Unit 1.2 - Pioneers of Psychology Flashcards
What are the pioneers of psychology?
Functionalism vs. Structuralism
Science vs. Philosophy
America vs. Europe
Who was the European psychologist involved?
Wilhem Wundt
What did Wilhem Wundt do and what did he promote?
A German who studied a new area of medicine known as the science of consciousness and named it psychology. He became the first psychologist and produced the first lab. He developed structuralism and introspection.
What is structuralism?
Structuralism is the particles of the mind and breaking it down into its simplest components. The components of consciousness (everything one can identify whilst conscious).
What is introspection?
Introspection is the attempt to verbalize everything one is conscious of, and transcribe and examine it to see similarities and differences.
Who are the American psychologists involved?
G. Stanley Hall and William James
What did G. Stanley Hall do?
He created the first American research lab, and first psych journal, and founded APA (American Psychology Association)
What did William James do and what did he promote?
He was a religious man who was able to reconcile his religious beliefs with his scientific beliefs. He promoted pragmatism, individual differences, and functionalism.
What is pragmatism?
It is the idea that you do not have to believe in science or religion. You can accept both beliefs that do not make sense together, which William James did.
What is individual differences?
William James looked at how every individual was different and varied as opposed to the idea that the same psychological phenomena applied to everyone.
What is functionalism?
Functionalism is a stream of consciousness and it is the idea that consiousness it cannot be reduced and isolated to its elements. Instead, it is about how it works and how it is used (its function).
What is psychophysics?
Relationship between mental senses and material reality. Study between physical stimuli and how it is perceived mentally.
What is cognitive psychology?
Study of mental processes.
What is Gestalt psychology and what was proposed?
It is the study of a whole entire experience rather than aspects of it. Proposed that mind processes information simultaneously rather than sequentially (looking at whole picture > looking piece by piece).