Canine and Feline Reproduction Flashcards
What type of breeders are canines?
monoestrous, typically non-seasonal
What does monoestrous mean?
they have 1, potentially 2, cycles per year
When do canines typically reach pubertal estrus?
6-14 months
How long does the inter-estrus period in canines last?
5-12 months (6-7 months commonly)
What are the phases of the canine estrous cycle?
proestrus, estrus, metestrus/diestrus, and anestrus
On average, how long does proestrus last in the canine?
9 days
On average, how long does estrus last in the canine?
9 days
On average how long does metestrus/diestrus last in the canine?
60 days
Characterize proestrus in the canine.
the female becomes attractive to the male but is not receptive
What endocrine changes occur in proestrus in the canine?
FSH and LH are low, estrogen rises and peaks at the end, progesterone increases in the late age
What happens to the canine physically during proestrus?
serosanguinous to hemorrhagic vulvar discharge, vulva edema, and vaginal mucosa is pink, round, and with a cobblestone appearance
In the canine, what cells do you expect to see on a vaginal cytology in early proestrus?
parabasal cells
In the canine, what cells do you expect to see on a vaginal cytology in mid proestrus?
small and large intermediate cells
In the canine, what cells do you expect to see on a vaginal cytology in late proestrus?
intermediate + superficial cells
Characterize estrus in the canine.
attractive and receptive to male
In the canine, what endocrine changes occur in estrus?
LH surge for ovulation, decreasing estrogen levels, and a continuous increase of progesteronethroughout the stage
What physical changes occur to the canine during estrus?
there may or may not be serosanguinous vulvar discharge and vulvur edema still present and starts to wane
What would a vaginal cytology show from a canine in estrus?
primarily superficial cells with anuclear cells and some RBCs present
Characterize metestrus/diestrus in the canine.
refractory to breeding, diminished attraction to male
In the canine, what endocrine changes occur in metestrus/diestrus?
progesterone increases and peaks (controlled by LH and prolactin) and prolactin increases by day 25
What would a vaginal cytology show from a canin in metestrus/diestrus?
parabasal epithelial cells and white blood cells
What does the vaginal mucosa look like in a canine in metestrus/diestrus?
flattened, flaccid, and smooth
Characterize anestrus in the canine.
ovarian inactivity, uterine involution, and endometrial repair, no reactivity or receptivity to male counterparts
What would a vaginal cytology of a canine in anestrus look like?
small parabasals, occasional neutrophils, and a small number of mixed bacteria
What would the vaginal mucosal folds look like in a canine in anestrus?
flat, thin, and red
What controls termination of anestrus?
FSH and LH when they have pulsatile secretion
What can be used to determine the correct time to breed a canine?
vaginal cytology and a progesterone test kit
What cells on a vaginal cytology would signify that a canine is in estrus?
the cells are fully cornified
What cells on a vaginal cytology would signify that a canine is in diestrus?
the onset of diestrus is characterized by the sudden appearance of parabasal cells; a change from predominantly cornified to predominantly noncornified
What would a progesterone level of 2-4 ng/ml signify?
LH peak/surge
What would a progesterone level of 4-10 ng/ml signify?
What would a progesterone level of 10-22 ng/ml signify?
the highest fertility period
What is the 2-2-2 rule?
at 2 ng/ml of progesterone wait two days for ovulation then wait two days for receptivity to breed
After first breeding, how long does gestation last in the canine?
67-70 days
After the LH peak, how long does gestation last in the canine?
65 days
After ovulation, how does gestation last in the canine?
63 days
What type of connection does the canine placenta have and how many layers are there?
endothelialchorial, 3
What are the three zones of the placenta?
transfer zone, pigmented zone, avascular zone
What occurs in the transfer zone?
it is where the relationship with the maternal blood stream occurs
What occurs in the pigmented zone of the placenta?
where metabolization of blood occurs - green
What occurs in stage one of canine parturition?
myometrial contractions and cervical dilation
What occurs in stage two of canine parturition?
fetal expulsion
How long does fetal expulsion take in the canine?
6 hours (24 hours for large litters)
What occurs in stage three of canine parturition?
fetal membrane expulsion
When does the fetal membrane usually pass during canine parturition?
with each pup
When does testicular descent typically occur in the canine?
35-50 days after birth
When does puberty typically occur in the male dog?
6-12 months (breed size dependent)
How long does it take for good sperm to from?
2-3 months after puberty
How long is the total length of the spermatogenic cycle in the male dog?
62 days
What centers of GnRH do male dogs have?
tonic center
What is the make up of the first fraction of normal ejaculation?
0.5-7 mL of clear prostatic fluid
When does the second fraction of normal ejaculate come out?
after intromission
What is the make up of the second fraction of normal ejaculate?
0.5-3 mL of sperm rich ejaculate with greater than or equal to 70% motility and greater than or equal to 60% of normal morphology
When does the third fraction of normal ejaculate of the canine come out?
during the tie
What is the make up of the third fraction of normal ejaculate in the canine?
30-40 mL of clear prostatic fluid
In natural canine breeding, what fractions of ejaculate come out during coitus?
fraction 1 and 2
In natural canine breeding, what fractions of ejaculate come out during the turn?
fraction 3
What part of the canine penis allows for tying?
the bulbus glandis
When does puberty of the queen typically occur?
8 months (4-18 months)
Do long haired breeds reach puberty earlier or later than other breeds?
What type of breeders are felines?
seasonally polyestrous: long day breeders
When do felines typically cycle?
late january to mid october
What type of ovulators are felines?
induced ovulators
What induces ovulation in felines?
it is induced by the act of breeding; the spines on the male penis stimulate the LH release for the female
How long is the estrous cycle in the feline?
4-30 days
How long does proestrous last in felines?
1-2 days: 8-10 days dependency
Characterize proestrus in the feline.
attracted to males, not routinely seen
How long does estrus last in the feline?
4-6 days with the male present and 10 days with the male absent
Characterize estrus in the feline.
accepts males, vocalization, increased affection, lordosis, and rolling
When does ovulation occur in felines?
1-3 days after breeding and a LH surge
How long does metestrus/diestrus last in felines if they are bred?
60 days if pregnant and 30-40 days if not pregnant
How long does metestrus/diestrus last in felines if they are not bred?
8-10 days
How long does anestrous typically last in felines?
3-4 months
Describe the events of copulation in the feline.
female attracts and is receptive to male, tom mounts and bites neck, penis gets arect and faces forward, male dismounts and female copulatory call, tom retreates
How long does copulation usually last in the feline?
30 seconds to a few minutes
How long is gestation in the feline?
63 days
When can feline pregnancy be detected by abdominal palpation?
17-25 days
When can feline pregnancy be detected by abdominal ultrasound?
21-30 days
When can feline pregnancy be detected by radiographs?
at 37 days
When can feline pregnancy be detected by progesterone levels?
at 6 days
What species is feline parturition like?
When does puberty occur in the male feline?
8-12 months
What is the penis like in the male feline?
100-200 cornified papillae (spines) that appear at approximately 6 months
What is the gene for calico carried on?
the X chromosome
What is a calico cats chromosomes like?
XX with heterozygous X and both condensed black and orange alleles
What is superfetation?
conception during pregnancy
What is superfecundation?
superfecundation is the fertilization of two or more ova from the same cycle by sperm from separate acts of sexual intercourse