Relationships - sexual selection Flashcards
what is sexual selection based off?
what is evolution?
The change in the physiological/psychological traits of organisms over generations for survival benefits
what is sexual selection?
an evolutionary explanation of partner preferences that states attributes/charectoristics which improve sexual reproduction are passed on and may become exagerrated over generations of offspring.
what is anisogamy?
the difference between male and female sex cells
what are sex cells called?
describe the male sex cell.
sperm - very small - fast - requires little energy to produce and theyre created in vast quantities making them able to reproduce quickly
describe the female sex cell
the egg/ova - large - static and produce at intervals over fertile years - and require more energy than sperm to produce - they’re seen as rare source
what are the types of sexual selection
inter and intra
what is intra-sexual slection
this is stratergies between the sexes - what males do o get with females
what is inter-sexual selection
this is within the sexes- the female prefered methpd
who is more choosy of the sexual partners?
why are females picky about their sexual partners?
- ova are rarer than sperm and require more energy to reproduce
- ## consequences are much greater for female since they have the risks of child birth and intensity of pregnancy which prevents them reproducing for another year
what is the females optimum mating stratergy (who do they want to get with)?
selecting a genetically fit male who is willing and able to provide resources. Males will then compete for the female
what determines male traits that are passed down
females will mate with men they deem as fit and the features these fit males will be passed down to their offspring
explain the evolution of tall males
- women think tall males are fit for reproducing
- over generations tallness would incrase in males because females mate with them
- over time males will be taller
what sexes preffered mating strategy is inter-sexual slection?
females - quality over quanitity
what mating strategy do males prefer?
males - quantity over quality
explain quanity over quality
male mating method
- males should mate with as many females as they can
- this is because of the little effort it takes to produce sperm
- they have a lack of post-coital responsibility so can just move on
explain intra-sexual selection in males
- men compete to mate with a female.
- the winner reproduces and passes on their genes
what has intra-sexual selection given rise too
dimorphism - differences in females and males in terms of size
what are the psychological concequences of intra-sexual selection
- for males to compete for women they may benefit from being agressive
what is the male sexual prefernce
- youth because it suggests fertility
- curvy women because theyll have less problems in child birth
mating preference for females
they prefer older males because they suggest security and resources for their children
what was clark and hatfields research?
male and female psychology students were asked to go around a uni campus to approach other students and say ‘ive been noticing you around, will you have sex with me’ . 0% of females said yes but 75% of males said yes.
what is oestrus
a period of fertility in females
the link between males and oestrus
an evolutionary advantage males have developed is an ability to know when a female is in oestrus. This is so he can know when she is fertile and have sex with her to reproduce.
a01 summary of evolutionary explanations for partner preference
- evolution
- anisogamy
- inter/intra sexual slection
- males and oestrus
what was millers research?
miller had strip dancers on and off the pill (in and out of oestrus) calculate how many tips they had. Found they had more tips when they was off the pill and in oestus this suggests males CAN detect it. There is an evolutionary proponent to partner preferences.
Evaluate evolutionary explanation for partner preferences
+ miller
+ clark + hatfield
- heterosexually centred AND OFFENCIVE TO WOMEN