Unit 1 Lab Structures Flashcards
Identify this structure:
This is the trachea, identify this structure:
tracheal glands
Identify these structures:
adipose cells
This is the trachea, identify this structure:
tracheal cartilage
Identify this structure:
trachealis muscle
Identify this structure:
sub-mucosal gland
This is the bronchus, what type of epithelium is this?
columnar to cuboidal epithelium
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
club cells
Identify this structure:
respiratory bronchiole
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
intralveolar speta
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
alveolar sac
Identify this structure:
alveolar duct
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
terminal bronchiole
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Identify this structure:
Bronchial artery
Identify this structure:
Pulmonary vein
Identify this structure:
Pulmonary artery
Identify this structure:
osmiophilic lamelar bodies
What is A?
red blood cells in capillaries
What is B?
Type II alveolar epithelial cells
What is C?
Type 1 alveolar cells
What is the shape of type 1 alveolar cells?
squamous (flat and thin)
What is the shape of type II alveolar cells?
round and large
What do the type II alveolar cells do?
create surfactant
What is the purpose of the type I alveolar cells?
it is where the blood-gas barrier is
Are there more type I or type II alveolar cells in the body?
type I (95%)
What are alveolar epitheal cells also known as?
Differentiate between PA, PV, and BA (hystologically).
Pulmonary artery is thin walled and has both internal and external laminae. Bronchiole artery has only internal laminae and is thick walled. Pulmonary vein has only external laminae.
Identify this structure:
tracheal glands
Identify this structure:

longitudinal elastic fibers
What is A?
alveolar macrophage
What is b?
alveolar pore
What is C?
Type I alveolar cell