Digestive System 1. (mouth, basics) Flashcards
Three alternative terms for the digestive system.
Alimentary canal, apparatus digestorius, gastrointestinal system.
Another term for process of swallowing.
eructation definition
What is VFA production and where does it occur?
Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) are produced during anaerobic degradation of organic compounds during the acidogenic fermentation.
ru in rumen
eq in cecum and ascending colon
define coprophagy
The eating of faeces or dung.
Latin for oral cavity
cavum oris (proprium)
mouth opening and upper and lower lips
rima oris and (labium: superius et inferius)
bovine nasolabial plate vs car. nasal plate in latin
planum nasolabiale and planum nasale
sus scrofa dom. snout latin
the mouth is divided by the teeth and the alveolar processes into what (2) parts?
oral vestibule between teeth and cheek
(vestibulum oris)
proper oral cavity between teeth
(cavum oris proprium).
Palate: hard palate and soft - latinize
palatum: palatum durum
and palatum molle or velum palatinum
palatine raphe and palatine ridges
raphe palati and rugae palatinae
in Ru the dental pad
pulvinus dentalis
2 options for tongue in latin
lingua, glossa
median tongue groove in car
sulcus medianus
in Car the ventral part of the tongue tip contains medially what fibrous body?
the lyssa, a stretch receptor for the tongue
what cartilage in the tongue of the eq in latin?
cartilago dorsi linguae
4 tongue parts in latin + bonus ru structure
apex-, corpus, radix- and dorsum linguae and in ru, torus linguae
Main division for lingual papillae (papillae linguales)?
mechnical and gustatory
Mechanical papillae classifications (3) in english and latin
eng: filiform- conical- and lentiform papillae
lat: papillae filiformes, -conicae and -lentiformes
Gustatory papillae classifications (3) in english and latin
eng: fungiform-, vallate- and foliate papillae
lat: papillae fungiformes, -vallatae, -foliatae
what type of gustatory papillae are absent in ru?
foliate papillae (papillae foliatae)
major and minor salivary glands in latin
gll. salivariae majores et minores
name 4 salivary glands
parotid gland (gl. parotis);
zygomatic (gl. zygomatica);
mandibular gland (gl. mandibularis);
sublingual glands
Parotid gland and parotid duct, latin
gl. parotis and ductus parotideus
parotid duct location in various species?
in Car and small Ru it passes over the lateral surface of the masseter muscle,
in the eq, bo and su it winds around the ventral margin of the mandible;
(opens into the oral vestibule at P3-4)
what 2 unique salivary glands do fe have
buccal molar glands and lingual molar glands
sublingual gland division
polystomatic and monostomatic
gl. sublingualis: polystomatica et monostomatica
Herbivores may be divided into what three groups
browsers (rabbits, elk etc.)
grazers (eq, ru)
intermediate (adaptable) feeders (goats, moose)
name the papillae found in suckling pigs and car young
papillae marginales