Digestive 4. (duodenum - rectum) Flashcards
Small intestine in latin
intestinum tenue
the duodenum and jejunum are attached by what to where?
by the mesoduodenum and mesojejunum = mesentary to the abdominal roof
duodenum made up of what parts
pars cranialis, -descendens, -transversa and -ascendens
the bile and pancreatic duct opens into what via what?
into pars cranialis of the duodenum via major duodenal papilla (papilla duodeni major)
the accessory pancreatic duct opens into what via what?
into pars descendens of the duodenum via the minor duodenal papilla (papilla duodeni minor)
in what part of the GI tract does most of the absorption of nutrients take place?
the jejunum
what structure can be found between the ileum and cecum?
the ileocecal fold (plica ileocecalis)
translate ileal opening and its found on what?
ostium ileale found on the papilla ilealis
ileal papilla is also known as the ileocecal valve
Large intestine in latin
intestinum crassum (also called the hindgut in zoology)
the longitudinal smooth muscle layer in large intestine of eq and su is gathered into separate, powerful muscle bands called?
Teniae coli
what parts does the large intestine consist of?
cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal
what junction allows the cecum and colon to communicate?
the cecocolic orifice (ostium cecocolicum)
usually the cecum lies to right of the abdomen. In what species does it lie to the left?
what parts does the cecum consist of?
basis, corpus et apex ceci
what makes the car cecum unusual?
it has no direct connection with the ileum and is short and drawn into a spiral
location/position of the equine cecum
dorsal right flank, extends cranially, apex reaches the xiphoid process region
the eq and su cecums are distinctive for what?
teniae ceci and sacculations (made by haustra ceci)
how many teniae ceci do eq and su have resepctively?
4 and 3
how many teniae coli do eq have?
name the caudal recesses of the abdominal cavity in order from dorsal to ventral
Excavatio rectogenitalis
Excavatio vesicogenitalis
Excavatio pubovesicalis
function of the colon?
the site to retrieve nutrients remaining in digesta before excretion (water and electrolytes) and to store feces (excrement or “stercus”)
name the parts of the colon
colon ascendens, -transversum and -descendens
in Car where does the short ascending colon pass?
cranially on the right side
where does the transverse colon run?
runs from right to left, cranial to the root of the mesentery
where does the descending colon run?
colon descendens follows the left flank caudally and in pelvic cavity it is continued as the rectum without other visible demarcation
What structure can be found connecting the descending colon and ascending duodenum?
the duodenocolic fold (plica duodenocolica)
in su the ascending colon is long and convoluted, forming a conical mass on the left side – what is this called?
the spiral loop of the colon (ansa spiralis coli)
translate into latin: centripetal and centrifugal turns and what is the difference between these terms
gyri centripetales and
gyri centrifugales
centripetal is towards the center of the circle
centrifugal pushes away from the center
the swine’s centripetal outer intestinal loops have what detail that are absent in the smaller, centrifugal coils?
2 longitudinal teniae (teniae coli)
the ruminant ascending colon is comprised of what 3 main parts?
ansa proximalis coli
ansa spiralis coli
ansa distalis coli
translate central flexure and part of what?
flexura centralis is found in the spiral loop of the ruminant ascending colon
name the S-shaped curve just cranial to the rectum in bovine
sigmoid colon (colon sigmoideum)
What gives the veterinarian’s arm greater mobility during rectal examination in ruminants?
the greater length of the mesocolon and the looseness of the sigmoid flexure
What is unique to the equine colon?
consists of a long ascending colon, that is a U-shaped loop and doubled on itself
equine transverse colon passes where?
is short and passes right to left cranially to the root of the mesentery
eq transverse colon has how many teniae
2 teniae
translate the descending colon
colon tenue ( = colon-“small”)
translate eq ascending colon
colon crassum
the long eq ascending colon is divided into what parts:
neck of the colon (collum coli)
right ventral colon (colon ventrale dextrum)
sternal flexure (flexura sternalis)
left ventral colon (colon ventrale sinistrum) pelvic flexure (flexura pelvina) left dorsal colon (colon dorsale sinistrum)
diaphragmatic flexure (flexura diaphragmatica) right dorsal colon (colon dorsale dextrum which is also the ampulla coli)
in what species is the ostium cecocolicum strongest to prevent retrograde flow?
three terms that may be used when referring to the large intestine
cecum, colon, intestinum crassum
Another name for the cecum (or caecum)
blind gut ( -caecal/-cecal as an adjective)
cranial duodenal flexure
flexura duodeni cranialis
common location for enteroliths in equine
ampulla coli
which part of the eq ascending colon is easily rectally palpated
pelvic flexure (flexura pelvina)
another term for rectum
the rectum is completed embedded in what
distal rectal dilation
ampulla recti
what are the short longitudinal folds of mucosa coming from the anorectal line, in ru, called?
rectum columns (columnae rectales)
name the sphincters of the anal canal
m. sphincter ani internus
m. sphincter ani externus
how do the 2 anal sphincters differ from each other, other than location?
the internal sphincter is a thickening of the circular smooth muscle of the gut
the external sphincter is striated and under voluntary control
(Car control the sphincter but eq, Ru not)
the anal canal consists of what 5 zones in latin?
linea anorectalis zona columnaris ani zona intermedia linea anocutanea zona cutanea
where is the anorectal line located?
linea anorectalis is between rectal mucosa and the anal canal
where is the columnar zone of the anus located?
zona columnaris ani
exists in ca and su
ibetween linea anorectalis and zona intermedia
(it contains columna anales)
where is the intermediate zone of the anus located?
zona intermedia is at the transition to the modified external skin
right after zona columnaris ani in su and ca,
and after linea anorectalis in those who don’t have the above columnar zone
what is the anocutaneous line?
linea anocutanea is the boundary between mucous membrane and skin right after zona intermedia
what is the anal cutaneous zone?
zona cutanea is the outermost part of the anal canal
circumanal glands
gll. circumanales
sebaceous glands in the vicinity of the anus of the dog
glands of the paranal sinus
gll. sinus paranalis
total length of ca small intestines
~1,0- 5,0 m
total length of fe small intestines
~0,8- 1,2 m
total length of su small intestines
~16,0- 20,5 m
total length of bo small intestines
~27,0- 49,0 m
total length of small ru small intestines
~18,0- 35,0 m
total length of equine small intestines
~18,0- 30,0 m
total length of ca large intestine
~0,3- 0,9 m
total length of fe large intestine
~0,2- 0,4 m
total length of su large intestine
~3,5- 6,0 m
total length of bo large intestine
~6,5- 14,0 m
total length of small ru large intestine
~4,8- 8,0 m
total length of equine large intestine
~6,0- 9,0 m
translate caecocolic fold and in which animal can this be found?
plica caecocolica in eq
In what animal does the ileum NOT have a direct connection to the cecum but joins the colon instead?
In the dog, it does not have a direct communication, but joins the colon, which forms a continuous tube
with the ileum.
the cecum communicates with the colon through?
the caecocolic orifice
ostium caecocolicum