Oral cavity part 2 Flashcards
Intrinsic muscles originate and insert within?
substance of the tongue
intrinsic muscles divide into:
superior longitudinal muscles
inferior longitudinal muscle
transverse muscle.
vertical muscle.
function of the intrinsic muscle?
to contribute to the precise movement of the tongue required for speech, eating and swallowing.
what nerve innervates extrinsic muscle( Genioglossus)?
hypoglossal nerve of trigeminal nerve 2
Content of the geioglossus muscle
It is a thick, fan-shaped muscle
that occur on either side 0f the midline septum.
Oring and insertion of the genioglossus muscle
originate: from the mental spines, posterior surface of the mandible.
insert: inferior fibers are attached to the hyoid bone
superior fibers held by the intrinsic muscle.
Is a thin, quadrangular shaped muscle.
Innervated by hypoglossal nerve of the trigeminal nerve
origin and insertion of the Hyoglossus muscle?
Origin: Greater horn and body hyoid bone
insertion: between genioglossus and styloglossus
depresses the tongue
what are the important landmarks of the oral cavity?
The lingual artery enters the tongue deep into this muscle.
hypoglossal and lingual nerves also enter the tongue superior to muscle.
what are the important landmarks of the oral cavity?
The lingual artery enters the tongue deep into this muscle.
hypoglossal and lingual nerves also enter the tongue superior to muscle.
Styloglossus muscles, innervation, origin and insertion?
By the Hypoglossal nerve of the trigeminal nerve.
originate: Anterior surface of styloid process of temporal bone.
insertion: lateral surface of tongue where it blends with intrinsic muscle
Action of the styloglossus muscle.
Retracts tongue and pulls back of tongue superiorly
Muscle of soft palate and tongue
innervated by vagus nerve of trigeminal nerve.
The originate and insertion?
Origin: Undersurface of palatine aponeurosis
insertion: Fibers pass anterioinferioly to lateral side of tongue
the function of the palatoglossal nerve
Elevate the back of the tongue, moves palatoglossal arches of mucosa towards the midline, and depress the soft palate.
movements facilitate closing the oropharyngeal isthmus and as a result separate the oral cavity from the oropharynx.
Braches from the external carotid artery adjacent to the tip of greater horn of the hyoid bone. which artery?
Lingual artery
Form and upward bend and then loops down to the ………..
hyoglossus muscle.
THE lingual artery travel forward in plane between which muscles to where
between the hyoglossus and genioglossus muscles to the tip of the tongue
deep lingual vein
Visible through mucosa of the undersurface of the tongue
separated from the lingula artery in the posterior aspect by the hyoglossus muscle
travels with the hypoglossal nerve to the external surface of the hyoglossus
to vein does the Deep lingual vein drains into ?
internal jugular vein
Dorsal lingula vein
followa the lingual artery btween the hyoglossus and genioglossus
drain to the internal jugular vein
taste and general sensation from posterior one-third of tongue comes from whic nerve
the glossopharyngeal nerve of the trigeminal nerve
which nerve also carries parasympathetic and state fibres from oral part of tongue that part is part of facial nerve
lingula nerve
branch of mandibular nerve of CNIX
The facial nerve
taste from the anterior two-third of the tongue
special sensory fibers are received from the chorda tympani branch.
Hypoglossal nerve
innervate all muscle of the tongue
besides palatoglossus
Glands that open or secrete into oral cavity.
salivary glands
Small glands in submucosa or mucosa of the oral epithelium lining the tongue, palate, cheeks and lips, and open directly or via small ducts.