Veterinary avian anatomy Flashcards
birds’ phylogenic class
the comb
crista carnosa s. crista galli
palear s. lobus submandibularis
the snood
proc. frontalis
is an erectile, fleshy process on the forehead of turkeys, may hang over their beak
beak or bill (give 2 alt names)
rostrum; rhamphotheca
upper bill
rostrum maxillare; [rhinotheca]
lower bill
rostrum mandibulare; [gnathotheca]
claw (toe claw)
unguis digiti pedis
claws on the digits of the wing
unguis digiti alulae
calcar metatarsale
The tarsometatarsus is covered by a horny sheath called?
large scales of the podotheca are called?
and small ones?
The largest scales are called scutes,
with smaller ones termed scutella
describe avian temperature regulation
birds have no sweat glands, so temperature regulation is largely achieved by evaporative cooling from the respiratory tract and through their skin
3 alt. names for the uropygial gland
preen gland
oil gland
gl. uropygialis
is a bilobate sebaceous gland possessed by the majority of birds
located dorsally at the base of the tail
define patagium
patagium is a feathered double layer of triangular skin fold one of which, runs from the upper arm to the lateral thoracic wall
and the second, stretches between of the upper and lower arm. The patagium contains an elastic membrane, which help to return the wing to its resting position, and is essential for producing aerodynamic lift
Contour feathers
& define
penna contorna
are the outermost and most prominent feathers. They provide the color and the shape of the bird.
areas with feathers &
the bare areas devoid of feathers
feathered areas = pterylae
bare areas = apterae
flight feathers, 2 names
penna volatus
are divided into primaries (on the manus) and secondaries on the antebrachium (ulna)
What are helm feathers?
The flight feathers on the tail are helm feathers (latin = rectrices)
translate and define covert feathers
are smaller contour feathers which cover most of the wing and tail.
They are found at the base of the remiges (flight feathers) and rectrices (helm feathers) and over the ear; the coverts help to smooth airflow over the wings and tail
translate and define feather shaft (2 alt. names)
quill or calamus pennae
is the smooth, non-colored end of the feather shaft, which extends under the skin to the folliculus
2 alt. names for feather shaft
rachis (eng)
rhachis pennae (lat)
any of the shaft not covered by skin/in the follicle (that is the calamus)
translate & define feather barbs
barbae pennae
are stiff filaments, which come off the rachis (feather shaft) at a 45-degree angle. are literally the feather bits.
define barbulae
barbules (barbulae)
are finer filaments found on the barb (feather filaments).
Barbules from one barb cross those of the next at a 90-degree angle; tiny hooklets tie the barbules and the barbs together.
translate & define vane
is the softer part on both side of the rachis (feather shaft).
The leading edge of the feather during flight is called the outer vane; the opposite wider vane is referred the inner vane.
Essentially is the edge or margin of the feather.
translate & define afterfeathers
are much smaller, softer and are attached to the lower shaft of some contour feathers; they resemble down
down feathers
lack hooked barbules
down feathers
lack hooked barbules
Specialized feathers that may provide proprioceptive sensory input
have long fine shafts with a tuft of terminal barbs. They are always associated with contour feathers and may provide proprioceptive sensory input
Specialized feathers that are a cross between down feathers and contour feathers
semiplumes (semipluma) are found between other feathers, providing an additional layer of warmth and helping to maintain the smooth, streamlined shape of the bird.
are small contour feathers and they have a stiff, tapering rachis with few or no barbs. They are situated at the beak or the eyes as eyelashes. They may also have a sensory tactile function
as feathers become worn, they are replaced by molting.
The fowl molts three times in its first 6 months
(2 complete and 1 partial)
pneumatic bones are lined by
mucous membrane rather than marrow
medullary bones
ossa medullaria
are a non-structural type of bone tissue that develop in the haematopoietic medullary cavities of bones of female birds induced by oestrogenic and androgenic hormones during the egg-laying cycle; is known to function as a calcium store for egg shell production
what cranial bone do birds NOT have
temporal bone
bird skull consists of frontal, parietal, palatine, premaxillary, occipital and nasal bone, and the mandible
how many cervcical vertebrae in birds
the long, double curved neck contains 14 (8…25) cervical vertebrae,
and the ring-like atlas articulates to the skull with a single occipital condyle
in chicken, the last two of the cervical vertebrae possess
the vertebral segments of ribs
how may thoracic vertebrae in birds?
there are 7 (3…10) thoracic vertebrae,
numbers 2…5 are fused and form the notarium or dorsal bone
What is a notarium?
Notarium or os dorsale is a bone consisting of the fused vertebra of the shoulder in birds and some pterosaurs.
The structure helps brace the chest against the forces generated by the wings.
6th thoracic vertebrae can move freely, but the last thoracic vertebra is?
part of the synsacrum
what is a synsacrum?
the lumbar and sacral vertebrae are typically fused into a synsacrum
This bony mass comprises the last thoracic, 14 lumbo-sacral vertebrae and the 1st caudal vertebra;
skeletal fusion in the vertebral column does not occur for many weeks after hatching.
how many caudal vertebrae in birds?
there are 5…6 caudal vertebrae that, apart from the first, are free and mobile.
