Trigeminal nerve Flashcards
Trigeminal nerve fibres
Mixed(sensory and motor)
Nuclei of trigeminal nerve
- Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve
Divisions of trigeminal nerve
- Opthalmic nerve (CN V1)
- Maxillary nerve (CN V2)
- Mandibular nerve (CN C3)
First division of trigeminal nerve
Opthalmic branch
Opthalmic branch sensation
- Sensory nerve
- Pain, light touch and temperature
Opthalmic branches
- Nasociliary nerve
- Frontal nerve
- Lacrimal nerve
Opthalmic division supply
- Eyes
- Conjunctiva
- Lacrimal gland
- Nasal cavity
- Frontal sinus
- Ethmoidal sinus
- Upper eyelid
- Dorsum of nose
- Anterior part of scalp
Sensation of maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
Unite at opening of foramen rotundum to form maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve
- Zygomatic
- Pterygopalatine
- Posterior superior alveolar nerves
Branches of the maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
- Middle meningeal nerve
- Zygomatic nerve
- Pterygopalatine nerve
- Branches for nasal cavity
- Palatine nerves
- Posterior superior alveolar nerves
- Infraorbital nerves
Maxillary division supply
- Dura mater of middle cranial fossa
- Palate
- Nasal cavity and nasopharynx
- Teeth and upper jaw
- Skin of side of nose, lower eyelid, cheek and upper lip
Sensation of mandibular division
Sensory and motor
Branches of mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
- Inferior alveolar nerve
- Mylohyoid nerve
- Auriculotemporal nerve
- Lingual nerve
- Buccal nerve
- Nerve to the medial pterygoid muscle
- Nerve to the lateral pterygoid muscle
- Masseteric nerve
- Nerve to the tensor veli palatini muscle
Ophthalmic Nerve origin
exits skull through superior orbital fissure on the superior surface of the orbit
Ophthalmic Nerve branches
- *-Lacrimal nerve** (smallest),
- *-Frontal nerve**(largest )
- Nasociliary nerve
The maxillary nerve exists the brain through
Foramen rotundum
After passing through foramen rotundum, the maxillary nerve passes into
The pterygopalatine space and splits into four branches
Where does the pterygopalatine nerve split off from
-Close to foramen rotundum
Which branch of the Pterygopalatine Nerve passes through the greater palatine foramen and what does it become?
Descending palatine nerve becomes Greater palatine nerve
Greater palatine nerve innervation
- Mucosa of posterior part of hard palate
- Palatal gingiva of posterior teeth
Nerves that arise posterior to the Greater palatine foramen
Middle and Posterior (lesser) palatine nerves enter the palate through the lesser palatine foramen to spread posteriorly to supply the tonsils and mucosa of the soft palate
Long branch of Pterygopalatine nerve that runs along roof of nasal cavity
- Nasopalatine nerve
- Runs along nasal septum->enters bone of palate->arises in anterior palate through incisive foramen
Nasopalatine nerve Innervates
-Soft tissue of the nasal septum and gingiva
-Palatal soft tissue lingual to the anterior teeth
The right and left nasopalatine nerves combined with the greater palatine nerves innervate
Soft tissues of entire hard palate
Before the maxillary nerve enters the infraorbital fissure and canal on the floor of the orbit it gives off
Posterior Superior Alveolar nerve
-Once in maxillary bone the posterior superior alveolar nerve supplies
-Maxillary molars(except mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molars)
- Alveolar bone
- Facial gingiva of maxillary molars
- Mucosa of part of maxillary sinus
- Cheek mucosa next to maxillary molars
In the pterygopalatine space, a third branch of the maxillary nerve splits off and passes through
- Inferior orbital fissure on floor of orbit and enters infraorbital canal
- Becomes infraorbital nerve
Within the infraorbital canal the infraorbital nerve gives off two branches
Middle superior alveolar nerve(MSA) and Anterior superior alveolar nerve (ASA)
The middle superior alveolar nerve passes
Forward through lining of maxillary sinus
Branches of middle superior alveolar nerve supply
