basis is the oviduct separated into 4 parts and name those parts.
on the basis of diameter and internal structure
infundibulum tubae uterinae
ampulla tubae uterinae
isthmus tubae uterinae
pars uterina
infundibulum of the uterine tube
infundibulum tubae uterinae
translate fimbria
fimbriae tubae
where are fimbria found?
on the free edge of the infundibulum
the abdominal opening of the uterine tube
ostium abdominale tubae uterinae
the ampulla of the uterine tube
ampulla tubae uterinae
the isthmus of the uterine tube
isthmus tubae uterinae
Where does fertilization usually take place?
ampulla tubae uterinae
What is the isthmus of the uterine tube
is a narrow portion of the uterine tube which leads to the uterine horn;
the distinction between these parts is not obvious
In which species is the uterine part of the uterine tube distinct, and ends on a papilla?
Car and eq
In which species is the uterine part of the uterine tube non-distinct, and is gradually continuous with the uterine horn?
in Ru and su
the uterine tube opens into the uterine horn via the?
ostium uterinum tubae
uterine orifice / uterotubal junction
The tube is supported and carried by what?
the mesosalpinx
located laterally from the mesovarium
2 alternate names for the uterus
metra, hystera
Which species ejaculate into the uterus
eq and su
What type of uteri do domestic animals have
uterus bicornis
horns of the uterus
cornu uteri: dextrum et sinistrum
mesometrical border
margo mesometricum
describe the uterine horns of ru
they are “wound up” almost spiral-like, and have a fold of serosa, the intercornual ligament crosses between horns
describe the uterine horns of eq and car
straight and divergent
describe the uterine horns of su
have intestine-like loops
unique to bovine uterus
the lig. intercornuale is doubled rather than single layered, forms a pocket
the medial walls of the uterine horns fuse and form what structure? in what species?
a ‘sail of the uterus’
velum uteri
in Car, su and Ru
body of the uterus, and in which species largest
corpus uteri
is generally rather small in domestic species, except for in eq
bottom of the uterus, and which species has this named separately
fundus uteri
in eq the cranial end of the body of the uterus
cavity of the uterus
cavum uteri
neck of the uterus and where does it lie
cervix uteri
pelvic cavity
name the 2 parts, ends, of the cervix
portio prevaginalis, and most caudal part portio vaginalis
in which species portio vaginalis found
in bo and eq
carnivore cervical mucosal epithelium contains?
a large number of mucus-secreting gll. cervicales
the lumen of the cervix is called?
canalis cervicis uteri
the cervical canal of the uterus
internal uterine orifice
ostium uteri internum
external uterine orifice
ostium uteri externum
ring-like pouch formed by portio vaginalis and absent in which species
fornix vaginae
absent in su
mucosa of the cervix forms thick folds, which are arranged how in eq and car?
plicae longitudinales
mucosa of the cervix forms thick folds, which are arranged how in ru?
plicae circulares
mucosa of the cervix forms thick folds, which are arranged how in su?
in row of prominences
pulvini cervicales
in which species are plicae longitudinales of the cervix uteri found
eq, car
in which species are plicae circulares of the cervix uteri found
in which species are pulvini cervicales of the cervix uteri found
wall of the uterus consists of what 3 layers:
describe the endometrium
mucosal layer of uterus that is thick and contains exocrine gll. uterinae that produce nutritive secretions;
functional and basal layers
unique to ru uterine mucosa?
carunculae or uterine caruncles
where the embryonic membranes attach during pregnancy
80…120 in a bovine
what degenerates partially or fully after pregnancy or after estrus
the startum functionale of the endometrium
describe the myometrium
the muscular layer, has external longitudinal and internal circular muscle layers;
a vascular layer in between those two;
experiences hypertrophy and hyperplasia during pregnancy
describe the perimetrium
serosal layer of the uterus,
continuous with the broad uterine ligament and consists of loose connective tissue;
provides suspensory support for the uterus
what is the parametrium
the site where the double layer of the broad ligament separates to enclose the uterus;
separates cervix from bladder along pelvic floor
the external longitudinal muscle layer of the uterus extends to the?