The numbers 2…5 are normal vertebrae, since the last one is formed into a pygostylus.
What is a pygostyle?
last caudal vertebrae is formed into a three sided pyramidal bone called the pygostylus
or plowshare bone or rump post
is the last coccygeal vertebra, unique to birds, except parrots and pigeons.
how many ribs do birds have?
there are 5…7 pairs of ribs: the first two are free while the last five are attached to the sternum.
The rib consists of vertebral and sternal parts.
translate vertebral and sternal rib parts
costae: vertebrales et sternales
what is a uncinate process
ribs 2…6 each have an uncinate process or processus uncinatus which overlaps the next caudal rib
what is a keel in the context of bird anatomy?
the sternum forms the large floor of the thoracic cavity.
It exhibits a keel or carina (latin: carina sterni) which serves as the bony surface for the origin of the major flight muscles.
in some birds a lower keel is compensated by greater sternal width
on the caudal border of the sternum are directed caudolaterally what?
trabecula: lateralis, mediana et intermedia
= largeish bony processes
pneumatic foramina on the dorsal sternal surface connect with
the clavicular air sac
the thoracic girdle is composed of what 3 pairs of bones which support the wings
clavicula – cranially to the coracoids
coracoideum – the distal end of the coracoid is braced against the sternum
what are the fused clavicula called as a unit?
fused ventrally to form the furcula or wishbone
there are many species where the furcula is completely absent (some owls, parrots etc.)
the 3 bone pairs of the thoracic girdle come together to form?
come together dorsally forming canalis triosseus, through which the tendon of the supracoracoid muscle passes
latin for wing bones
which one is largest?
ossa alae
humerus is largest
humerus is pneumatized with the clavicular air sac
wrist of birds is made up of what bones
os carpi: ulnare et radiale
latin for metacarpal bones
how many?
ossa metacarpalia
are reduced to three
name the 3 avian metacarpal bones
os metacarpale: majus, minus et alulare
major, minor and wing of metacarpals
the fusing of distal row of the carpal bones and metacarpal bones forms what in adult birds?
carpometacarpal bones
“finger bones”
the number of digits corresponds to?
ossa digitorum manus
number corresponds to the metacarpal bones:
digitus: major, minor et alularis
The three digits of the wing are equivalent to digits II, III, and IV in other animals.
2 alt. names for alula
define this
bastard wing or winglet
consists of two phalanx of alular digit and is freely moving II digit, a bird’s “thumb“ which typically bears 3…5 small flight feathers
in flight, the body of a bird hangs from its wings at the shoulder joint called what in latin
art. omalis
name the phalanx in latin
phalanx proximalis digiti majoris;
phalanx distalis digiti majoris;
phalanx digiti minori
describe the avian pubic bone
paired pubis are long thin bones directed caudally;
cranially they are fused with the ischia
ilioischiatic foramen
for. ilioischiadicum
what bones comprise the avian acetabulum?
ilium, ischium and pubis all contribute to the acetabulum, but the ilium forms more than half of the socket and the floor is membranous
which species of birds have a pelvic symphysis
is present in ostrich and rhea
what is the „drumstick“ bone
tibiotarsus, is the longest of the limb bones.
It is formed by the fusion of the tibia and the proximal row of tarsal bones
fibula is greatly reduced in birds and fused with tibiotarsus
how is the tarsometatarsus formed
by the fusion of the distal row of tarsal bones to the three metatarsal bones of digits II, III and IV,
is usually shorter than the tibiotarsus.
In male chicken, there is a bony spur core
what is the hallux
short I digit or hallux has two phalanges and it is usually backwards directed
how many phalanges do digits II-IV have
II, III, IV digits have 3, 4 and 5 phalanges, respectively, and they are cranially directed;
the fourth digit is directed caudally in parrots
name the main flight mm. (3)
m. pectoralis superficialis et profundus
and m. supracoracoideus
both have their origin on the sternum and clavicle.
They make up about 25…35% of a flighted bird’s body weight.
what 2 structures are found in the roof of a birds mouth
choanal cleft (choana) in the hard palate
and infundibular slit (infundibulum)
lead to the external nares and auditory tube respectively
proventriculus gastris s. pars glandularis
is an ovoid thick-walled continuation of the esophagus and first part of the stomach
muscular stomach
Gizzard or
ventriculus gastris s. pars muscularis
is also for grinding and gastric digestion
what is cuticula
cuticula gastris
on the inside of the gizzard is a yellowish-green layer of secretion; it protects the gizzard, is secreted by the ventricular glands and consists of carbohydrate and protein complex
or Meckel’s diverticulum (remnant of the yolk sac and stalk)
may be found at the end of the axial loop of the jejunum, separating ileum and jejunum
Cloaca is divided into three parts by annular folds:
coprodeum, ampulla-like reservoir for urine and feces
urodeum, middle and smallest, containing openings of the ureters, slit-like opening of the oviduct or the papilla of the deferent duct
proctodeum, short and most caudal part. Into dorsal wall of the proctodeum opens bursa of Fabricius. +In males the phallus
dorsal and ventral lips
ventus, a transverse slit-like external opening of the proctodeum
with labium venti: dorsale et ventrale
gall bladder, 2
vesica biliaris s. vesica fellea
what birds do not have gallbladders, 3
pigeons, most psittacines (parrots) and ostriches do not have gall bladders
how do birds vocalize?
