Lumbar plexus Flashcards
The lumbar plexus emerges from which muscle?
Emerges deep to Psoas major muscle.
Formed by which anterior rami?
Anterior rami from L1-L4
List the six main nerves that come from the Lumbar plexus and their anterior rami.
- Iliohypogastric L1
- Ilioinguinal L1
- Genitofemoral L1-L2
- Lateral femoral cutaneous l2-l3
- Obturator L2-L4
- Femora nerve L2-L4
All the nerves except the two emerge lateral aspect of Psoas major. Name those 2 and their emerges.
Obturator- medial
Genitofemoral- anterior
The Iliohypogastric nerve pieces which muscle as it runs anterior.
Transversus abdominis
The lateral cutaneous branch of the iliohypogastric nerve pierces which muscle and innervates which part?
The lateral cutaneous branch makes its way on the abdominal muscle above iliac crest.
Innervates posterolateral gluteal region.
The anterior cutaneous branch continues downward and ?
The anterior cutaneous branch innervates.
Innervates abdominal muscles
Which nerve runs inferior to the iliohpogastric
The ilioinguinal nerve Emerges which muscle and superficial to which muscles.
The ilioinguinal nerve emerges which ring along what?
Emerges lateral border of psoas major muscles. Superficial to quadratus lumborum
Emerges superficial inguinal ring along the spermatic cord.
The ilioinguinal nerve innervates what?
Innervates skin on the pubic area
The ilioinguinal nerve crosses which muscle to make way to iliac crest
Iliac muscle
The ilioingunal peirces which muscles anteriorly
Transversus abdominis
The genitofemoral nerve is divided into 2 branches, name those branches.
- Genital branch
- Femoral branch
What does the genital branch innervates
The genital branch innervates the cremasteric muscles and scrotum in males.
In females innervates the mons pubis and labia majora skin.
What does the femoral branch innervates?
Innervates the skin over the anterior thigh
The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh runs oblique toward the ?
Anterior superior iliac spine
The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh passes posterior to which ligaments?
Inguinal ligament
The lateral cutaneous nerve innervates what?
Innervates the anterior to lateral surface of the thigh until the knee
The obturator muscles descends through what to enter what?
Descends through pelvis to enter the thigh
The obturator nerve enter nerve through which canal?
Obturator canal
The obturator nerve innervates what?
Medial compartment of the thigh (Motor)
Skin over the medial thigh, knee and hip joint. (sensory)
The femoral nerve descends through what to enter which ligaments?
Descends to pelvis to enter inguinal ligament
The femoral nerve passes to which ligament ?
inguinal ligament
Innervation of femoral nerve?
Innervates the anterior compartment of the thigh (Motor).
Anterior surface of the thigh and medial leg (Sensory)