where are the uterine ligaments mainly attached in the body?
the dorsolateral bodywall
translate and describe - broad ligament of the uterus
lig. latum uteri
is double fold of peritoneum, formed by mesovarium, mesosalpinx and mesometrium
what is the mesometrium attached to?
the uterus and cranial part of the vagina
where does the mesometrium attach in bovine?
broad ligament site of attachment is lateral
so the free surface of the uterus is dorsal
where does the mesometrium attach in equine?
on dorsal surface of the uterine horns
and so the free surface of the uterus is ventral to the ligament
translate and describe - round ligament of the uterus
lig. teres uteri
a fibrous-muscular cord, the lateral surface of the broad ligament that extends from the tip of the uterine horn to the vaginal process at the deep inguinal ring
translate vaginal process and where in which species
proc. vaginalis peritonei
in the inguinal canal, found in female dogs and rarely in felines
what do the various uterine ligaments contain?
collagen fibers,
smooth muscles,
blood and lymph vessels,
and nerve fibers
from where to where does the vagina extend
from the external opening of the uterus to the vestibule of the vagina/ to the entrance of the urethra
in which species is hymen more prominent
in eq, ov and su
abdominal location of vagina
mostly retroperitoneal, but its cranial part is covered by peritoneum
name the vaginal walls
paries: ventralis et dorsalis
caudal part of the vagina is surrounded by?
loose fatty tissue and connective tissue
Vestibule of the vagina
vestibulum vaginae
from what to what does the vestibulum vaginae extend
from the ostium urethrae externum to the external vulva
unique feature to ru and su vaginal vestibulum?
the urethra forms a ventrocaudal blind sac, diverticulum suburethrale which opens together with the urethra into the vaginal vestibule
unique feature to canine vaginal vestibulum?
the urethra opens on a small elevation, tuberculum urethrale
translate vestibular bulb
bulbus vestibuli
what is bulbus vestibuli and in which species is it found
bulb of spongy erectile tissue found in lateral wall of vaginal vestibule in equine and canine
more pronounced during estrus
what glands can be found in the vaginal vestibule
gll. vestibulares minores
gl. vestibularis major (Bartholin’s gland)
where are minor vestibular glands found?
in the lateral and ventral walls in all female animals
where are large vestibular glands found?
gl. vestibularis major
in Ru and fe in the lateral walls of the vaginal vestibule,
in the constrictor muscles of the vestibule,
one on each side,
the duct opens on the lateral wall of the vestibule
pudendum femininum
translate The external parts of the female genitalia
partes genitales femininae externae
pudendal fissure
rima pudendi
vulvar lips
labium pudendi
dorsal and ventral commissure
commissura labiorum: dorsalis et ventralis
clitoris consists of?
paired, joined crus clitoridis, which are attached to the ischial arch
parts of the clitoris?
corpus clitoridis
glans clitoridis
prepuce of the clitoris
preputium clitoridis
fossa of the clitoris
fossa clitoridis
translate clitorial sinuses and how many can be found in which species
sinus clitoridis
3 found on dorsal surface of glans clitoridis in equine
the ovarian artery supplies what structures?
ovaries and oviducts
cranial part of the uterus
the uterine artery comes from where?
from the internal iliac artery
except in eq – from external iliac artery
the uterine artery supplies what structures?
major portion of the uterus
paired arteries anastomose within the broad ligament
the vaginal artery comes from where?
from the internal iliac artery
the vaginal artery supplies what structures?
