This class was created by Brainscape user Aria Gray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

Unit 1.1 - Parents of Psychology
What are the schools of psychology,
What is the first type of philoso...,
Who are the two individuals from ...
23  cards
Unit 1.2 - Pioneers of Psychology
What are the pioneers of psychology,
Who was the european psychologist...,
What did wilhem wundt do and what...
14  cards
Unit 1.3 - Psychoanalysis
Who is sigmund freud,
What is sigmund freud known for w...,
What is hysteria
23  cards
Unit 1.4 - Behaviourism
What is behaviourism are feelings...,
Who is ivan pavlov what did he study,
What happened in the dog experime...
18  cards
Unit 1.5 - Humanist and Positive Psychology
What is humanism and what did it ...,
What did carl rogers believe in w...,
What is conditional positive rega...
14  cards
Unit 1.6 - Cognitive Psychology
What is cognitive psychology about,
Who were the psychologists involv...,
What did jean piaget do
11  cards
Unit 1.7 - Nature vs. Nurture
What is cultural psychology,
What is social modelling,
Who is erik erikson look at
20  cards
Unit 1.8 - Careers in Psychology
What are some modern domains of p...,
What are the psychology education...,
What are some clinical jobs
5  cards
Unit 2.1 - Research Ethics
What should a psychological exper...,
What must outweigh what,
What needs to be considered for p...
10  cards
Unit 2.2 - Hypothesis
What are three components to a hy...,
What does it mean by it has to be...,
What does it mean by it has to be...
5  cards
Unit 2.3 - Variables and Measure
How do we refer to data provide a...,
What commonly make up the partici...,
What type of measures are there
9  cards
Unit 2.4 - Research Designs
What is a procedure,
What are the two types of compari...,
What does the between subject des...
8  cards
Unit 2.5 - Biases in Research
What are some research concerns,
What is a response bias for parti...,
What is attention bias
11  cards
Unit 2.6 - Distributions
What is qualitative analysis,
What is quantitative analysis,
What are the two schools of stati...
11  cards
Unit 2.7 - Correlations and Predictions
What is included in correlations,
What is the x and y axis in a gra...,
What does the correlation coeffic...
11  cards
Psych Reading Unit 2
What is the irb,
What is informed consent,
What are deceptions
11  cards
Psych Reading Part 2 Unit 2
What is survey research,
What is archival research,
What is survey and archival resea...
14  cards
Psych Reading Part 3 Unit 2
What is internal validity,
What is external validity,
What is ecological validity
11  cards
Psych Reading Part 4 Unit 2
What is correlation,
What is correlation coefficient,
What is positive correlation
17  cards
Unit 3.1 - Neurons
What are glial cells,
What are dendrites,
What is the soma
19  cards
Unit 3.2 - Neurotransmitters
What are neuroglia cells glial cells,
What are the three types of neuro...,
What does an ependymal cells do
15  cards
Unit 3.3 - Brain Development
What is synpatogensis,
What is neurogenesis,
What is brain maturation
5  cards
Unit 3.4 - Cerebral Cortex
What are the three sections of th...,
What is the prefrontal cortex wha...,
What happened to phineas gage wha...
12  cards
Unit 3.5 - The Limbic System
What is the corpus colosseum,
What are the left and right myths,
What is the contralateral effect
23  cards
Unit 3.6 - Brain Mapping
What was present before 1920s and...,
What is ablation,
What is an eeg
8  cards
3.7 - Endocrine System
What are the two systems involved...,
What does the autonomic system have,
What is the sympathetic system
17  cards
Unit 3.8 - Genetics
What are molecular genetics,
What are chromosomes,
How many times are genetic codes ...
14  cards
Unit 4.1 - Synesthia
What is sensation,
What does transduction mean,
What are the senses
5  cards
Unit 4.2 - Thresholds
What is a threshold,
What is the absolute threshold,
What is just noticeable differenc...
11  cards
Unit 4.3 - Light Waves (Vision)
What is vision known for,
What are three components to light,
What is colour hue in regards to ...
9  cards
Unit 4.4 - The Eye
What is the cornea,
What is the iris,
What does constriction mean
19  cards
Unit 4.5 - Depth Perception
What is the trichromatic theory,
What are the types of colourblind...,
What is the opponent processing t...
10  cards
Unit 4.6 - Visual Illusions
What are perceptual illusions,
What is are ambiguous images,
What is figure and ground
11  cards
Unit 4.7 - Sound Waves (Hearing)
What is the frequency of the soun...,
What is the wavelength of the sou...,
What is the amplitude of the soun...
10  cards
Unit 4.8 - The Ear
What is involved in the outer ear,
What is involved in the middle ear,
What is involved in the inner ear
8  cards
Unit 4.9 - Auditory Perception
What is music perception,
What is amusia,
What is acoustic agnosia
8  cards
Unit 4.10 - Touch
What are the systems of touch,
What are the four types of somati...,
What does merkells disc do
9  cards
Unit 4.11 - Smell and Taste
What is the gustatory system comp...,
What dies ageusia,
What is involved in odours
5  cards

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psych 200

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