SI - adorno Flashcards
- interested in peoples obedience during the holocaust
- argued high obedience could be classified as a psychological disorder
- wanted to pin down the personality that is obedient and condluded it is the authoritarian personality
what was adornos sample?
2000 white middle class males
asked the males to complete various questions that aimed to delve into their unconscious beliefs about race and gender
the central questionnaire was the F scale / fascist scale
example question from fascist scale
’ obedience and respect for authority are important values that children must learn’ how far do you agree
people who valued authority identified strong people and looked down on those they deemed as weaker than them
they were very aware of their statues and other people
having fixed, distincitive views on gender and race
for the authoritatiarn personality what is there a strong correlation betwene
authoritarian p and prejudice
what are the authoritarian characteristics
- especially obedient
- respect for authority and submissive to it
- highly controversial attitudes towards sex and race and gender
- believe we need strong and powerful leaders
- inflexible outlook - black and white cognitive thinking
what is the origin of the authoritarian personality?
- ## childhood because of harsh parenting
the parenting style of someone who develops AP
- high stndards
- loyalty
- conditional love that depends on how the child behaves
what is the psychodynamic aspect of adorno
- the parenting style creates resentment in the child
- but they cannot take this out on parents as they fear them
- so they displace their frustration on people they see as weaker
- this explains the maltreatment to people they see as weaker or inferior
what type of explanation is adornos?
what attitudes was adorno researchiing
evaluate authoritarian p
+ theory is based on a large sample
- sample bias
- milgram and elms
- only a correlation
- alternative exaplantion
what did milgram and elms find?
did interviews on people who were obedient and scored highly on the F scale to find that there was a correlation
adorno conlusions
people with the authroirtarian personality are more obedient