Unit 1.3 - Psychoanalysis Flashcards
Who is Sigmund Freud?
He is an Austrian medical doctor/researcher
What is Sigmund Freud known for? Were his views swayed?
He is known for his studies on the talking cure, hysteria, unconsciousness (iceberg theory) and dreams. He was not Christian so it enabled him to openly discuss topics that were otherwise deemed as inappropriate during the Victorian Era.
What is hysteria?
A common illness back then where doctors could not properly diagnose. Women were believed to have their uterus leave its place and walk around the body. Freud was able to solve this.
What is the talking cure?
The talking cure is when women were allowed to openly discuss whatever they wanted without any societal restraints. Talking about things (believed to be a form of medicine to Freud) such as their sexual experiences made them and their symptoms get better. Also helped after WWII with shell shock (PTSD).
What is the ice berg theory?
The ice berg theory is about the levels of consciousness. The tip is the what we’re a conscious of, a bit lower is memories we can retrieve, and the bottom is the deep unconscious that can only be retrieved through psychoanalysis.
What is psychoanalysis?
The analysis of the mind, dreams show the unconscious.
What were Freud’s theories?
- Id, Ego, Superego - Penis Envy
- Psychosexual Development - Defence Mechanisms
- Oedipus Complex - Psychic Energy
- Dreams
What is id, ego, and superego?
Id is the aggressive, impulsive, animalistic, personality.
Superego is the moralistic side that wants to follow the rules of morality
Ego is the balance between the two.
What is psychosexual development? What are examples?
Throughout childhood there are different types of pleasure one can obtain from their environment. Toddlers get nourishment from mouth and sucking.
Preschoolers got pleasure from understanding their genitalia.
What is Oedipus complex?
Boys fantasize about marrying their mom, and thus they get jealous of their father and want to kill them.
What is penis envy?
Penis envy is the idea that if a boy saw his father’s penis, they become envious and have distressing feelings towards their dad. Women also get jealous of it.
What are defence mechanisms? What are some examples?
When a challenge comes or there is anxiety, we do things that reduce anxiety. Examples of this includes denying what is causing the stress or distracting ourselves with other things.
What is psychic energy?
Psychic energy is the idea that we have a finite/limited amount of energy. For anger, sexual energy, etc., if you cannot use it a certain way, you find a socially approved way to use it (paint pictures, use art, etc.)
How did Freud interpret dreams? What are some of these interpretations?
He believed everything in dreams represented something sexual. A tall building represented a penis, whilst a tunnel or anything round - it represented female counter parts.
Who were Freud’s followers?
Carl Jung, Alfred Alder, and Anna Freud