Skinny viral II Flashcards
What are the symptoms of smallpox?
Enanthem and Exanthem (lesions)
What body parts are smallpox rashes seen on? What is distinct about the evolution, relative to other rashes like chickenpox?
Mouth (enanthem stage)
Palms and soles, body (exanthem stage)
There is a synchronous evolution of lesions
What is the causative agent of smallpox? Family? Genome?
Variola virus
Poxviridae family
What is the distribution of the small pox rash?
Centrifugal distribution
What type of rash is smallpox?
Firm vesicles to pustules
Where does variola virus replicate?
in cytoplasm
How is smallpox transmitted? (3)
Contact with lesion
air in close spaces
How long are individuals considered infectious with smallpox?
Until all scabs have separated from lesions (a monthish)
What are the complications of smallpox? (2) Fatality rate?
death (30%)
What does the smallpox vaccine contain?
Live strain of vaccinia virus
another poxvirus
What are the complications of the smallpox vaccine?
Eczema vaccinatum
What is the difference in distribution of smallpox vs chickenpox?
Smallpox = centrifugal (limbs > trunk)
Chickenpox = centripetal (trunk > limbs)
What is the evolution difference between smallpox and chickenpox?
Smallpox has synchronous lesions
Not for the chicken
What is the treatment for smallpox?
What is rubeloa?
Another name for Measles
What is the rash seen in measles? How does it start/spread?
Starts from head, down
What are the four prodrome symptoms of measles?
Koplik spots
What is the family of measles virus? Genome? Enveloped? How many types?
One type
What is the gene that measles virus has the allows for fusion?
F protein
How is measles transmitted?
Respiratory droplets
How contagious is measles? Why?
Very because can live in air for 2 hours
How do you clinically diagnose measles? (2)
Koplik spots + characteristic rash >3 days,