psychopathology - definitions of abnormality Flashcards
what are the definitions of abnormality?
statistical infrequency
deviation from social norms
deviation from ideal mental health
failure to function adequately
define statistical infrequency
This definition defines a person as abnormal when they are experiencing uncommon behaviours. Any relatively usual behaviour for this definition makes a person normal. For example, IQ, most people will cluster around the average however when we increase IQ and decrease we are met with less people – the abnormal.
Deviation from social norms
In everyday life we naturally observe and define certain people behaviour as abnormal. This is most common when they’re straying away from what is accepted and expected from society. Collectively in society we make judgments about what is right/wrong. For example, saying thank you to a bus driver. When a person’s begins to extremely deviate from what is socially ‘normal’ for this definition that would mean they’re abnormal. This could be drinking alcohol at work or not going to work without a reason.
Deviation from ideal mental health
Proposed by Jahoda in 1958 as an attempt to bring a positive outlook to mental health and instead of defining what makes a person abnormal gave 6 criteria that makes a person ‘normal’.
what are the criteria for ideal ment6al health?
- Can cope with stress
- Good self esteem
- Can achieve self-actualisation
- Accurate perception of reality
- environmental mastery - can adapt to new environments
- Belief in self autonomy
Failure to function adequately
A person could cross the line of normality when they are unable to cope with the demands of everyday life and cannot reach these demands adequately. For example, they cannot maintain the standards of nutrition and hydergine or they cannot go to work on time etc.
evaluate deviation from social norms
o There isn’t any universally accepted social laws. What is accepted from one culture could be the opposite to another. The subjective nature of this definition means that there is no one singular abnormal person and it becomes difficult acknowledge who is abnormal and who is following their culture. For example, period parties.
o Could abuse peoples right to be different
- people can follow norms and be unwell
- easy to identify
evaluate deviation from ideal mental health
o Unrealistic high standard of mental health that not many people would be able to achieve, from this definition more people would be diagnosed as abnormal not allowing us to see and thus help those in need.
o The criteria are culture bound to western ideology. For example, the emphasis on personal achievement which could be seen as self-indulgent by non-western cultures who could prefer to help community and family. Thus, doesn’t apply to everyone.
o Quick and easy to use we can quickly observe who is abnormal and get them help
evaluate failure to function adequately
o There is an objective way to measure weather someone is failing to function adequality for example, the global assessment of function or GAF. This means those who need help can be quickly and accurately identified.
o Some people are able to function adequately whilst suffering from mental health illness. This definition would not value and recognise the struggles of these people meaning it is not a helpful definition.
o To asses whether someone is functioning adequately it would take subjective opinion and interpretation. Some would find certain things not normal but others wouldn’t.
evaluate statistical infrequency
o Unusual characteristics can be positive, having a high IQ does not make a person ‘abnormal’ nor does it an uncommon feature of a person make them require treatment to become normal. This limitation means it is less useful because not necessarily everyone who has a rare trait needs help. It would require a further definition to decide this.
in ‘deviation from social norms’ how do we learn the types of social norms
internal - we just know - holding the door open for someone
external - something we must learn
mental health disorder associated with deviation from social norms
APD - anti personality disorder - social behavior that does not fit with the norms of society because because they do not feel empathy in the same way as people without APD
only effects 1.5% of people in the UK it is rare and therefore for this definition abnormal
what ways is failure to function adequetly assessed?
- Quantitative Test - GAF - global assessment of functioning
- Behavioral indications
what ways is failure to function adequately assessed?
- Quantitative Test - GAF - global assessment of functioning
- Behavioral indications
what are the behavioral indications that someone is not functioning?
observer discomfort - making people around them uncomfortable
unpredictable and irrational
mental health illness associated with functioning definitions