birds lack vocal folds, so they vocalize with a muscular structure found at the bifurcation of the trachea, the syrinx (larynx caudalis)
since bird lungs don’t expand what forces air in and out?
the air sacs do the expansion and contraction for respiration
Gas exchange in birds occurs between air capillaries and blood capillaries, rather than in alveoli
birds do not have a diaphragm
primary bronchi
bronchus primarus
extrapulmonary, arise from the syrinx and pass through the lung (intrapulmonary) in an S-shape, decreasing in diameter until they terminate caudally at the abdominal air sac
secondary bronchi
bronchi secundarii
each primary bronchus gives off 4 groups of secundary bronchi
parabronchi are divided into
paleopulmonic and neopulmonic parabronchi
secondary bronchi give rise to the parabronchi or tertiary bronchi
air sacs
sacci pneumatici
name the air sacs in latin
most birds have 3 paired air sacs plus a 2 single unpaired sacs;
unpaired clavicular sac (saccus clavicularis)
cervical (saccus cervicalis) sac,
cranial and caudal thoracic (saccus thoracicus: cranialis et caudalis),
and abdominal air sac (saccus abdominalis
each avian kidney is divided into
cranial, middle and caudal divisions
divisio renalis: cranialis, media et caudalis
surface of kidneys lobulated (lobuli renalis)
Deferent receptacle and erectile papilla
receptaculum ductus deferentis
ending as papilla ductus deferentis in the urodeum
Copulatory organ & phallus
apparatus copulations
phallus masculinus,in most male birds not present.
In the males of species without a phallus, semen is stored within the cloacal protuberance prior to copulation
nonprotruded phallus
phallus nonprotrudens
is on the ventral lip of the cloaca
The covering mucous membrane forms a seminal groove in spiral coils.
the oviduct is a single tubular structure divided into 5 parts
collects the oocyte and there fertilization occurs.
Glandular cells and glands near the magnum produce the chalaziferous layer of the albumen
is the longest part, gll. magni that produce the bulk of egg-white protein, which forms three concentric layers around the ovum
define chalazae
The chalazae are two twisted chords of albumen extending into the ends of the egg along the longitudinal axis, and are parts of a very thin envelope of special albumen that surrounds the yolk and holds it in its position
short narrow region, sharply distinguished from the magnum by a translucent pars of pars translucens isthmi, which is without glands.
The gll. isthmi produce sulphur-containing protein to form the two shell membranes.
uterus or
or shell gland, short an expanded part of the oviduct, contains gll. uteri there the egg shell is formed; there is formed an organic cuticle on the outer surface of the egg shell
is held in an S-shaped by connective tissue and smooth muscle and connects to urodeum, receives and may store the semen.
The entrance to vagina is marked by m. sphincter vaginae.
The shelled egg
ovum testaceum
egg shell
shell cuticle
testa, consists of three inner layers and of outer
shell membrane
two layers of membranae testae
there are three layers for the albumen
chalaziferous – dense,
continuous with chalazae, inner layer – thin,
outer – dense, comprising the bulk of albumen
vitelline membrane
membrana vitelli
are directly adjacent to the outer surface of the yolk of the egg. It is composed mostly of protein fibers, with protein receptors needed for sperm binding.
the yolk of the egg or
or the egg cell or vitellus
consists of white yolk and yellow yolk. The blastoderm is a small white circular disc on the upper surface of the yolk, from which the embryo develops.
Cloacal bursa
bursa cloacalis or bursa of Fabricius
is the source of the B-lymphocytes and is involved in the synthesis of circulating antibodies
is a median dorsal diverticulum of proctodeum
the lymph heart
cor lymphaticum
is a sac-like structure on either side of the first free tail vertebrae, situated caudally to the pelvic bones
what are scleral ossicles + latin
anulus ossicularis sclerae
the avian sclera is modified into a ring of small overlapping bones
(14…15 in fowl) to provide rigidity
ocular pecten
pecten oculi
a thin dark ridge of blood vessels belonging to the choroid; provides nutrients to the retina, controls pH of the vitreous body and regulates temperature
avian auditory ossicle called?
only one medial bony columella
equivalent to the mammalian stapes
d o birds have lymph nodes
no, not well defined ones like mammals but lymphoid tissue is found otherwise as bursa of Fabricius & GALT
lymph nodes apparently exist only in certain aquatic birds (ducks and swans).