Uroginital system is derived from which mesenchyme?
Intermediate mesenchyme.
urogenital system divides into which systems?
genital and urinary
During longitudinal elavation what forms on either sides of the dorsal aorta?
urogenital ridges
and part of the ridges form -NEPHROGENIC CORD.
Name the three set of successive kidney development
- pronephroi
explain the first set
Represented by a few cell clusters and tubular structures in developing neck region
Pronephric ducts run caudally and open into cloaca (where hindgut and allantois empty)
Pronephroi soon degenerate
Most parts of ducts persist – used in second set of kidneys
second set fully functions when?
during fetal stage.
Large, elongated excretory organs
appers when ?
in the msenophroi set and in week 4 cadual to pronephroi.
what does mesonophroi consist of :
2.mesonephric tubules- drain into mesonophric duct whoch open into cloaca.
Function as interim kidneys for ~ 4 weeks, until permanent kidneys develop and function
Degenerates towards end of 12th week; however, mesonephric ducts have adult derivatives
The third set forms permanent kidney
> Matanephroi
begin development in the 5th week but fully functional 4 weeks later or just in week 9.
The kidney develops from which sources ?
> The ureteric bud
Metanephrogenic blastema
The ureteric bud
start as outgrowth(metanephric dirveticulum), from mesonephrenic duct near entrance into cloaca.
Metanephrogenic blastema.
> Metanephric mass of mesenchyme
Derived from caudal part of nephrogenic cord.
later on the ureteric bud becomes incorporated with the Blastema
The stalk of the ureteric bud becomes what?
The cranial part of the ureteric bud undergoes branching and results into ……….
Collecting tubules
what forms from the first 4 generation of tubules
enlarge, become confluent and form major calices
What forms from the second 4 generation of the tubules.
merge to form minor calices.