+ uterus using uterine branch of vaginal artery
Fetal membranes
membranae fetales
define placentation
development of extraembryonic membranes
name the 3 fetal membranes
the amnion,
and chorion
yolk sac found in mammals, but it is not nutritive
describe the innermost fetal membrane
the amnion or amniotic sac
is the innermost transparent membrane,
aids in dilation of the cervix and provides lubrication for parturition;
is a reservoir for urine and waste,
prevents adhesion of fetal skin to the amnion,
amnion is fused with the inner layer of the allantois
which species is born inside the amnion
describe the middle fetal membrane
allantois fuses with chorion and amnion
carries blood vessels to placenta,
is a resevoir for nutrients and waste
term for middle and outer fetal membranes together
allantochorion /or chorioallantois
term for middle and innermost fetal membranes together
translate umbilical cord and what does it attach
funiculus umbilicalis
attaches fetus to allantois
at parturition what is expelled first
the allantoic sac
describe the outermost fetal membrane
develops vascular villi chorii and attaches to the endometrium;
it absorbs nutrients from uterus, allows gas exchange, produces hormones
chorionic villi
villi chorii
which fetal membrane produces hormones
what structure connects the fetus to the uterine wall
what space is found between amniotic sac and allantochorion and what fills it
the space is called the allantoic sac, filled with allantoic fluid
it also connects the bladder by the urachus
another term for embryo or fetus
the placenta consists of what two components
pars fetalis
pars uterina
what forms the pars fetalis of the placenta
the chorion
what forms the basal decidua of the placenta
also known as the pars uterina
develops from the maternal endometrium
what sort of substances can diffuse through the placenta?
nutrients (monosaccharides, amino acids, vitamins etc.), most maternal hormones (except adrenaline),
oxygen, antibodies,
almost all drugs (including alcohol),
lead (Pb) and DDT
the placenta will secrete what hormones?
ACTH etc.
how many layers in total separate maternal-fetal blood
up to 6, species and placental type dependent
how are placenta classified?
according to the configuration of the maternal-fetal interface
name 4 types of placenta in english
name 4 types of placenta in latin
placenta diffusa
placenta multiplex
placenta zonaria
placenta discoidea
describe a diffuse placenta
it is almost entirely in contact with the endometrium
almost entire surface of allantochorion is covered by villi (eq)
or a network of short folds (su)
describe a cotyledonary placenta
multiple, discrete areas of attachment called cotyledons are formed by interaction of patches of allantochorion with endometrium.
e.g. ru
describe a zonary placenta
the chorionic villi form a complete or incomplete band of tissue surrounding the fetus
ca, fe, seals, bears, elephants
describe a discoid placenta
an area of the chorion is discoid in shape, adheres to the endometrial stroma
ppl, primates, rodents, rabbit
cotyledonary placenta maternal attachment points
caruncula/ papilla
caruncle eng.
the cotyledon-caruncle complex is called?
a placentome / placentoma
the umbilical cord contains?
commonly two arteries
one (or two) veins
all embedded in a loose connective tissue – Wharton’s jelly. This is all covered by a thick stratified sheet of embryonic connective tissue
What does the endometrium secrete that regulates the luteolysis (ru, su eq)
prostaglandin F2αlpha
reaches the ovary via ovarian artery
which is close to the uterine vein facilitating diffusion of the hormone (sjaastad)
define monotocous and polytocous
producing a single offspring at a birth
Giving birth to multiple offspring at the same time; multiparous.
pH of vaginal mucosa?
roughly 5.7
diagnostic method for pregnancy
via rectal palpation, after the 4th month of pregnancy, the undulation (fremitus) of the uterine artery can be palpated in bovine
also fetal membrane slip in very early gestation
names for the 2 lamina of the allantois
which species can be susceptible to bladder prolapse and why
mares because of their relatively short and wide urethra
layers of an ovary
epithelium superficiale
tunica albuginea
cortex ovarii / zona parenchymatosa
medulla ovarii / zona vasculosa
how to tell mesovarium from mesosalpinx
mesosalpinx is the free border, connecting tube to horn
mesovarium is wider and pretty much all the connective tissue in between
length of oviducts in different species?
range from 5 cm in fe and smaller canines,
15…30 cm in su, bo and eq