Surface Anatomy & dermatomes Flashcards
Name the 3 parts of the sternum
Xiphoid process
What anatomical landmarks are found on the manubrium?
• The jugular notch forms its superior border.
Superolateral facet is for articulation with the clavicle Inferolateral facet is for articulation with the 1st rib via costal cartilage
The manubrosternal joint forms the inferior border. Second rib articulates at this level.
- Ribs can be counted from this level
Why can’t we start from rib 1 when counting ribs?
The first rib is concealed by the clavicle. The first palpable rib is rib 2, which articulates with the sternum at the manubrosternal joint.
Describe the body of the sternum
Made up of 4 fused segments
- Joints appear as ridges on the anterior surface
• Articular facets appear on lateral borders
- These articulate to costal cartilages of ribs 2-7
Which rib articulates with the xiphoid process?
Rib 7
What is meant by “true ribs”? And how many ribs are considered true ribs?
True ribs means ribs that articulate to the sternum directly. The firdt 7 ribs are true ribs.
What is meant by “false ribs”? How many ribs are false ribs?
False ribs do not articulate directly to the sternum. Rather, they articulate via the costal cartilage of rib 7. (Ribs 8-10 are false ribs).
What are floating ribs? And how many ribs are floating ribs?
Floating ribs do not articulate to the sternum at all. 2 ribs are floating ribs (ribs 11 and 12)
What is a subcostal angle?
Medial margin formed by costal cartilage - Costal cartilages of Ribs 8-10
• Diaphragm attaches to it anteriorly
Where is the breast located?
Between rib 2 and 6. It overlies the pectoralis major muscle.
Where is the mammary gland located?
The mammary gland extends superolaterally along the lower margin of the pec major muscle.
The _________________ connects the breast to the axilla
Axillary tail/process
Describe the right border of the heart
3rd costal cartilage
- ± Finger’s width to right of the sternum
• To 6th costal cartilage
Describe the left border of the heart
2nd intercostal space
- ± Finger’s width to left of the sternum
• To 5th intercostal space
- ± 9cm to left of the sternum - Midclavicular line
- Apex lies here
Describe the superior and inferior borders of the heart
Superior border
• 3rd costal cartilage
To 2nd intercostal space Inferior border
• 6th costal cartilage
• To 5th intercostal space