Type rating 757 - hydraulics Flashcards
The Left and Right hydraulic systems are each powered by one ____ pump and one electric pump. The Centre hydraulic system is powered by two ____ pumps
engine, electric
If required, a Ram Air Turbine (RAT) can provide power to the flight controls portion of the ____ hydraulic system.
Hvernig er hydraulic kerfið kælt?
Það eru heat exchangers í fuel tanks. Eldsneytið kælir vökvann. Það eru 3 heat exchangers í wing fuel tanks.
A Hydraulic Driven Generator is installed on some airplanes. It can be powered by either the Left Hydraulic System or the Right Hydraulic System through the ___ ___ ___
Power Transfer Unit (PTU).
Hvaða hydraulic kerfi keyrir þetta?
Flight Controls
Flaps and Slats
Landing Gear
Alternate Brakes
Nose Wheel Steering
Left Engine Thrust Reverser
Hydraulic Driven Generator
vinstra kerfið
The RSVR light illuminates and the EICAS advisory message L HYD QTY displays when the reservoir quantity is low (quantity < ___).
Þú færð fyrst áminningu bara með “RF” (refill) ljósi í EICAS, en svo þegar þú ert kominn í 0.5 þá kviknar á RSVR ljósinu.
The primary hydraulic system pump is an ____-driven pump.
The pump PRESS light illuminates and the EICAS advisory message L HYD ELEC PUMP displays when what ?
when the pump output pressure is low.
The Hydraulic Driven Generator is automatically powered by the Right/Left hydraulic system engine driven pump when electrical power is lost from both main AC/DC buses.
Left, AC
The centre hydraulic system powers only the…
flight controls
The centre hydrauilic system consists of a reservoir, two electric motor-driven pump and a __________ pump.
Ram Air Turbine (RAT)
The reservoir has a stand pipe to maintain reserve hydraulic fluid for use by the Ram Air Turbine in the event of a centre system hydraulic Leak. With fluid level at the top of the standpipe, quantity is approximately ____.
Hvað myndir “C HYD ELEC 1” þýða?
Center electric hydraulic pump nr 1 er með lágt output pressure.
The SYS PRESS light illuminates and the EICAS caution message C HYD SYS PRESS displays when the hydraulic system pressure is low/high?
Hydraulic system pressure displays on the EICAS status page. When both electric motor-driven pumps are inoperative, the EICAS status page displays the ___ ____ ____ output pressure.
Ram Air Turbine
Hvaða hydraulic kerfi sér um þetta?
Flight Controls
Normal Brakes
Reserve Brakes
Right Engine Thrust Reverser
Power Transfer Unit
Hvað er hægra hydraulic systemið basicly að powera?
bremsur, right engine thrust reversers og PTU
Er center hydraulic system með engine driven pump?
Nei, bara two electric motor driven pumps (og RAT)
Vinstra hydraulic kerfið og center kerfið er með einni fleiri pumpu (mismunandi pumpur þó). Hverjar eru þessar pumpur og hvaða kerfi hefur þær?
PTU pump vinstra megin
RAT pump í center kerfi
Fluid for the engine pump í right hydraulic system, flows through a shut off valve controlled by the Right Engine ___ Switch
Reserve brakes system; Pushing the ____ ____ Switch configures the hydraulic system to use the reservoir’s reserve fluid, activates the electric motor-driven pump regardless of the pump switch position and isolates the pump output power to only the Normal Brakes.
Reserve brakes
The C2 electric motor-driven pump is inhibited (load-shed) if both are switched ___ but only one bus is powered.
The PTU is automatically activated if:
The Left Engine fails (N3 < __% rpm) or
The Left Engine pump pressure is low (< 1275 psi
When activated, the PTU supplements the Left hydraulic system electric motor-driven pump to operate the following:
____ _____
Nose Wheel Steering
As installed - Hydraulic Driven Generator
Landing Gear
____ operation is inhibited if the right engine is not operating (N3 < 45% rpm).
The Power Transfer Unit (PTU) is a hydraulic motor pump which transfers hydraulic power from the ____ system to the ____ system.
right, left
When the engine-driven and electric motor-driven pumps are inoperative, the EICAS status page displays the ___ output pressure.
The PTU can be operated by moving the PTU Manual Control Switch on the ___ side panel to the ON position.
Hvar er RAT pumpan staðsett?
Fyrir aftan landing gear hægra megin
When deployed, The RAT provides hydraulic power to the flight controls portion of the ____ Hydraulic System
The RAT provides adequate hydraulic power at speeds above ___ knots
RAT fer í gang ef báðar vélar klikka (N3 undir 45% RPM) og þú ert yfir ___ kts hraður.
Powered by the ___ ____ Bus, the Ram Air Turbine switch is live at all times.
hot battery
Hver er munurinn á L HYD ELECT OVHT og L HYD ENG OVHT message?
Fyrra er electrical pump og hitt er engine driven pump