Unit 1.5 - Humanist and Positive Psychology Flashcards
What is humanism and what did it promote?
Third wave psychology, promotes the idea that we are in control of our fate as we are aware of our unconscious and what we have been conditioned in the past. Believes we are designed to be good.
What did Carl Rogers believe in? What is positive regard?
He believed people are driven and hardwired towards love, and this is known as positive regard (hugging, smiling, etc.). He believed this hardwire for love is in conditional and unconditional settings, and it leads to self-actualization.
What is conditional positive regard? What was negative about it?
People shape themselves into what they believe will give them positive regard. It does not enable one to be sure to themselves, as you are trying to be a fake self.
What is unconditional positive regard?
People receive love regardless of who they are or what they do.
What is self-actualization?
Being true to yourself with the help of positive regard.
What is Rogerian Therapy?
It is a client-centred therapy, humanist approach, non-directive (therapist is not authoritarian figure), active listening, presence, and authenticity.
What did Abraham Maslow promote?
He promoted the hierarchy of needs and self-actualization.
What is the hierarchy of needs?
Bottom - physiological and safety (safe, fed, etc.)
Middle - social and self esteem (accepted, feeling good)
Top - peak (self-actualization, clarity in life)
What was the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs influenced by?
It was influenced by the Blackfoot nation. Theirs start with self-actualization, then community actualization, and then cultural perpetuity (society flourishing).
What is positive psychology?
Study of strengths and positivity, not weaknesses.
Who was. involved in positive psychology?
Martin Seligman, Angela Duckworth, and Dacher Kellner
What did Martin Seligman promote?
He studied happiness and creativity.
What did Angela Duckworth do?
She studied grit and perseverance and believed putting in effort led to a great life outcome.
What did Dacher Kellner do?
She studied embarrassment and linked it to kindness. Stating that we cared about what others thought, which means we consider others and become kind.