social learning theory Flashcards
what is the social learning theory ?
Emphasizes the importance of observing and imitating when learning behavior. It considers how both environmental and cognitive factors interact to influence human learning and behavior.
who proposed social learning theory ?
albert bandura
what two approaches does the slt combine ?
behaviorist and cognitive
what are the mediational processes ?
attention , retention , reproduction and motivation
what does the mediational process-attention- refer to ?
the individual observes the behavior and pays attention to it
what does the mediational process-retention- refer to?
how well the behavior is remembered
what does the mediational process-reproduction- refer to?
ability to perform behavior since we can be limited by physical ability.
what does the mediational process-motivation- refer to?
the will to perform behavior
is vicarious reinforcement direct or indirect ?
what is vicarious reinforcement ?
you observe someone’s consequences for doing something and desire the same outcome so imitate their behavior
what did bandura say about role models?
we sometimes observe them and encode their behavior to then imitate it they’re also usually someone we think portray ourselves in some way
if someone’s punished for an action are we more or less likely to imitate it ?
less likely
what is identification ?
entification involves adopting behaviours shown by a role model, because they have a quality the individual would like to possess.
or they see qualities of themselves in them
how do identification and imitation differ ?
identification is usually adopting a number of behaviors whereas imitation is a single behavior
what research did bandura do ?
bobo doll experiment
when was first bobo doll experiment ?
when was second bobo doll experiment ?
what were the three conditions in the first bobo doll experiment ?
condition one = calm adult alone in room
condition two = aggressive adult
condition three= children playing alone in room (controlled group)
what happened in the first bobo doll experiment ?
condition one = calm adult alone in room , children entered and played alongside adult.
condition two = aggressive adult , children entered and played alongside adult who verbally and physically abused a bobo doll
condition three= children playing alone in room (controlled group) stayed the same
then children were separated from adult remained in their groups and were told to play alone (without adult)
conclusions of 1961 bobo doll experiment
condition one = children with calm adult were the most calm in separate room after experiment
condition two = children with aggressive adult were also aggressive in alone room
condition three= children playing alone in room (controlled group) remained the same
what can we infer from 1961 bobo doll experiment ?
the children observed aggressive or calm behavior from the role model and imitated it in separate room
what happened in 1963 bobo doll experiment ?
children were showed a video of an adult acting aggressively towards a bobo doll. one group were showed the man being punished one were being showed the man being praised and there group saw no response to the behavior.
conclusions of 1963 bobo doll experiment
group who saw adult praised would’ve experienced vicarious reinforcement and acted aggressively
what did 1961 bobo doll experiment illustrate ?
learning through observation and imitation (mediational processes)
what did 1963 bobo doll experiment illustrate ?
vicarious reinforcement
what are the assumptions of the SLT?
- behaviour is learned through experience ( a posteriori)
- learning can be direct and indirect
- learning can be through imitation
what are mediational processes?
cogntiive factors that influence learning and come between stimulus and response
does role model have to be physically present?
what is identification?
wyhen observer assiociates themself with a role model and wants to be like that role model
what must be present for learning to happen?
cognitive process, the mediational processes
does the learned act have to be done immdeiatley
no they can learn and then wait
does the learned act have to be done immdeiatley
no they can learn and then wait
Strengths of SLT
- acknowledges free will and is not as deterministic as the behaviourist approach, for example it acknowledges we have free choice in deciding whether we repeat a learned action and when we do it, its not an automatic process. This is a strength because it accuratly reflects how we view free will in society and has positive implications, responsibility for actions.
- Can explain cultural differences and attitudes towards gender. it shows how we learn from the interactions and observations of the people around us and because we are observing different people we have different view points. This is a beter explanatin than biological which would assume gender is universal. More succesfully allows us to understand differences in gender and culture.
Weaknesses of SLT
- one disadvantage of SLT, is that the research support is a lab study and was prone to demand charcetoristics, the children may have been behaving how they thought they should behave not showing the process of learning, therefore we dont fully understand how children learn agressive behaviour
- ignores bioloy - the boys were consistently more agressive than females- perhaps this is due to hormone levels - they have more testosterone which is associated with agression - this means that SLT doesnt acount for this and thus doesntly fully explain human behaviour
summary A01
difference between the first two and last two meditaional processes
first two are the learning of the behaviour
last two are the performance of the behaviour