- Maxillary premolars and mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molar
- Alveolar bone
- Periodontal ligaments
- Facial gingiva
- In maxillary premolar region and part of maxillary sinus
Second branch given off by the infraorbital nerve while in the infraorbital canal
Anterior superior alveolar nerve
Anterior superior alveolar nerve supplies
- Pulp
- Supporting alveolar bone
- Periodontal ligaments
- Facial gingiva
- Of maxillary anterior teeth and part of maxillary sinus
Infraorbital nerve exits from
Infraorbital foramen
After exiting from the infraorbital foramen, the infraorbital nerve splits into terminal branches that innervate
- Skin and mucosa of side of nose(nasal nerve)
- Skin and mucosa of lower eyelid(palpebral nerve)
- Skin and mucosa of upper lip, facial gingiva of maxillary premolars and facial gingiva of anterior teeth(labial nerve)
The zygomatic nerve arises in
-Pterygopalatine fossa
-Enters orbit via infraorbital fissure and then divides into zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial nerves(upper and lower branches)
The zygomatic nerve supplies
-Skin of temporal region and lower part of orbit
Mixed nerve (sensory and motor) and only motor portion of trigeminal nerve
Mandibular nerve
Motor fibres of mandibular nerve supply
-8 muscles of mastication
-Mylohyoid muscle
-Anterior belly of the digastric muscle
Sensory fibres of mandibular nerve supply
- Touch, pain, pressure and temperature
- Lower third of face
- Floor of mouth
- Anterior two thirds of tongue(not taste)
- Mandibular teeth
The mandibular nerve exits the neurocranium through
Foramen ovale
Auriculotemporal nerve supplies
- Pain and proprioception fibres to the TMJ
- Skin of outer ear
- Lateral aspect of skull and cheek
Buccal nerve origin
-Comes off just below foramen ovale
-Passes through infratemporal space between the two heads of lateral pterygoid muscle and then down and forward toward to the buccinator muscle
Buccal nerve innervates
-Mucosa and skin of cheek in area of mandibular molars up to corner of mouth
-Sometimes second premolars
Lingual nerve origin
Inferior to foramen ovale
-Passes downward and medial to ramus but lateral to medial pterygoid muscle to mucous membrane just lingual to last molar
Lingual nerve innervation
- Touch, pain, pressure, temperature(not taste)
- Dorsal(top) and ventral(bottom) surface of anterior two thirds of the tongue and adjacent tissues(floor of mouth, inner surface of mandible and lingual gingiva of entire mandible)
Inferior alveolar nerve origin
-Diverts from mandibular nerve on medial side of lateral pterygoid muscle
The inferior alveolar nerve parallels the direction of the
- Lingual nerve
- Descends between sphenomandibular ligament and ramus to mandibular foramen
At the mandibular foramen the Inferior alveolar nerve
Gives off mylohyoid nerve and enters mandibular foramen
The mylohyoid nerve pierces the
Sphenomandibular ligament and travels forward in the mylohyoid groove to supply mylohyoid muscle
Once the Inferior alveolar nerve enters the mandible through the mandibular foramen it is in the
- Mandibular canal
- Gives off dental branches that spread through trabecular bone of mandible
- Enter apical foramen of all mandibular molars and premolars
- Innervates PDL and alveolar processes of those teeth
Within the mandibular canal, the Inferior alveolar nerve splits near the roots of the premolars to become
-Mental and incisive nerves
Incisive nerve supplies
- Mandibular incisor and canine teeth
- Their PDLs and alveolar processes
The mental nerve branch of the Inferior alveolar nerve exits from the body of the mandible through
-Mental foramen
Mental nerve supplies
- Facial gingiva of the mandibular incisors, canines, and premolars
- Mucosa and skin of the lower lip and chin on that side up to the midline
Motor(efferent) branches of mandibular nerve supply to muscles of mastication
- Masseteric nerve-(Masseter muscle and TMJ)
- Posterior and anterior temporal nerves(Temporalis muscle)
- Medial pterygoid nerve(medial pterygoid muscle)
-Lateral pterygoid nerve(lateral pterygoid muscle)