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Oral surgery
> 38. Diseases Of The Lymph Nodes And Vessels > Flashcards
38. Diseases Of The Lymph Nodes And Vessels Flashcards
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Oral surgery
(106 decks)
Head and Neck Flashcards
Patient Evaluation
Dental instruments
Basic surgical procedures: incisions, wound suturing, suture materials, curettage, draining, swabbing, puncture
Asepsis and Antisepsis
Local Anaesthetics
Regional Block Anaesthesia
Extraction of teeth
Complications during tooth extraction
Odontogenic cysts
Non odontogenic cysts
Practical exam
Impacted Teeth
Preneoplastic lesions and tumors of the oral cavity in MFA. Frequency, Classification, etiology
Traumas at the MFA. General information on traumas. Classification of traumas
Diseases of the lymph nodes and lymph vessels in MFA. Topographic anatomy of the lymphatic system, classification, etiology, clinical examination. Basic principles of treatment
Jaw osteomyelitis – acute and chronic. Definition. Classification, epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis.Traumatic osteomyelitis. Basic principles of treatment.
Odontogenic sinusitis –topographic anatomy, classification, etiology, pathogenesis. Basic principles of treatment
Extraction of fractured teeth and roots
Postoperative care of the surgical wound. Healing process of the extraction wound
Features of local anesthesia in children and inflammatory diseases in MFA
Normal and compromised wound healing
Preparation of high-risk patients (diabetes, hypertension, patients on anticoagulant therapy, etc.) about anesthesia, tooth extraction and other surgical procedures in MFA
Soft tissue cysts and fistulas. Classification. Etiology. Clinical study. Basic principles of treatment.
Dental infections
Allergy Colloquim
Clinics extraction for patient
Colloquim 5th year Acute odontogenic infections
Medical Conditions
Preprosthetic surgery
Examination, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases
Endodontic surgery
Incisions And Flaps
Mucogingival surgery
Facial nerve
Trigeminal nerve
1. Asepsis and antiseptics in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Preparation of the hands of the surgeon and the operation field for surgery
2. Topographic anatomy of the maxillofacial region: nerve supply, blood supply and lymph supply, facial bones forming the skeleton, muscles / mimic, chewing, etc.
3. General surgical procedures - incisions, suturing, sewing materials, curettage, drainage, puncture.
4. Surgical anatomy of the areas and spaces in the maxillofacial area
5. Examination of patients in the oral and maxillofacial surgery - a goal of clinical examination, medical history, examination of the general status. Paraclinical tests - reference values.
6. Investigation of disease: extra-and intraoral status. Diagnosis, type of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment plan.
7. Types of anesthesia in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Premedication and general anesthesia.
8. Local anesthesia in maxillo-facial region. Definition, indications, types.
9. Types of local anesthetics and their metabolism. Mechanism of action of local anesthetics. Vasoconstrictors. Interaction of local anesthetics with other drugs .
10. General anesthesia - general anesthesia stages. Intensive care in maxillofacial surgery.
11. Preparing the patient ; for surgery and anesthesia: clinical and paraclinical tests - reference values. Preparation of patients
12. Oral and maxillofacial anesthesia features. Premedication. Guidelines for anesthesia by maxillofacial surgeries.
13. Local anesthesia in children and inflammatory diseases in the maxillofacial area.
14. Preparation of patients with concomitant diseases / diabetes, hypertension, patients on anticoagulant therapy, etc
15. Complications during and after local anesthesia. Types of prevention. Basic principles of treatment
16. Behavior in emergency situations in the maxillofacial and oral surgery.
17. Nutrition and postoperative care in patients after maxillofacial operations. Maintain patency of upper respiratory tract.
18. Retention of the teeth. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment. Complications and prevention
19. Acute periodontitis. Etiology, classification, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and surgical treatment. Complications and prevention.
20. Chronic periodontitis. Etiology, classification, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and surgical treatment. Complications and prevention
21. Periostitis of the jaws and facial bones. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinics. 22. Odontogenic cysts of the jaws. Classification, etiology, p
22. Odontogenic cysts of the jaws. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. Complications
23. Nonodontogenic cysts of the jaws. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. C
24. Cysts of soft tissues in the maxillofacial region. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, , diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment
25. Abscess and phlegmona of the infraorbital area and abscess of the canine fossa. Topographic and surgical anatomy
26. Phlegmon of the cheek. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis
27. Phlegmon of infratemporal and temporal areas. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis
28. Phlegmon of the orbital area. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatmen
29. Abscess of the sublingual area. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinics, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment
30. Abscess and phlegmon of submandibular and submental lodges. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features,
31. Perimandibular abscess. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment
32. Parotideomaseterial area: submaseterial abscess and phlegmon. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features
33. Parotideomaseterial area: Abscess and phlegmon of retromandibular area. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features
34. Abscess and phlegmon of pterygomandibular and parapharyngeal spaces. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features,
35. Phlegmon of the floor of the mouth. Angina von Ludvic. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis
36. Abscess of hard palate. Abscess and phlegmon of the tongue. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, diagnosis
37. Necrotizing fasciitis. Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment. Complications.
38. Diseases Of The Lymph Nodes And Vessels
39. Osteomyelitis Of The Jaw Bones. Classification
40. Osteomyelitis Of The Jaw Bone:chronic Odontogenic Osteomyelitis
41. Osteomyelitis: Traumatic And Atypical Forms
42. Sinusitis Of Odondogenic Origin
43. Specific Chronic Granulomatous Diseases
44.complications Of Odontogenic Inflammatory Diseases
45. Conservative Therapy Of Inflammatory Diseases
46. Surgical Treatment Of Periodontal Diseases
47. Acute Inflammation Of Salivary Glands
48. Chronic Inflammation Of Salivary Glands
49. Obstructive diseases of the salivary glands,
Systemic Diseases that are causing disorders which involve the salivary glands
51. Mikulich Syndrome. Sjorgen Syndrome
52. TMJ diseases: Arthritis of the mandibular joint ±
53. TMJ diseases: Osteoarthritis ± etiology, clinics, diagnosis, DDx, treatment, complications
54. Diseases of the TMJ: Dislocation & subluxation - classification, etiology, clinics, diagnosis, DDx, treatment
55. Diseases of the TMJ: Ankylosis
56. Diseases assoc. with masticatory muscles & other structures
57. Trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatmen
58. Diseases of the facial nerve: paresis and paralysis
59. Pain. Somatic and neuropathic pain
60. Injuries in the MFA ʹ General, Classification
Buccal Spaces