Boeing 737 limitations Flashcards
A typical maximum landing weight of the B737-800 is
65,317 Kg
The maximum T/O and landing tailwind component on a dry or wet runway (non contaminated) is ?
10 kts (or 15kts as certified) including gusts.
The maximum speed with the MACH TRIM system inoperative is?
The severe air turbulent penetration airspeed for climb and descent is
The maximum time limit for take-off thrust is
Usually 5 minutes but can be 10 minutes as a customer option
The maximum speed for landing gear extension is
270 kt. or .82M
The maximum speed for landing gear retraction is
235 Kts
The maximum speed for landing gear extended is
320 kt. or .82M
Engine ignition must be on for:
takeoff, landing, operation in heavy rain, anti-ice operation. (EKKI engine-out ops).
The maximum wind speed for airstair operation is
40 Kts
The runway slope limits are __ %
+/- 2 %
Maximum takeoff and landing altitude
8400 feet pressure altitude
The maximum differential pressure is __ PSI
NG: 9.1 psi
Maximum operating altitude
41,000 feet pressure altitude
Maximum takeoff and landing altitude
8400 feet pressure altitude
Severe turbulent air speed is __KIAS/__M
.76M / 280 kts
The maximum allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First Officer
altitude displays for RVSM operations is ___ feet.
Hvað máttu nota APU bleed og electrical load lang uppi? En ef þú notar bara bleed? En bara electrical load?
Upp að 10,000 ft.
Bara bleed: 17,000 ft.
Bara electrical load: 41,000 ft.
The maximum altitude with flaps extended is ___ feet.
20,000 ft
Do not use speed brakes below ___ feet above the surface
In flight, do not extend the speedbrake lever beyond the setting ______ with
flaps ___selected.
ARMED detent, 40 kts
Flaps ___ normal landings are
Maximum tank fuel temperature is __°C
Minimum tank fuel temperature prior to takeoff and inflight is __°C, or 3°C
above the fuel freezing point temperature, whichever is higher.
Fuel imbalance á milli tanka má mest vera
453 kgs
Hvað þarftu að passa ef center tank er með meira en 453 kgs?
Main tank 1 og 2 verða að vera fullir.
The maximum cabin differential pressure for take-off and landing is
.125 psi
Þú ert að starta vél. Hvernig þarf APU bleed valve að vera?
Má vera opinn en ekki vera með meira en idle engine power
Þú ert búinn að reyna að starta APU þrisvar sinnum, hvað þarftu núna að gera?
Leyfa þessu að kólna í 15 mínútur
The maximum aircraft altitude for APU generator use is (Boeing Max)
41,000 ft.
The battery voltage range is
22-30 volts
Do not use the HUD System at latitudes greater than:
85 degrees latitude
When should window heat switched on
10 minutes before take-off.
The maximum external air pressure (ground cart) is
60 PSI (at 232 degrees C).
The maximum EGT for take-off is ___ °C
930 degrees C
The maximum start engine EGT is ___ °C
725 degrees C
The minimum engine oil pressure is
13 psi
The maximum continuous engine oil temperature is
160 degrees C
The minimum operating brake pressure indication is ___ PSI
2800 psi
The minimum start pressure at 2000 feet above sea level (prior to starter engagement) is ___ PSI
29 psi
The recommended refuelling nozzle pressure is ___ psi
50 psi
Do not operate engine or wing anti-ice when the temperature is above ___ OAT/SAT/TAT?
10°C TAT
The manoeuvre speed with flap 5 (gross weight of 52,000 kgs) is __ kts
170 kts
Starter assist (inflight engine start) should be used when N2 is below __ %
The flight operating latitude limits of the B737NG are MOSTLY __ degrees North and __ degrees South
When engine bleeds are ON, both air conditioning packs must be set to
AUTO or OFF for take-off, approach or landing.
When engine bleeds are ON, both air conditioning packs must be set to
AUTO or OFF for take-off, approach or landing.
Except for ER operation, one air-conditioning pack may be inoperative provided altitude is limited to FL ___
FL 250
For single channel operation, the autopilot shall not be engaged below ___ feet AGL
140 ft
The maximum lateral fuel imbalance between wing tanks 1 and 2 must be scheduled to be zero and, for all phases of flight, must not exceed ___ kgs.
453 kgs
The engine Thermal Anti Ice must be on when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except during climb or cruise when the temperature is below -40°C OAT/SAT eða TAT?
Á hvaða stigum þarftu að vera með engine ignition on?
Take off og landing (ekki approach)
The maximum continuous engine EGT is ___ °C
The maximum allowable engine oil temperature is ___ °C
165 °C
The engine start duty cycle (normal start) is First attempt: 2 minutes on, 20 seconds off
Second and subsequent attempts: 2 minutes on, __ minutes off
3 minutes
Both PMCs must be ON/OFF for take-off
rétt er on or of, bara ekki t.d. servicable for take off
What are the max differential restrictions when ANY window in the cockpit has a cracked outer pane?
No restrictions
What is the minimum engine oil quantity (per engine) for despatch for an aircraft with EIS?
75% full
For a 737NG automatic landing the head and crosswind limits are Headwind limit is __ kts and the crosswind limit is __ kts.
í landing er max headwind 25 kts og crosswind 20 kts
The maximum tailwind for T/O and landing on a contaminated runway is __ kts
0 kts
The maximum windspeed for taxying is ___ kts
65 kts
The maximum depth of Dry Snow (runway contaminant) for take-off based on maximum figures available for calculation of performance is ___ mm
The maximum depth of Wet Snow (runway contaminant) for take-off based on maximum figures available for calculation of performance is __ mm
15 mm
The maximum depth of Compacted Snow/Slush (runway contaminant) for take-off based on maximum figures available for calculation of performance is ___
13 mm
The maximum depth of Standing Water (runway contaminant) for take-off based on maximum figures available for calculation of performance is ___ mm
13 mm
The 737NG maximum demonstrated crosswind component for taking-off and landing is ___ kts (with winglets)
33 kts með winglets. (þolir meiri crosswind ef það er ekki winglet).
The maximum crosswind component (including gusts) for taking-off and landing on a runway where braking action is reported as MEDIUM is ___ kts
25 kts.
The maximum crosswind component (including gusts) for taking-off and landing on a runway where braking action is reported as MEDIUM/POOR is ___ kts
20 kts
What is the category of the B737 brakes ?
Category A brakes
Hvaða category er Boeing 737?