UTI in children Flashcards
What is the most common cause of UTI in children?
E. coli
What are the risk factors for UTI in children?
Under 1 year old
Previous UTI
Voiding dysfunction
Vesicoureteral reflux
Sexual abuse
Renal tract abnormalities
What are the symptoms of UTI in a child under 3 months?
Poor feeding
Failure to thrive
Offensive urine
What are the symptoms of UTI in a child that can verbalise?
Increased frequency
Abdominal pain
What is an atypical UTI?
Poor urine flow
Abdominal or bladder mass
Raised creatinine
Failure to respond to treatment in 48 hours
Non- E.coli organism
When should pyelonephritis be considered?
Fever of more than 38 + bacteruria
Temperature less than 38 + loin pain and bacteruria
What investigations should be performed to diagnose a UTI?
Urine dip
Urine microscopy and culture
What is the treatment of a UTI?
Lower UTI - nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim
Upper UTI - cephalosporins
Which groups of people should have an ultrasound in 6 weeks after a UTI?
Children under 6 months, children over 6 months with recurrent UTI
Which groups of children should have an ultrasound during the acute infection?
Children under 6 months with an atypical UTI or a recurrent UTI, children over 6 months with an atypical UTI
Which groups of children should have a DMSA 4-6 months following the infection?
Children with atypical UTI or recurrent UTI
Which groups of children should have a micturating cystourethrogram?
Children under 6 months with reccurent or atypical UTI
What is the definition of recurrent UTI?
Three episodes of lower UTI
One episode of upper UTI and one episode of lower UTI
Two or more episodes of upper UTI
What is vesicoureteric reflux?
Where urine has a tendency to flow back from the bladder into the ureters
What are the complications of vesicoureteric reflux?
Susceptibility to upper UTI
Renal scarring
How is vesicoureteric reflux diagnosed?
Micturating cystourethrogram
What is a DMSA scan?
Using radioactive DMSA material to look for renal scarring - if the radioactive material is not taken up by a section of the kidney, this indicates scarring
What is the management of a UTI in < 3 months old?
Refer immediately to paediatrics
What is the management of UTI in >3 months old?
Oral antibiotics for 3 days
- Nitrofurantoin
- Trimethoprim
- Cephalosporin
- Amoxicillin
What is the management of an upper UTI in > 3 months old?
Consider admission to hospital
Oral cephalosporin or co-amoxiclav for 7-10 days