Poultry infectious diseases Flashcards
What are some of the most important diseases in poultry in the UK?
*Infectious bronchitis
*Chicken anaemia virus
*Marek’s disease
What are notifiable diseases of poultry + pigeons?
*Avian influenza
*Newcastle disease
*Pigeon paramyxovirus
What type of virus is avian influenza + newcastle?
AIV = orthomyxovirus
NDV = paramyxovirus
Why are AIV + NDV dangerous?
Both = highly infectious + high mortality
What type of influenza is of veterinary importance?
Type A
(Types B+C irrelevant)
How is the subtype of influenza defined?
‘Spike’ glycoproteins
-Haemagglutinin H
-Neuraminidase N
e.g. H5N1
What sub type of avian influenza is associated with high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI)?
H5 + H7 viruses
Where does avian influenza replicate? What does it cause?
Respiratory + GIT
Causes necrosis, congestion + haemorrhage
What clinical signs does avian influenza cause?
*Death without obvious signs sometimes
*Respiratory distress
*Lack of appetite + emaciation
*Drop in egg production
*Severe + diverse neuro signs
What is the clinical signs influenced by?
-Pathotype, strain, dose, infection route
-Species, age, sex, immunity, stress
-Macro / micro-environment
What lesions are seen with avian influenza?
*Mottling haemorrhage of pancreas
*Hyperplasia + necrosis of spleen
*swollen kidneys
*cyanosis of comb, wattles + shanks
*Tracheal, intestinal + mesenteric haemorrhages
What wild birds act as a reservoir for avian influenza?
How is avian influenza diagnosed?
*Clinical signs + increased mortality
*Virus isolation in eggs
How is the virus killed outside the host?
Phenol, Formalin, UV
How is Influenza spread?
*Aerosol, respiratory excretions, faecal excretions