Muscles of the face Flashcards
Orbicularis Oculi: orbital part
Originate from the nasal part of the frontal bone and the axilla.
innervation: facial nerve
action; forceful closure of the eyelid
Orbicularis Oculi: the palpebral part
originate from the medial palpebral ligament to insert on the lateral palpebral raphe.
action: gentle closure of the eyelid
facial nerve
Orbicularis Oculi: the palpebral part
originate from the medial palpebral ligament to insert on the lateral palpebral raphe.
action: gentle closure of the eyelid
facial nerve
Levetor palpebrae superior
Originate from the posterior aspect of the roof of the supraorbital ridge.
to insert on the anterior aspect of the tarsus superior
oculomotor nerve
raise the eyelid.
corrugator supercilli muscle
from the medial end of orbital ridge to the skin of the eyebrows
facial nerve
Anterior belly
from the skin of the eyebrows to the geleal aponeurosis
facial nerve
wrinkle and raising the eyebrows.
posterior belly
from the lateral aspects of the superior nuchal line and the mastoid process of the temporal bone
draws the head posteriorly.
Pecerus muscle
Originate from the nasal bone and the upper lateral nasal cartilage.
facial nerve
draws the medial angle of the eyebrows
the Orbicularis Oris
Originate from the surrounding muscle of the maxilla and mandible
To form an ellipse around the mouth
facial nerve
protrude and closes the mouth
Levater labii superioris alaeque nasi
Originate from the frontal process of the nase
to the insert on the alar cartilage of the nose and upper lip
action: opens the mouth and raise the lip
facial nerve
Zygomaticus Major
Originate from the lateral surface of the zygomatic bone posterior
to insert in the skin on the corner of the mouth
facial nerve
draws the upper lip upward and laterally
Zygomaticus minor
Originate from the lateral surface zygomatic bone anteriorly
to insert on the upper lip just medially to the corner of the mouth
action: draws the upper lip upwards
Levater labii superioris
Originate from the infraorbital margin of the maxilla.
to insert on the superolateral halfof the upper lip
Raises the upper lip
Facial nerve
Levator anguli oris
Originate from the maxilla the inferior to infraorbital foramen
to insert on the skin at the corner of the mouth
facial nerve
raise the upper lip
Risorius Muscle
Originate from the fascia over the masseter muscle.
insert on the skin at the corner of the mouth.
Retract the corner of the mouth.
Facial nerve
Depresser anguli oris
Originate from the mandible below the canine, 1premolar and the 1st molar
to insert on the skin at the corner of the mouth
draws the skin inferiorly and laterally.
facial nerve
Originate from the Mandible, inferior to incisors to insert on the skin of the chin.
protrude and raise the lower lip
facial nerve
depressor labii superioris
Originate from the anterior part of the oblique line of the mandible
To insert midline of the lower lip
draws the lip inferiorly and lateraly
The facial vein
Originates at the corner of the orbit
- As the supratrochlear and supra-orbital veins
They converge to form the Angular vein
Descends on the face to become the facial vein
It descends until the inferior border of the mandible
- Parts with the artery, to drain into the
Internal Jugular Vein
Buccinatr muscle
From the posterior part of the maxilla and the mandible
pterygomandibular raphes
to blend with the orbicularis oris muscle
pressess the cheeks against the teeth
The lateral ptetygoid muscle
from the roof of the infratemporal fossa
medial aspect of the lateral pterygoid plate.
to insert into the capsule of the temporomandibular joint
pterygoid fossa of neck of the mandible.
nerve to lateral pterygoid
medial pterygoid muscle
originate from the medial aspect of the lateral pterygoid plate.
tuberosity of the maxilla and palatine bone
insert on the medial surface of the mandible.
nerve to medial pterygoid
Masseter muscle
originate from the zygomatic arch and the maxillary process
to insert on the inferior surface of the ramus of the mandible
elevate the mandi