30. Abscess and phlegmon of submandibular and submental lodges. Topographic and surgical anatomy, etiology, clinical features, Flashcards
Submandibular space contents
Submandibular salivary gland and lymph nodes
Anatomical boundaries and contents of the submandibular space
- Lateral=>Inferior border of the body of the mandible
- Medial=>Anterior belly of the digastric muscle
- Posterior=> Stylohyoid ligament and the posterior belly of the digastric muscle
- Superior=> Mylohyoid and hyoglossus muscles
- Inferior=> Superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia
Common causes of submandibular abscesses
- Dental Infections=>mandibular second and third molars=>
- Especially if apices lie beneath the attachment of mylohyoid muscle
- Spread from Adjacent Spaces=> sublingual or submental spaces
Clinical presentation of a submandibular abscess
- Swelling=> submandibular area
- Induration and Redness
- Mandibular Angle=> Obliteration
- Pain and Trismus=> During palpation and moderate trismus =>involvement of the medial pterygoid muscle
How submandibular abscess treated
- Incision for Drainage=> on the skin=>
- 1 cm beneath and parallel to the inferior border of the mandible
- Exploration and Drainage=> A hemostat is inserted into the cavity =>
- To explore the space and communicate with the infected areas
- Blunt dissection along the medial surface of the mandibular bone
- Drain Placement=> After drainage, rubber drain is placed to facilitate ongoing drainage
During incision- The course of the facial artery and vein, as well as the respective branch of the facial nerve, should be considered (the incision should be made posterior to these structures).
Anatomical boundaries submental space
- Superior=>Mylohyoid muscle
- Lateral=> Anterior belly of the digastric muscle on both sides
- Inferior=>Superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia above the hyoid bone
- Superficial=> Platysma muscle and overlying skin
Submental space contents
Anterior jugular vein and submental lymph nodes
Common causes of submental abscesses
- Dental Infections:=> mandibular anterior teeth
- Spread from Adjacent Spaces=> mental, sublingual, or submandibular spaces
Clinical presentation of a submental abscess
- Swelling=>Indurated and painful submental edema
- Spread=>as far as the hyoid bone
How submental abscess treated
- Incision for Drainage=>
- on skin beneath the chin, in a horizontal direction and parallel to the anterior border of the chin
- Drainage=> same as other abscesses
Potential complications of untreated submandibular and submental abscesses
- Spread of Infection= contiguous spaces, potentially leading to more severe infections
- => Ludwig’s angina
- Airway Obstruction
- Systemic Infections=>sepsis